RCT 3 PC RCT3 Platinum (Disc) under Windows 10 (64-bit) can't capture videos

I have been an avid RCT fan since the first game, and have created several full working parks with lasershows and or fireworks shows etc, with a lot of detail in the parks. I have been making rider-perspective videos from the ingame video creator (Ctrl + Alt + F11) but recently, I haven't been able to create videos with a longer duration than 12 or 15 seconds, before the video auto-stops for no good reason. Does the video-capture software in the game now no longer work or does it not work under the current build of Windows 10 (64-bit)? Should I have a dedicated computer other than my Windows 10 64-bit PC to run and capture videos of RCT3 Platinum Edition? Should I run it under unpatched Windows 7 64-bit instead to get a similar graphics environment to when it was working last? Please any help would be appreciated with this, RCT3 Platinum is still my favorite PC game, and I have 6 full parks to make videos from, all high detail, but can't at the moment under Windows 10 64-bit for some reason. Thanks!


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Ooops, I meant to say (Ctrl + Shift + F11) for starting and stoping video capture ingame, not (Ctrl + Alt + F11)! hehe


The Moderator who shall not be Blamed....
Volunteer Moderator
Hi Did it work before under W10 or have you recently upgraded?
I was running RCT3P under Windows 7 (64-bit) for years and the game ran fine (with some crashes under heavy detail conditions but that is to be expected considering the original hardware limitations etc.), and I could capture video of the rides ingame frame by frame, and did for years, until about January this year, when video captures stopped without warning from about 12 secs into the video to maybe 2 mins worth of video before the game hit an auto-stop and the video would stop capturing without warning. I upgraded to Windows 10 shortly after, and while th game does run under Win10 64bit, I still cannot capture videos longer than about 15 secs or so when the game abruptly stops the video without warning. So I am not sure reinstalling Windows 7 would fix it at this point, I am beginning to think it's the new version directX or something... but not sure since I am not a tech. Oh, and I did reinstall Win7 before Win10 and tried with a fresh install of Win7 before upgrading to Win10 but got the same results.

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One more quick note to clarify: when the game autostopped the videos without my intervention, the game itself did not crash, it kept running fine, just the video capture was interrupted without me interrupting it by hitting Shift + Ctrl + F11 to stop the video.
ok so, in the time passed since my last post, I disabled a bunch of Windows 10 settings that keep Windows slower, such as the privacy settings, etc., and notice a performance boost in the game itself, and I managed to capture a video over 5 minutes but that was on a less dense map that the more advanced maps I was trying. the video's quality seems slightly faster than normal game time, and the video was just an overhead map view for testing, not an actual ride video which I intend to try next. I notice on the Information about RCT3 tab that it mentions "Portions Utilize Microsoft Windows Media Technologies", which leads me to believe the newest version isn't exactly compatible or handles the request to make .WMV videos differently under Windows 10. I tried running the game under the simulated windows 7 environment but it didn't help. Anybody else got any suggestions? Because I really hate the sequel, Roller Coaster Tycoon World that wasn't made with Frontier but by another company, and while it's interesting, it's also missing ALOT of what Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Platinum has to offer, and you can't make videos of the ride experiences without using 3rd party video capture tech, so I guess I will have to wait until Planet Coaster comes along and maybe it will be better than RCTW at emulating what we love about RCT3... the sheer number of ride possibilities, and ingame video capture, easy to use building tools, etc...
Ok, just made a coaster video in RCT3P, and it seems the newer version of those MS Windows Media Technologies makes the video capture at nearly full speed instead of slowly and more detail like it used to make the .wmv videos frame by frame, and now making videos is much faster on the same old hardware, GTX 580, I would be willing to bet the video quality would be better on a GTX 980 or GTX 1080 system with a newer CPU and the same amount of RAM... Problem solved by disabling spying tech built into Windows 10, like the privacy settings, etc, disable all the background crap you can, Win10 comes with a lot of MS spying on us unnecessarily, and I very much recommend disabling those settings for a performance boost. On a GTX 980+ system this probably isn't an issue performance-wise, but even those systems would probably benefit from disabling as much as you can that you don't need running in the background. Time for me to start thinking about a new PC, heh. have fun all!
Ok, just made a coaster video in RCT3P, and it seems the newer version of those MS Windows Media Technologies makes the video capture at nearly full speed instead of slowly and more detail like it used to make the .wmv videos frame by frame, and now making videos is much faster on the same old hardware, GTX 580, I would be willing to bet the video quality would be better on a GTX 980 or GTX 1080 system with a newer CPU and the same amount of RAM... Problem solved by disabling spying tech built into Windows 10, like the privacy settings, etc, disable all the background crap you can, Win10 comes with a lot of MS spying on us unnecessarily, and I very much recommend disabling those settings for a performance boost. On a GTX 980+ system this probably isn't an issue performance-wise, but even those systems would probably benefit from disabling as much as you can that you don't need running in the background. Time for me to start thinking about a new PC, heh. have fun all!
Oh one last thing: I find the lack of transportation and water rides in Roller Coaster Tycoon World disturbing... Hopefully Planet Coaster isn't going to omit these ride types at launch...
Well, I am back with the same issue of the video-making portion of RCT3 platinum, where the video can and does automatically stop making a video, without human interaction, I have all my background settings on Windows 10 turned off, so Windows isn't doing much in the background as far as reporting back to MS for no good reason. I have the latest updates for windows and my graphics card, Nvidia Geforce 580 GTX. I know it's an old card but it works. I am still thinking that something to do with how the software in Windows 10 runs differently than my previous OS, Windows 7 64-bit pro, where Win7 used to make the ingame videos slowly frame by frame, and now under win10 the video is being made much more quickly, I have to assume this is to take advantage of newer hardware speed and processing increases in the last 6 years since my PC was made. Windows media encoder I think it's called, that is what must be different, because I haven't needed to upgrade RCT3 platinum since the platinum version has all expansions and all patches. I don't know what to do other than buy a newer PC and try again, but I shouldn't have to, should I?
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