RCT 3 PC RCT lawsuit now in England's House of Lords.


That is the link to the latest update and it looks favorable for Chris to win. As a fellow artists, I cannot stress how important it is for Publisher's to treat talented individuals as a goldmine rather than a cash cow to be tossed away.
Now I don't know all the particulars of this, but if that is Atari's stance, it wreaks. Farnkly if Chris had Frontier do a demo to help sell the platform, Atari should have been thanking him, rather than stiffing the guy.

Honestly, folks, I hope Chris does get his money due him...period. Either way, this thing seems to be winding down pretty fast now, and someone will finish it up fairly quickly.

The sad thing actually is that while Chris was hurt by this, think of the many folks and their families who lost jobs because of it, and even worse than that, the millions who have been blatently ignored. That's why I say the heck with it all, TPB3D and full steam ahead. The future belongs to those willing to exercise it. A new quote for 2007....ye gotta love em.
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You know that honestly the sad things is that it never should have gotten to this point. Oh well, its time to move on and build a better future for everyone, even professional devs too as we don't want to leave anyone behind ;)
On the RCT3 lawsuit...its a real tangled Octopus!

Is there any new information?

Nope, not a thing, at least not yet. But the future is coming...piece by piece.

If the RCT platform ever does revive again :rolleyes: I would hope their spider type rides will have spinning pods and tubs. The main thing spider type rides are known for are the flailing arms and spinning tubs, otherwise the ride degenerates to a wobbly sort of twist or scrambler and nothing more if even that.
If the RCT platform ever does revive again :rolleyes: I would hope their spider type rides will have spinning pods and tubs. The main thing spider type rides are known for are the flailing arms and spinning tubs, otherwise the ride degenerates to a wobbly sort of twist or scrambler and nothing more if even that.

I hope there is a new one.
This is the latest on the case, from a couple of weeks ago--

Basically it says nothing is going to happen until next year.

If you read the actual ruling, it basically says Atari can appeal to the House of Lords because the law might change before then, but Atari has basically zero chance of winning if the law doesn't.
Thanks on that finding.

Looks like they will probably goto trial and that means RCT3 in limbo for years :D where it belongs! Besides Atari forgot to have David and Frontier give us an official Beach scenario and payback's a Beach!
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