Quit to the main menu, then return. You can also leave the RES and come back. I find quitting faster.
thanks man
Quit to the main menu, then return. You can also leave the RES and come back. I find quitting faster.
The problem you are running into is the instance you're spawning into.
Technically, you have a 1/3 chance for 3 different types of spawns as you enter an RES. However, there are some who suspect RES spawn rates and instances are buggy.
1. Low level, small sized ships
2. A mix of levels and ships
3. High rank, large ships (pythons, dropships, clippers, vultures)
The key is to quit and reload until you run into a BIG wanted ship RIGHT AWAY. If your first wanted ship is sidewinder up to viper or cobra, the entire RES will have small ships as long as you play. If you spawn in and find a clipper or dropship or python, you'll get constant spawns of large ships with big bounties.[
Exactly i stumbled across this the other day i just load up and quit until the first ship i see is a clipper python or driftship and boom your rich all that spawns is the big guys and sometimes it gets crazy try fighting 2 pythons and a clipper 3v1 anyay go to the system lhs 6427 you will not be disapointed