Realistic reshade preset for 3.3

Natural Reshade Preset

Hello commanders, I ended up making a secondary preset slightly less saturated, even though main version is less saturated than vanilla.

Here's a quick guide on how to install it.

1. Download Reshade

2. Install reshade in your ED directory where EliteDangerous64.exe is located. By default should be in Steam\steamapps\common\Elite Dangerous\Products\elite-dangerous-64 (choose dx10)

3. After installation is finished you're prompted to download reshade's default shaders, do that.

4. Next download Ioxa's custom shaders. Download Then only extract from the archive SurfaceSharpen.fx and copy it to your shaders folder in Elite Dangerous\Products\elite-dangerous-64\reshade-shaders\Shaders

5. Download one of my presets or both and copy it/them to Elite Dangerous\Products\elite-dangerous-64

Download main version
Download secondary (less saturation)

You can download both presets and easily switch between them.

After you start the game press "Home" key to access the reshade menu, the preset should automatically load. If for some reason it doesn't, click this


and select the preset.ini


You can toggle the effect using "Scroll Lock" key

I'd also recommend using this gamma because the preset makes everything darker. You can also adjust it to your liking.

Some quick comparison screenshots.



Less saturation reshade

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I like the new lighting system, while it looks more realistic in certain areas, in others it creates a very washed out look.

In the beta version I configured a reshade preset, after 3.3 came out I tweaked it a little, but I was never quite pleased with it. So in search of a new way to change the feel of the visuals I lost the preset.
Now I can't explain how bad the game looks without it, cause I got used to the reshade look. I did start to configure a new one, but I need help. I want to achieve a neutral look, slightly darker and more vibrant than vanilla.

For some reason, I can't get rid of the predominant warm colors. I'll link couple of screenshots for comparison.

Vanilla Reshade
It's a work in progress, any help would be appreciated.
I used latest reshade version. In case someone wants to check the preset out link is here.

Can't be of much use, I'm afraid. But I wanted to just chime in and say that already the Reshade looks much better than Vanilla. Good job so far!
It cleans the first picture up nicely the second one has noticable colour banding round the star
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Wouldn't that also invalidate regular criticism though?

What regular criticism? Criticism of work you didn't pay for and was put forth totally voluntarily to help the community in some way? I think they call people who do that "bags of douch e".
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What regular criticism? Criticism of work you didn't pay for and was put forth totally voluntarily to help the community in some way? I think they call people who do that "bags of douch e".
It's a work in progress, any help would be appreciated.
You might want to look up what the word criticism actually stands for and what critizing somebodies work entails. That aside, you invite criticism by presenting your work to others, regardless of whether they paid for it or not.
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Looks great to me! If you can put something together to stop the washout, I will be in awe :) I'm no use with shaders, I am afraid, but you have my moral support :)
I wouldn't know what it means without a thesaurus, as apparently not only am I socially inept, I am also illiterate.
Yes, one could get that impression. You must be very adapt at randomly hitting keys.

If you're aware of what ciritcism means, why are people who criticise somebodies work - moreover when that somebody explictly asked for it - douc*e bags?
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Yes, one could get that impression. You must be very adapt at randomly hitting keys.

If you're aware of what ciritcism means, why are people who criticise somebodies work - moreover when that somebody explictly asked for it - douc*e bags?

It was an obvious over-generalization intended to be humorous - but alas, I'm terrible at this social thing.
It was an obvious over-generalization intended to be humorous - but alas, I'm terrible at this social thing.
I don't quite understand how being (or not being) social has anything to do with this. As far as i can tell that wasn't an over-generalization, but simply a false representation of criticism. You flat out stated that people aren't allowed to criticise works they have had no part in creating.
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I don't quite understand how being (or not being) social has anything to do with this. As far as i can tell that wasn't an over-generalization, but simply a false representation of criticism. You flat out stated that people aren't allowed to criticise works they have had no part in creating.

Now I know why people feel the need to use the /s sarcasm tags [haha]
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