Question on how I can set up park speakers throughout the park and how to set up fireworks displays

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well. I have some questions that I am in need of help regarding to when setting up Park Speakers around the park and Fireworks Displays. I tried watching some youtube tutorials on how to but I’m still a bit confused about it

So for the park speakers, first question, how do I set up park speakers around the park so that as you’re going through the park, like through the entrance, the shops, the rides, and etc, the music can be heard everywhere and throughout the park?

Second question regarding to the park speakers is adding music, So when I add music to the park speakers, either if it’s from my user music or the game music, how do I make sure that the same music that I put on one park speaker is being played on different park speakers as well so that as I said the same music that I have playing, will be heard throughout the park?

Fireworks Display Question

So you know how at a park, for example Disney, before the fireworks starts, there are pre music songs that plays before the fireworks starts and then once the fireworks starts, the actual song is being played along with the fireworks. So my question regarding to that is, how do I add pre-music before the fireworks starts?

And then when the fireworks starts, how do I make sure that the song from my user music that I added in the display sequencer or speaker is connected to the fireworks so like in other words to make sure the fireworks are synced with the song and is playing along with the song?

And quick question, is it possible that you can add a sequencer for the park speakers for that one song that you want it to be played throughout the park in the day time and then another one for the night time one for the fireworks as well? but to make sure that both, the one for day time and the one for night time are both being heard throughout the park?

Any advice on the questions I asked would help! Apologies if these are a lot of questions, I’ve been playing this game for quite a while but still got some ways to go to become good at it, as well as trying to learn how to do these things. Thanks!!
Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well. I have some questions that I am in need of help regarding to when setting up Park Speakers around the park and Fireworks Displays. I tried watching some youtube tutorials on how to but I’m still a bit confused about it

So for the park speakers, first question, how do I set up park speakers around the park so that as you’re going through the park, like through the entrance, the shops, the rides, and etc, the music can be heard everywhere and throughout the park?

Second question regarding to the park speakers is adding music, So when I add music to the park speakers, either if it’s from my user music or the game music, how do I make sure that the same music that I put on one park speaker is being played on different park speakers as well so that as I said the same music that I have playing, will be heard throughout the park?

Fireworks Display Question

So you know how at a park, for example Disney, before the fireworks starts, there are pre music songs that plays before the fireworks starts and then once the fireworks starts, the actual song is being played along with the fireworks. So my question regarding to that is, how do I add pre-music before the fireworks starts?

And then when the fireworks starts, how do I make sure that the song from my user music that I added in the display sequencer or speaker is connected to the fireworks so like in other words to make sure the fireworks are synced with the song and is playing along with the song?

And quick question, is it possible that you can add a sequencer for the park speakers for that one song that you want it to be played throughout the park in the day time and then another one for the night time one for the fireworks as well? but to make sure that both, the one for day time and the one for night time are both being heard throughout the park?

Any advice on the questions I asked would help! Apologies if these are a lot of questions, I’ve been playing this game for quite a while but still got some ways to go to become good at it, as well as trying to learn how to do these things. Thanks!!
Also by the way, this is for the PC version
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