Quick question regarding powerplay combat:


1: I was hoping for a little clarification on a couple of things... are NPCs that bear opposing faction names under their designations NOT supposed to give you merits? Because yesterday I was at a station in "enemy territory" and as I was leaving, I was aggressively scanned by NPCs bearing Mahon's name under their designation. I went out to 8km, they were still scanning and asking what I had. So I showed them: 2x overload seeker missile bays and an overcharged multicannon ;) BUT back to the topic, after cooking one the other ran away, but I didn't get any merits when I checked. I thought I was supposed to get 30?

2: Also are the "federal agents" you commonly see at nav beacons NOT official Federation NPCs that count toward merits? Because I killed one of those as well and nothing. I've watched tutorials so I know about diplomat type NPCs but I don't have any room, mount or power or heat wise, for an interdictor. Are those diplomats the ONLY source of these merits? Because I'd really rather causually bump into and destroy enemy NPCs rather than go on the hunt specifically.
Is the system you're in listed as controlled? As far as I remember you don't get merits if the system is merely exploited.
Aw man you're saying the system status matters too? I was so excited to start blasting that I must have skipped reading about that part. SO I need to shoot these guys down in controlled systems only, got it. Thanks!
Check out reddit for the power you're supporting, where they'll have target systems listed - even if you don't want to actively join in their community, you can then at least know you're swimming with the tide, rather than against it...
In order to earn merits for the power you have pledged you must go in an enemy controlled system, not their capital headquarter or exploited, then kill the ships belonging to such power. Usually they are clean (so you get powerplay bounty on your ship if system isn't anarchy), whilst other powers' ships are wanted and give bounties as other wanted ships do (credits for you) but not merits.

Enemy ships are found at the beacon, RES, supercruise, etc or conflict zones in case of weaponized expansions.
This is one of the reasons why PowerPlay is dead to me. You can only shoot opposing power ships for creds in control systems, heck, if you see one of the bad guys anywhere you should be able to snuff ‘em and be rewarded.

And why are none of ‘em ever wanted even though most are robbers and crooks? Just read their comms!
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