Rift with a GTX 1060?

I'm currently on the fence about buying a Rift. Looking at the official stats my rig should handle it but I'd like to hear from anyone with a GTX 1060 and similar setup to mine as to how they find it and would they recommend?

My setup is:

i5 4690k
GTX 1060
Win 10 64bit

Thanks in advance!
I run a 6700k with an RX 480 8GB(Similar card). On low graphics with SS .65 and HMD 1.25. 90fps almost all the time. Its fine, but I'm looking for a cheap(?) upgrade. Take from that what you will.
I was running an i5 4690k with a gtx 980 and everything in the Oculus store was fine. Mages Tale, Lone Echo, Bridge Crew, Robo Recall all ran fine and looked great. The 1060 is slightly more powerful than the 980 at a lower price point so should be fine. You will exceed min specs. The Touch is awesome.

Now Elite will push it. You'll start it up and be amazed at first. Then you'll start to notice things that make you a little queasy. Most likely the SRV. Places that drop frame rate. You'll have to work with your settings to find that sweet spot between performance and graphics for your system and body. It will work and be amazing, but will take some finess. With my 980 I played VR medium or Low and only used VR for a session of combat in a res or CQC, where it really shines.

The CV1 with touch is an amazing bit of kit. I wouldn't recommend it if you only want to play Elite unless you upgrade to high end PC. However if you are jumping into VR and want to experience the whole package, go for it! There are amazing experiences out now, it's a good time to jump in with the current sale. You can always work on PC upgrades as you need them.
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Rift with a 1060, yes.

Rift on Elite with a 1060, probably not.

I have however just bought myself a Rift to use with my 970, but not with the sole intention of using with Elite. Also for games like EVE: Valkyrie etc.
I have a CV1 and run it on a 970.

Everything I have run from the oculus store runs really good and touch is amazing.

As for ED. I have to run it on VR low and then massage some of the other setting to run smoothy as it needs way more GC power than my card can handle for higher graphics setting. It is still more than playable though and once you get used to the rift, it is difficult to even think of playing ED on a screen.

Hope this helps
CMDR Flaxton
...it is difficult to even think of playing ED on a screen.
Really? That is something I can't really understand. The resolution was so terrible, I mean really terrible, I was happy to see the crisp, sharp image at my monitor screen again.
Cockpit is OK but most stuff in Elite is so far away that I shoot at tiny pixels that I can't reckognize which ship it is.
No offense but that's something I can't get my head around.
I'm currently on the fence about buying a Rift. Looking at the official stats my rig should handle it but I'd like to hear from anyone with a GTX 1060 and similar setup to mine as to how they find it and would they recommend?

My setup is:

i5 4690k
GTX 1060
Win 10 64bit

Thanks in advance!
My setup is very similar

i7 4770
GTX 1060 Mini 6GB
Windows 10

Plays elite fine in VR, you just can't do some of the huge supersampling that some people like to do to help with the relatively poor resolution in VR. So you will likely just have to accept some jaggies etc, but it's totally playable (though I haven't really tried any combat zones since I got my Oculus, but I don't expect a big issue - planetary stuff is what gives my machine a work out!).
Running elite on the CV1 with a clocked back 290, can't use supersampling or it'll drop below 45 fps sometimes but at those settings it runs well. A 1060 should be faster so you'd have better image quality than me I think.
Used a 1060 for a while and it was fine. Not top performance, but certainly playable and enjoyable. Upgraded to a 1080 because I could and, thought ED deserved it 😊
I'm currently on the fence about buying a Rift. Looking at the official stats my rig should handle it but I'd like to hear from anyone with a GTX 1060 and similar setup to mine as to how they find it and would they recommend?

My setup is:

i5 4690k
GTX 1060
Win 10 64bit

Thanks in advance!

I have this setup but with an older i7 3770 and it plays fine. I think I have most of my settings at med to high and the debug tool set at 1.5. I have the 6gb 1060 and it's a pretty decent card.
Okay update, my Rift arrived today and it was able to run Elite at VR High at silky smooth framerates on my 970 + i5-2500K at 4GHz.

The problem for me is not the framerate, it's the poor resolution and everything is blury/out of focus. Turning up the HMD super sample increased the clarity, but then the framerate goes through the floor of course.

So to answer your question, yes your 1060 will run it.

But no it won't look any good unless you do some serious upgrades!
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Hi Scutter,

I have a rig that has a GTX 1060 6Gb ITX OC, an i7 4790 and 8Gb of RAM. However, I do not operate the Rift instead the PiMax 4K and it runs fine @ 60 fps even on ULTRA setting in fact I have tested it on most settings and it ran just fine on all but make sure that the NVidia software level is the latest as earlier releases saw tearing and loss of picture on the ULTRA. The Pimax has a much higher HDMI data rate than the Rift so the Rift should work very well indeed.
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