Question about war pending state


my faction is war pending at this moment, the influences are matched exactly, but the war has not started.

My question is simple. Does making missions at this moment for one of those factions any effect in the war at the first day it starts?

Regards and thank you for your help.
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I've not noticed any effects on the first day's outcome caused by actions during the pending days.... but feel free to give it a try to see what happens. Of course, you'd have to not do anything on the first day itself to be able to tell if the pending actions produced an effect.
No it doesn't, any actions during pending war / election have no effect on position at start of conflict. As your influence is also locked to the other faction, any influence actions have no effect and also lost.

Pending conflict = go do something else until the war / election actually starts
If for some reason you aren't max-allied with the faction you're wanting to help, you can of course still do missions for them to gain the +rep, as well as gain the credits if you're in need of those. But they will offer no +inf points, even if the mission description says they do.
we had very little time after we won a civil war to take the big boy slot in the system, to do missions before before we got hit by this pending war ^_- also the other player faction trying to muscle in (ha try it guy's ive built me a hudson gunship which will be doing house calls on some of your bases at some time today) their war with the system under-dogs made my mission givers dissapear but the missions hve not failed timer is on zero so i assume they will re-appear when the war is over,
i am supposed to be puttting an influence gap between us & these imperial fliths but i cant now as all i can do now is join this player factions enemy in our system (the npc faction we just had civil war with =)
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