Abandoned [RELEASE] Trade Computer Extension

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Database is fine so far. But not to many sharing it yet.

As for trade stuff it looks great, Could you also ad a range to station limitation? Ie for example i want to filter out all stations longer than 500 ls away for example.

You mean Distance to Star, okay i will add it.
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Hi Eventure,

did you noticed the same as me, that the Trade Scout suggests the second best, not the best traderoute in the version 1.30? This issue appears only in the Trade Scout, not in the trade window. I can't check the new version, cuz I'm at work atm...

Hi Eventure,

did you noticed the same as me, that the Trade Scout suggests the second best, not the best traderoute in the version 1.30? This issue appears only in the Trade Scout, not in the trade window. I can't check the new version, cuz I'm at work atm...


Hmm, i didnt change anything to the Scout. Was an earlier version different? I will look into it.
Here are the first layout of the Trade Scout Planner, some things may change. How do you feel about it?

Looking good ;)

Thanks for the menu position option too (top/bottom), appreciated ;)
I would +rep you, but the forum won't let me.

-- Additional content--

Two small bug reports:

1. Although I probably won't use it, the Show / Hide isn't working quite right.
Hiding is fine, although the control button is missing its right edge, but showing it again only restores part of the bar. About 1/4 of the right hand side is cut off. Every past the distance label (in the dest box) is cut off.

2. The text in the options panel wraps to the next line, I had a quick peek at the panels and the boundaries of the text label are the same size as the content with more than enough room to expand. I think it must be related to scaling.

i.e I get

~~~~~ <- top of last word visible.
~~~~~~ <- top of last word visible.

There is enough room in the window horizontally, you just need to extend the boundaries ;)

Again, great work.
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Isn't this just an OUT AND OUT cheat. How can this person get away with this, let alone posting it on this forum. He is taking files form the game reading them and giving people an out of game advantage, using methods not part of the game mechanic and using facilities not available to normal players with out buying a licence from microsoft, and reading game files with a third party device.


This person should be banned.
Isn't this just an OUT AND OUT cheat. How can this person get away with this, let alone posting it on this forum. He is taking files form the game reading them and giving people an out of game advantage, using methods not part of the game mechanic and using facilities not available to normal players with out buying a licence from microsoft, and reading game files with a third party device.


This person should be banned.

Calm down man, its only a game.


Calm down man, its only a game.
I agree, but this is by definition cheating, full respect to the person who created this, it goes to show you the lengths people will go to improve a cruddy game. But a cheat is a cheat, you have to pay for it out of game in real money (excel licence) it is not available to everyone and gives an advantage to those who use it... ipso facto A CHEAT

This person should be banned.

Where is the cheating??? This app is just reading logs that are stored local on everyone's pc and available to the user to read at leisure. Plus this is doing nothing anyone can do with a pen and paper or do you consider that cheating too.

I get the feeling your venting because you don't own office 2007 and would have been quite happy to use this if we're freely available in open office or similar.

I was unable to use this also when it came out, didn't have a licensed copy of office 2007.
Purchased a legit license of office 2007 pro cheap from a local buy and sell.
But week worth it to run this excellent piece of software.
Two small bug reports:

1. Although I probably won't use it, the Show / Hide isn't working quite right.
Hiding is fine, although the control button is missing its right edge, but showing it again only restores part of the bar. About 1/4 of the right hand side is cut off. Every past the distance label (in the dest box) is cut off.

2. The text in the options panel wraps to the next line, I had a quick peek at the panels and the boundaries of the text label are the same size as the content with more than enough room to expand. I think it must be related to scaling.

Thanks for your feedback, both things will be fixed next update.
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Isn't this just an OUT AND OUT cheat. How can this person get away with this, let alone posting it on this forum. He is taking files form the game reading them and giving people an out of game advantage, using methods not part of the game mechanic and using facilities not available to normal players with out buying a licence from microsoft, and reading game files with a third party device.


This person should be banned.

Cry harder little fanboy. Don't like it? Don't use it! Problem solved!

It's more a shame that tools like that are not built into the game and that other people have to create them.
I agree, but this is by definition cheating, full respect to the person who created this, it goes to show you the lengths people will go to improve a cruddy game. But a cheat is a cheat, you have to pay for it out of game in real money (excel licence) it is not available to everyone and gives an advantage to those who use it... ipso facto A CHEAT

then use the free ones... like Slopey's BPC Market Tool.. and it's not an exploit or cheating.. FD has stated they encourage the community to create 3rd party tools for the game... just like thousands of other games/communities.. in draws more interest & ppl to the game itself. Your looking at this from a very narrow viewpoint, this is a good thing mate... enjoy it or don't use it, it's up to you, but don't expect gamers not to create & use these types of tools... there part of gaming.


