I am not mistaken at all, I am well aware the original incarnation of ship integrity was scrapped, which should be self evident from my use of the phrase "Now, as your integrity drops". Only the way reduced integrity affects ships changed along with a reduction in the rate of wear. The factors causing reduced integrity remained, it has always worked that way, and was confirmed by the developers an age ago.The hull wear and tear we have now is largely trivial and unfinished.
Long enough to know that you're mistaken.
Reduced ship integrity causing damage to ship modules raised enough of a stink in the forums that is was dropped by the developers. Keeping it in game at any level that is meaningful has a serious impact on exploration and how far any ship would be able to travel beyond the bubble. They compromised and we now have the current iteration. Are there arguments for increaing the rate of wear and the impact it has on damage to the hull, sure; but module damage is unlikely to ever return, at least not at a level that has any impact on gameplay.
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