Group names updated.
Remember this is just a list of the names on the register.
These aren't the in game names and are not the names of the groups that have minor factions.
As per this thread here, we will be posting a list of groups with minor factions in some fashion soon.
We have just had a large injection of new factions, and email going out before hand to the full register explaining the list that was submitted, accepted and rejected factions.
Given the sheer volume of requests for minor factions it's not something that we are able to respond to immediately but we will send round an update to all registered groups with a list of factions before they go to the developers.
If you are not recieveing your emails over the past few weeks from the team then make sure to check your spam folder and if not email with your email address to check it;s right on our list.
You can request a minor faction and to be added to the register at the same time.