Rare material drop rate

Hello all.

This one will be quick. So I understand you uped the drop ratio for materials from 1 to 3, but the drop rate seems quite low. I farmed for 6 to 7 hours for Chemical Manipulators and didn't get a single set. Now, I'm not sure if it's just me, or I'm doing something wrong. But that's way to much time for many gamers. I have all the time in the world to game, but many don't. Some feedback on this will be nice, and if I'm doing something wrong please let me know. I wouldn't want to send you guys a suggestion if it's a problem on my end.
Where are you farming? The sure fire way is to kill T9s in a "Commodity Required" POI. Just make sure you pick an anarchy for that.
Forgive my ignorance but. POI? What's that?

Edit: Better question. What do you mean by "Commodity Required" POI?
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Point of Interest. In systems under certain states you will find a signal source saying something like "Seeking Weapons", "Seeking Luxuries", "Seeking Medicine" depending on the state of war, boom or plague. These will be collections of T9s, sometimes with escorts. Shooting trade ships gives you the bet chance of getting Chemical Manipulators (T6, T7, T9, Keelback, some Pythons, Clippers, Asps) and the bigger the ship the better the chance.

I prefer to hunt smugglers at Nav Beacons and have gotten quite a few Manipulators that way and it feels less mean than turkey shooting T9s in a SS.

The SS is more reliable because the T9s are always there and the SS respawns as long as the system is in that state. Just make sure you choose an anarchy unless you don't mind accruing bounties.
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