Return to Elite

I used to play ED a lot until about 2 or 3 years ago having played the very first elite (I am that old). I spent a lot of time grinding out credits to engineer some good ships in all the various classes but then got into sim racing and lost interest. Has much changed in the last couple of years to warrant me returning, now have a better rig and g2 headset so would be a good experience but need a goal if I return. Not interested in Oddysey (I think).
Since you left, Fdev was taken over by some blood thirsty savages, that thought everybody else were savages as well, and that most people like shooting each other in the head. Nowadays the old ED is a backdrop for that, and the first person shooter is more or less all the new stuff there is. The rest has been fixing all the bugs that Odd launched.

Also some time ago, someone tried to kill all the Thargoids in the whole galaxy. What could possibly go wrong? Well they didn't die, and now they are moody, and have a plan. They will arrive at the Bub in a months time. Until then, keep an eye out for a good offer on Odd. Then use the time to go and see the new sunsets. They are pretty!

Regarding your rig and VR, I also have a G2, and right after launch of Odd, my own rig (Ryzen 3950x and RTX 3070 OC) couldn't run the game smoothly, but the last time I tried, it had gotten better, if not good.
It doesn't matter whether you're interested in Odyssey - Odyssey is interested in you. Or, more accurately, you now have the choice between base game, Horizons 3.8 (old graphics, not involved in future content) and Horizons 4.0 (new graphics, future content). If you buy Odyssey, you can get base game, Horizons 4.0 or Odyssey. The "futture content" is expected to be connected with the Thargoids and might arrive starting from November.

The downside is that, for playing in VR with a G2 headset, you'll need a good GPU - 3090 or 6900 class is what I would say, others may have a different opinion.

As for goals, nothing has changed - you still need to set them for yourself or take one from the player community, unless you want to engage in the FD narrative, which will (likely) be centered around the Thargoids.

Oh - not sure if they already were around when you left, but now you can get a personal fleet carrier. Starting at 5 Billion Credits, and easily twice that if you add a few optional extras and want to stock up on running costs (yes, they require a weekly payment of a few millions) for a few years.
As a new player, here's my two cents: Yes, you should return; and you should buy Odyssey.

You're not going to recognize the game that you left. I think some of the nay-saying you're seeing here is down to people that never left that are a bit jaded with the game.

It really is quite something with lots to do. There's only a grind if you make one. I started in April and just bought my fleet carrier and I'm just getting started in all the things this game has to offer.
As a player that has been player for a couple of years now. I should warn you about Odyssey. It gets very mixed reviews, and the above posters are not telling you the full picture and what you give up from Horizons 3.8 or Horizons 4.0 if you purchase Odyssey. Since I have no interest in an Fps game, I do not plan to buy Odyssey.

Ody performance is approx half in EDH 4.0 or Ody 4.0 vs EDH 3.8, read the reviews or alot of threads in these very forums for more details. The ship/suit colors and lighting in general and skybox and AA are a major letdown in EDH 4.0 and Ody 4.0 in my opinion. The SysMap, Galmap and Outfitting were totally redone, and not for the better in all cases in the 4.0 clients. Your mileage may vary, but I recommend a eyes wide open review first before you buy. If you buy Ody you lose access to EDH 4.0, cause FDev says so, unless you are willing to use outside tools or edit some files for the launcher. Ody has more than its fair share of bugs in my opinion as well, not that EDH doesn't have a bunch as well.

I would go watch a YouTube video or two on Ody to see if it interests you (ie space legs fps combat or space legs exploration for biology).

Now you should have enough info to make an informed decision.
So, a guy that's never played the game and has no plans at all to buy it is giving him "the full picture" over people who have?

Yes Seriously! EDH 4.0 I have played perhaps you missed that part. It shows me the Sysmap, Galmap and new Outfitting menus, lack of AA, lighting, skybox, and general performance of everything while not on foot in the 4.0 client.

You could have brought up all the things I said to make sure the OP had all the info. But you did not. Any chance you can explain why?
Actually it is in the EDH 4.0 client.
Which is NOT Odyssey. It has a very limited amount of Odyssey content. And yes, the AA is problematic, but I still get views like this:


And this:


Which make it all very much worth it.

Thank you for playing. We have some lovely consolation prizes for you backstage.

@Fnord Velkor tell him what he's won.
Which is NOT Odyssey. It has a very limited amount of Odyssey content. And yes, the AA is problematic, but I still get views like this:

Thank you for playing. We have some lovely consolation prizes for you backstage.

@Fnord Velkor tell him what he's won.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on who got what as a consolation prize. I personally think I won with the continued availability of EDH 3.8 as the best space game ever in my opinion and therefore others got the consolation prize.

I'll guess your answer would be different and that is fine, this is the Internet, there is no right or wrong, and no one has to agree with anyone else, and as long as we both get to enjoy the Elite Dangerous universe with whichever client we like, all is good, again in my opinion.

EDH 4.0 and Odyssey 4.0 are based on the same code, afaik . They definitely share menus, and lighting, etc. but only one has the disembark option to exercise one's legs on stations and on planet surfaces. I am pretty sure a few people who frequent these forums checked and found the following, overall install size, number of files, and location of the EDH 4.0 and Ody 4.0 exe's to be same. We know there is at least one difference as only one allows walking around. So they may be exactly the same, just with different option(s) either during code compile or launching the exe's to allow for legs/no legs. Which would make sense for FDev's stated goal at some future point of only having one codeset to enhance/upgrade/maintain and that would be the 4.0 client.

Nice pics, by the way, and I hope you and others continue to enjoy Ody. I and others will continue to enjoy EDH.

Otterman, much depends upon why you got bored with Elite Dangerous. Like you, I played it years before and have only recently returned to the game. I hated the 'grind' aspect - that is still here. I now have most of the major grinds out of the way, so it is a much more enjoyable experience (great visuals, great diversity). It has always lacked engaging social interaction. I'm bemused at why this has been ignored for so long. 'Odyssey' seems to be an ideal platform to make this happen, if someone with vision can but implement it.
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