Raiding Mega-Barnacles (U17 Spoilers, duh)

So, with U17 we've now got a bunch of "things" around the spire sites that old mate Palin has an interest in.... of course, getting them isn't that straightforward, but thanks to @MVBanks and some other tips from people, I think I have a reasonably repeatable way to get things (from the megabarnies, at least!). Spires are also doable, but haven't got a repeatable mechanism to post (Yet!)

What you need for this is:
  • A well-armoured ship (I use an Anaconda)
  • An SRV
  • Yourself (pref with a suit and some decent jetpacking, so artemis suit likely best for this... yet to see a use for the plasma cutter here)

First up, drop in using wing glide to get as close as possible. The banshees will light up the sky with AA fire; these are tough nuggets and I'm yet to kill one even in my AX combat conda. Land as close to the megabarnie as possible.

Land, get out in your SRV (making sure you set sys to 4 pips before disembarking, and hot-tail it to the underside of the megabarnacle. Keep your ship around for now, as it'll draw fire from the Banshee patrolling the megabarnacle perimiter. However, revenants will engage your SRV so be fast, or try to avoid them, noting the Banshee will soon lose interest in your ship and come for you.

Once you're under the megabarnacle, you're looking for something looking like this (credit to @MVBanks):

It has two entrances, and a deep recess, which your SRV can slip into. If you haven't done so already, dismiss your ship (otherwise you'll come back to it at 19% hull like I did)
Once you're in there, test and adjust your SRV's position in the gap til it mostly can't be seen. If you had revenants and the banshee on your tail, they'll slowly lose interest and go back to their patrols.


Once you see the reds disappear, dismount on foot. You're then free to shoot down/release the impure/semi refined mats as needed (noting you can only carry 4t)
For the impure, shoot the sacs hanging off the ceiling to collect

For the semi-refined, use the overload on the nerve clusters opposite the node, then shoot the red node to release the cargo.

Go back to your SRV and scoop them up. Note these are corrosive, so you'll need to move fast in the SRV with 4t.

Now. Escaping. The underside of the Megabarnie is somewhat bowl-shaped... so as long as you pick a direction away from the spire complex, 4 pips to eng, 2 pips to sys, floor it and boost on out... you should be able to clear the first ravine around the megabarnie... get to the top of the hill and once you are on the flat, recall your ship.

The Banshee will almost certainly be on your tail at this point (they move fast!)... keep moving, dodge the rocks and chase down where your ship lands. Get on and boost away as fast as you can.

It's worth noting that despite the unique textures of the Impure/Semi-refined on the surface when you release them... once you scoop them they both look like the impure version if jettisoned:

This is not unlike Meta Alloys, which turn into a human cargo canister if jettisoned.
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I haven't found the hidey-hole that effective - they often seem to detect me, I need more practice and I'm sure it will come in handy.

I did one time manage to sneak my SRV under the barnie without being detected, but after I shot down one of each item it seemed like that put the Thargoids on alert and they finally spotted me. Or else I was just unlucky. Wouldn't be surprised if it alerted them - next time I'll wait a bit before proceeding :)

Nice vid from ]M[ of shooting down a Banshee - getting under them seems the trick as they have a blind spot. I unlocked my plasma rifle into one and I don't think I was anywhere near downing it (sadly my loadout didn't have a plasma pistol). Might try a dual L-6 Dom build to see if that gets anywhere - the lack of ammo is a real limiter.
Just a brief note, Interceptors react like you have Thargoid cargo on board, no surprises there.

Still waiting for the day when the reaction to something like this is the same as Meta Alloys.... Barnacles were always suspected to be leeching minerals out of the ground for Thargoids to harvest... the processes at play here don't appear too different, except they are at the same time (different structures, appearances etc)... so it's interesting that the reaction is different.
You can't stealth with a SRV against enemies that are hostile.
I find that's what makes it all a bit tiresome... they go hostile and you can hide completely out of sight but because they're hostile, they still know exactly where/how close you are and won't revert back to normal mode. The only option that works is driving miles away from the site and then driving all the way back in.
Mmmh... not so true with the Revenants and Banshees. When I went in, they definitely disengaged after I broke LOS for long enough. Hopefully when I video it I can demonstrate that effect.
The issue is that they can re-aquire you instantly from very far away (maybe there's a chance if they're looking the other way, but there's usually so many unless you thin the herd first that all angles are covered anyway).
The issue is that they can re-aquire you instantly from very far away (maybe there's a chance if they're looking the other way, but there's usually so many unless you thin the herd first that all angles are covered anyway).
That's why you get into the rock spire hide :) Like I said, break LOS long enough and you're free.
There are also different bio-scans for spires and for mega-barnacles.
This hiding place works for me every time, there is only one corner where SRV is 100% protected. Jmanis should make a video to show how it works.
There are also different bio-scans for spires and for mega-barnacles.
This hiding place works for me every time, there is only one corner where SRV is 100% protected. Jmanis should make a video to show how it works.
Just put the video up :)

For reference, 2:30 is when I enter the hide... the banshee especially tries to flush me out.
Around 3:30 you can see on scanner that all bar one have lost interest, and that last one eventually loses interest too.
Go back to your SRV and scoop them up.
Never have 9 words concealed so much frustration and death! On the whole I've got all the elements of this semi-refined spire mineral mission figured out (including the SRV hidy hole) but where I seem to be consistently failing is that having zapped the nerve clusters and shot down the things I need to scoop up. as I'm running back to the SRV's hiding place, revenants and banshees are already coming to investigate what's been going on and I almost inevitably find the SRV overwhelmed when driving back in to scoop those two minerals up. Should I just wait in the hidy hole for 5 minutes first perhaps?
I've been shooting the revs (once they calm down after I hide the SRV - a single shot with a G5 executioner will down them), so they aren't a problem (otherwise they do tend to investigate the goods). The other thing I've done a few times is 'dribble' the goods back to the SRV so I can load them up before exploding out of the hidey-hole and legging it past the banshee to extraction.
I always get rid of the banshees first thing, if you've got a grade 5 plasma weapon they're pretty easy; just stay underneath, aim for the rear ball where it meets the "engine" and boost off the ground if it drops a load of sticky bombs. You can tell if you're hitting it in the right place because it will lose large chunks of health with each shot and should take less than 10 shots total to defeat.
The revenants tend to have a habit of spawning out of the ground after you've zapped some neurons, for them I like to use the shotgun since you can fire a large spread ahead of their zippy movements and only a couple of pellets need to connect to get rid of them.
The scarab can handle one revenant at a time but if there's more than that, I jump out and use a shield grenade to protect it while taking them out.
Now I am tempted to have a go at the banshees. Last time I tried I could stay alive under them but never found the sweet spot where they took more damage than I was taking (y)

(Though just running from them works ok for me as well)
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