Ride Breakdowns, Operating Rides and Different Colored Trains.

What I think they need to add to both console and pc is the ability to operate your own rides in your park. Imagine how fun that would be. There should also be actual attendants checking seats and the operations should be real life like theming. Maybe there should be a training log for training an employee for Attendant or Operator Certified for that assigned ride. Like a home ride. I think that would be cool. Second thing is the ability to have multiple colored trains. I hate how certain trains are the same on some coasters. I think this would be an easy add on. For Example, I have a ride called Thunderbolt. I have a red train. But I want the 2nd train to be yellow. That is a bummer we can’t do that. Lastly this ONE IS WHAT I WANT. I want ride breakdowns to be more realistic and more fun. For coasters make a train get stuck on the lift, trim/block breaks and station. Have reasons why the ride broke. Maybe the chain speed or a part flew off or maybe something major that we should fix the ride. For flat rides, make them break in mid air or during the cycle. This is the MAIN thing I want in the game. This would make the game better. If y’all add the breakdowns to be realistic, I’d be happy. That is what The Game needs and I know others agree with me, One more thing is adding transfer tracks. If a train needs to be taken off the track, why not have maintenance use the transfer to move the broken train. This is my ideas and hopefully y’all listen to us people because We LOVE THIS GAME.
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