Reptile Feeding Costs

Agree 100% balancing is top priority. This is why I came up with the idea to limit donation and shop profits before responding to the food costs solution itself. Adjusting juvenile food costs would actually help balance the excess shopping needs of guests some people were complaining about in some other thread.

I agree, i think some balancing would help with other complaints as well.
I think it's difficult to balance the funds within PZ, almost everything is connected to another feature.
I'm glad juvenile animal food cost issues that were mentioned in this thread were addressed in the patch. Not only were they addressed, the exact values (percentages) discussed here were considered. This shows how well communication between the player base and developers is taking place. To be honest, I see juvenile food cost changes as a gamechanger.

Now I would like to see the second issue mentioned in this thread, animal metabolic rate effect on food costs for certain species being addressed, including adults. Priority would be reptiles, both carnivore and herbivore. As well as lower hydration needs for tortoises.
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