Quiet galaxy - the decline of GalNet

Rise, fall & rise again of GalNet being what it is, rumors abound in the Game Developer 'industry'.. as to how developers are headlong into figuring how to inject (or even hand over) game 'narrative' to current level Artificial Intelligence (AI).... my guess is FDev are also looking into leveraging latest AI into their titles..... GalNet could be a paradise for AI with all the depths of data the core game produces, and that could be speedily wrangled by AI into a believable narrative 'stream' consumed by commanders via GalNet. 🤔

I had been thinking maybe I ought to have read Galnet more in the past and should certainly support it more in the future, now I am not so sure.
I had been thinking maybe I ought to have read Galnet more in the past and should certainly support it more in the future, now I am not so sure.
I would absolutely recommend you read as much of it as you can.
The tinfoil hat mafia is always accepting members
I actually kind of like that they’re using the in-game mailbox to deliver narrative updates.
It’s a nice reminder about how the PF and EPF are secretive organizations- which, by the way, I feel like the narrative team have yet to exploit for PP (Empire, Federation, etc as opposed to E/PF) purposes

The in-game mailbox updates are great, I definitely appreciate them.

The use of social media to deliver narrative content, not so much.
I'd also like to see a chart showing what % of galnet stories have been related to the azimuth saga vs something else in the past 2-3 years. It's not that galnet is dying, but since it only talks about the AX stuff it feels like the rest of the galaxy is dead and there's nothing going on. Thargoids might as well have burnt the bubble then.
Ended up making this:

Source: https://youtu.be/XApvypIlghE

Very low effort and I'm sure it could be presented better, but it seemed like the easiest way to show how thargoids have taken over galnet by storm.
There are many unfinished matters at present, both war and non-war! I avoided posting here some of the recent Galnet because they were short updates with nothing new to discuss, but I am on the look-out for:
  • Anything further with Jin-ae and the inconclusive visit to Utopia.
  • How the rescued Titan survivors are doing.
  • The Winters inauguration.
  • Whether Commanders are needed for anything to do with Rhea 3 earthquakes.
Around the start of 3310, those stories seemed to be a well-enough mix of non-war items. I considered Torval Mining and Zemina's senate return to have concluded, although I suspected we may have not heard the last from Kaine and Yong-Rui at the Alliance Assembly.
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