Rare Commodities List!

@LCU No Fool Like One has been so nice to set up a rare-alert channel on the Canonn Alert Discord server (a discord server just for automated alerts if something is found, not the Canonn Groups server). beside alerting whenever Avian Cheese is available on the Gnosis
- alerts whenever Gilya Signature Weapons, Borasetani Pathogenics or HIP 118311 Swarm get available by the controlling faction suffer a state of Pirate Attack.

invite to the alert channel: https://discord.gg/hrAF7Wh48N
Since 30th October I've been working to bring the Gilya Law Party (GLP) back to power in the Gilya system to restore the almost mythical rare good 'Gilya Signature Weapons' to the market. It starterd with the GLP on only 9% influence and the Fireflies on 55%. An election and two wars later, I am pleased to announce that today I succeeded and the rare good is back on the market!
one rare good back in regular production!
Wow, this thread has stood the test of time!

That Spanish Tourister link is great. What it needs, though, is some way of determining which system you should sell at to get the best price - is it still the same mechanic where the best price is around 140LY from the source?

My spreadsheet (linked on page 15, back in 2014!) did that. I suppose all I need to do is paste in the list from the Spanish Tourister, and so long as I have all the systems in the 20k list (Colonia is not on there but.... I think I'll skip that one for now) then it will work!

Since EDDN has all the data, I guess all that information is available. I'd just need to figure out how to extract it and paste it into my sheet. Or is there already a source of this information, preferably along with distance from jump point to station? I don't enjoy too many long supercruise runs.

I don't know if rares are a competitive way of making money, but I think I will do this just for old times' sake.
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Here's quite a nice loop.

And on my spreadsheet, you sell when you're at the system on the left and the number in the column under the source is cyan green or yellow.

So when you get to Karsuki Ti, you sell the stuff from Any Na, Toxandji and Ngurii.
I've stripped out the systems that I know are a long way from the jump point to the station. There might be some in there that are new to me and I don't have that data.

If you don't have the cargo space, you might want to cut out some of the Lave-adjacent systems as you will fill up rapidly there!
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No colours on mine but I put all rares in, then put it through Spansh for a salesman's route.

Final step was to sell as soon as you went over 140ly. This creates a few bottlenecks as you can see.

The list includes ALL stations inc those far away from the star (like Hutton) and Sothis & Colonia.

Kamitra Cigars... I can't sell them at this independent mining colony. I'd expect that at Federal systems, but surely miners like a smoke! Why don't they show up on the Sell lscreen? I'm at MA Manufacturing Silo, on HR 6836 BC 2 A.

EDIT: Ah, it's Corporate. Sorry!
Any idea why I can't dock at Frost Dock to get these? I'm in a medium size ship.
You can take a look into the journal which does have the reason. You also get a text in the upper left but not alwyas with the reason:
    "timestamp": "2022-12-09T13:48:45Z",
    "event": "ReceiveText",
    "From": "Van Scyoc Vision",
    "Message": "$DockingFailed_Distance:#distance=7500;",
    "Message_Localised": "Docking request denied: please approach to 7500m",
    "Channel": "npc"
    "timestamp": "2022-12-09T13:48:45Z",
    "event": "DockingDenied",
    "Reason": "Distance",
    "MarketID": 3228279808,
    "StationName": "Van Scyoc Vision",
    "StationType": "Coriolis"
    "timestamp": "2022-12-16T19:28:11Z",
    "event": "ReceiveText",
    "From": "Hutton Orbital",
    "Message": "$STATION_docking_denied;",
    "Message_Localised": "Docking request denied.",
    "Channel": "npc"
    "timestamp": "2022-12-16T19:28:11Z",
    "event": "DockingDenied",
    "Reason": "NoSpace",
    "MarketID": 3228728832,
    "StationName": "Hutton Orbital",
    "StationType": "Outpost"
Other reasons might be:
journal manual said:
Reasons include: NoSpace, TooLarge, Hostile, Offences, Distance, ActiveFighter, NoReason
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Thanks! That was it. EDDiscovery shows the detail, should have thought to check it.

I was in solo, so if it happens again I'll see if I can destroy the NPC with my QTD.
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Engineering question.
Do later applications of the same engineering upgrade to another ship take less "applications" of the button that fills up the circle? This appears to be a thing by observation but it might be an illusion.

If so is it general, is it per modification, or is it per level of modification? In other words, do later applications of "Frame Shift Drive Increased Range Grade 4" for example take fewer applications than the first one?
Engineering question.
Do later applications of the same engineering upgrade to another ship take less "applications" of the button that fills up the circle? This appears to be a thing by observation but it might be an illusion.

If so is it general, is it per modification, or is it per level of modification? In other words, do later applications of "Frame Shift Drive Increased Range Grade 4" for example take fewer applications than the first one?
i think this post isn't in the right thread - this thread deals with rare commodities.
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