Full-Version (V1.38) released:
- New TCE Setup to make the TCE.ini file for TCE (paths, language and hotkey)
- Some bugfixes to runtime errors (Shiplog panel, Trade panel, Splash screen)
- Different optimizations to the core code
- Removed Import button from Option panel
- Fixed ShipLog Panel stays hidden (when it was visible before), when unhide TCE
- Commodity Panel: Added choice to reset price data or update only
- Added selectable UI Color (Options panel)
- New startup routine to support an empty (no registered stations and prices) database, which is the default database from now on.
- Better recognition of your position in space.
- Hotkey issue: added a clear keyboard buffer, when hotkey was pressed.
- Database panel fixes, to prevent type-missmatch errors, when entering values.
- Delayed Star System Summary panel pop up, when jumping (10-15 secs.).
- Core redesign to fit the needs for further expansions of TCE and in preparation of the Elite-API.
- New Trade Station Name searchbox at the Position and Destination panel, adjusted sizes to reduce overlapping text.
- New Trade Station Service searchbox at the Trade panel, Find Commodity UI adjusted, use the arrow buttons to select search mode and some small fixes to Trade Range and Jump Limit.
- Commodity panel now clears all prices before scanning, when reaching a trade station to prevent issues with previous commodities, that are currently not available and added the activation of the Main panel before screenshot is taken.
- Bugfix to Trade Scout panel Pre-View function.
- Cartography panel: Click on the name of the star system, you are in to show up the Star System Summary panel and a small fix to the Star System Note panel to prevent save issues, when textbox is empty.
Note: This version release has no update, because TCE needs a new TCE.ini file and has now a standalone setup to make one. Full database compability to all V1.38 beta versions, so copy your V1.38 beta database (TCE.mdb and Panel.mdb) into the new versions DB folder.