Cry harder little fanboy. Don't like it? Don't use it! Problem solved!

It's more a shame that tools like that are not built into the game and that other people have to create them.

LoL Fanboy, as if that is going to upset me. The second sentence I completely agree with, it should be part of the game. I couldn't care less, I only play in solo mode. What I dislike is the hypocrisy. This is part of the game, that is the way games are. Then by the same token getting griefed by some one in George Lucas Station is also part of the game, and happens in all P2P games.
Wow, every now and then a typical caretaker thinks, he could cry out his opinion :mad:. Despite this, months (sic!) ago FD declared their point of view using tools like this. Seems, that the guy is a german, it's so typical german thinking (BTW, I'm a german, too).

Keep the good work running. I'm looking forward to use it regularly without the bugs :D.

In germany we say: "Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal Fresse halten"

It isn't really a cheat. It's his way to write an Addon. If you are able to code in VB or C++, Java or any other language you can look in his code and convert it, so no one needs Excel. His language is VBA, he is fit in it so he needs Excel, that's all. :cool:
A shame i'm not that fit in VB to code such a complex piece, i would use VB and MySQL. But hey, maybe the time comes and someone will be found who can do this in VB... ;)
I agree, but this is by definition cheating, full respect to the person who created this, it goes to show you the lengths people will go to improve a cruddy game. But a cheat is a cheat, you have to pay for it out of game in real money (excel licence) it is not available to everyone and gives an advantage to those who use it... ipso facto A CHEAT

Pay for it out of game?
Not available to everyone?
Gives an advantage?

Hello, Oculus Rift. Hello, TrackIR. Hello, Voice Attack. Hello, TCE. Goodbye, ignoramus.
When I run this application, Excel generates a "Run-Time error 13 - Type Mismatch". I have Excel 2007.

Has anyone else run into this and fixed it?

The path to TCE is D:\Program Files (x86)\Frontier\EDLaunch\TCE\TCE

Debug highlight's this line ...

Show_ShipLog = Mid(ArINI(10), 14, x - 13)
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Isn't this just an OUT AND OUT cheat. How can this person get away with this, let alone posting it on this forum. He is taking files form the game reading them and giving people an out of game advantage, using methods not part of the game mechanic and using facilities not available to normal players with out buying a licence from microsoft, and reading game files with a third party device.


This person should be banned.

A few small points for consideration:

Its not really any different to writing things down, I can only see my data which I obtained myself, replacing my paper pad and screenshots full of the same.
Its not live data, If the markets change, I will only find out by visiting the station.
Its not crowdsourced, unlike some other tools I am not downloading market information from every tom, and harry.

FD have a thread on the forums here: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=52248
Listing all the tools available. Trading tools, route planners, OCR stuff... etc. Have a read.

Now, why should Eventure be banned again?

I agree, but this is by definition cheating, full respect to the person who created this, it goes to show you the lengths people will go to improve a cruddy game. But a cheat is a cheat, you have to pay for it out of game in real money (excel licence) it is not available to everyone and gives an advantage to those who use it... ipso facto A CHEAT

The advantage being that I save paper, ink and eye strain trying to read my scribbles :p
As mentioned above, there are many free alternatives, here is IMO a decent and comparible (functionality wise) one which can be used in 'offline' mode for your data only: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=86908

But since I have Excel, I'll go for the eye candy this one offers.
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When I run this application, Excel generates a "Run-Time error 13 - Type Mismatch". I have Excel 2007.

Has anyone else run into this and fixed it?

The path to TCE is D:\Program Files (x86)\Frontier\EDLaunch\TCE\TCE

Debug highlight's this line ...

Show_ShipLog = Mid(ArINI(10), 14, x - 13)

Please reload the lastest update. Delete the TCE.ini and restart. This should fix it. Also look what Blackfoxx posted:

Ok Eventure, now we are getting somewhere, i was right in my theory that it was a language issue, in that the TCE.ini file had Wahr and Falsch in the values, so i did a Replace using notepad to change them to True and False and then launched TCE.

I am now seeing Elite dangerous running with the TCE overlay as it should be.
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