General Remove ship kit slot restrictions

Seriously, please look into whatever is preventing us from having multiple items on at a time and change it. Four slots makes no sense. There is no reason why I shouldn't be able to equip two pieces of a ship kit that are in the same "slot" but don't even attach to the same part of the ship.

For example:

The carapace pack for the Krait MkII looks incredible, but the "bumper" slot of this ship is mounted to the sides of the ship (see circled area) leaving the front of the ship bare.

The "standard" ship kit for the MkII has a bumper item that is (as far as I can tell) very popular with Krait MkII owners, and it mounts to the very front of the ship (see circled area)

Both of these kit parts are in the same "slot" but mount to different areas of the ship. Why why why why WHY is this even a thing? Why are we restricted to four slots? There are many many more examples I could show but this is what I noticed from the ship i'm currently building. Is it a code restriction? Is it a lore reason that can't be altered without risk of offending the purists? Would it be too difficult for a single dev to just sit down for one day, and install each ship kit item onto each ship, mark down on a sheet which ones conflict with each other, and then remove the "slot" restriction and let us just put kit parts onto our ship the way we want them? It's something that's annoyed me for the last six years of playing Elite and I know i'm not the only one who hates it.
I'd just be happy if they released the Survey kit for the Phantom.

I suspect the restriction is down to a few things: memory requirement; ship shape; developer time... but I get your point.
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