SAGITTARIUS A* - Visitors List - V4.0 - Please read OP BEFORE posting!

CMDR Lex Ninvor — 11 February 3308.
My "little" journey has come to an end. I'm glad to join your ranks.


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I added my reply two days ago, and then it got a like from GunnerBill, which I thought (based on the OP) to mean I've been accepted to the list, however looking at the lists in the first two posts, I can't find my name. Did I misunderstand how this works, or will it just take some time to update (which I would completely understand, you guys are doing this voluntarily and on your own time etc. etc.) so don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining if it will take more time to update, I'd just like to know whether I should wait longer, or am I looking at some wrong place (the latter of the two starting posts says: "Last edited: Mar 16, 2021")

CMDR ProsperoFrobozz — 12 February 3308

Over the course of the last few days, flew out from the bubble in my Asp Explorer w/ a ~58 lyr jump range, making a shallow triangle to avoid the most-travelled path so I could explore on the way. Got there last night.


Foolishly, I didn't take any screenshots with my commander name on it, but I went to bed after getting there last night, and was still parked at Explorer's Anchorage, so I went back this morning to get that:


Thought the black hole looked cool... but inaccurate. It's more of a ... well, I guess a mirrorball with some kind of weird gravitational lensing simulation around it. Bothered, this morning I cracked out the Schwarschild metric and did some numerical integrals of the geodesic equation. Below are the light paths of a bunch of light rays around such a black hole.


You are at position (-10, 0) (in units of the event horizon radius). Looking at the lightpaths coming in, for a range of angles the light path terminates on the event horizon, which means you should see nothing (unless there's something in front of the black hole, of course); the black hole should just look like a black circle on the sky (whose radius is larger than the apparent event horizon radius, looking at the paths). At the angle where light from the point directly behind the BH is bent towards you, you should see the "Einstein ring"; inside that angle there's an inversion, where above the black hole you see stuff below it, or, if close enough, stuff on your side!

This page has some nice simulated images:

On my way out there, I honked all the systems along the path, and did FSS on several. (Eventually, wanting to get there, I stopped FSSing everything that I'd be first on, and just took a quick look at the FSS to see if there were any Earthlike or Water worlds, and just did the FSS in those systems.) Ended up being about 250M credits, which was enough to push me over the edge:
CMDR Silas Black - 23 February 3308

Sag A Passenger Tour.jpgSag A CMDR Black.jpg

Commanders Log:
"Yes Commander?"
"Set the return flight to Hausers Reach please."
"It is so Commander."
"Thank You... Reset the atmos parameters for the passenger quarters to ... pacification please. I would prefer a less rowdy, return flight."
"Oxygen saturation reduced... Might I recommend increased starch based carbohydrates and a microdose of benzodiazepine for in flight meals?"

"... Yes."

"Yes Commander?"
"Make sure you monitor physio and mental state conditions please, I don't want any deaths this time."
"Yes Commander... that was not entirely my fault Commander."

"Hmm... "
I added my reply two days ago, and then it got a like from GunnerBill, which I thought (based on the OP) to mean I've been accepted to the list, however looking at the lists in the first two posts, I can't find my name. Did I misunderstand how this works, or will it just take some time to update (which I would completely understand, you guys are doing this voluntarily and on your own time etc. etc.) so don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining if it will take more time to update, I'd just like to know whether I should wait longer, or am I looking at some wrong place (the latter of the two starting posts says: "Last edited: Mar 16, 2021")

Sorry for bumping, but I'm still curious - I don't see my name (or if I'm correct, anyone else's recent name) in the lists in the first two posts of the thread. Am I missing something, like is the current list somewhere else or something? Or has my entry just not been accepted? I don't have to be on a list, I'm just curious to know how this works. And if I actually AM on a list that I'm not seeing, of course would be nice to be shown the correct place.

Cheers, all!
Gordon Freeman IV - 23rd febuary 3308

After jumping 22,000 ly to colonia in my 42 Ly Federal Corvette (traveling in style) i decided to do another 11,000 Ly to sagittarius a* its gorgeous.
(Cant insert any pics)
Cmdr Lilly Roma - 4th March 2022, Asp Explorer.

Left from the Bubble and had a jump range of 33ly so it took a while, also had a long break from the game. Flew to Colonia , Jacques Station first and explored looking for undiscovered Earth Worlds and Water Worlds and other planets with life. Didn't exactly rush there. Got to Sag A and was surprised to find the Fleet Carriers, really wasn't expecting to be able to repair and sell my data until getting back to Colonia.

I got to Sag A with a fried Docking Computer and SuperCruise assist module and the hull was 91% after flying too close to a couple of suns while re-fueling not too bad after so many jumps.

Now heading back to the bubble, only 21,000 light years to go!!! Flying straight back this time, seems to put light years on the trip flying to Colonia first. Approx 700 jumps to go!!

EDIT: Quick update, another couple of run in with Stars!!! Bit of damage but all OK., Just 12k LY to get back to the bubble currently in Skaudoae GR-V b35-15


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CMDR Pyrlig - March 11 3308 - DBX Miramichi

Well. I've been playing since the end of December, and finally took the time to do some serious exploring. Screen shot below:
2022-03-13 (1).png

Yessir. Satan's puckered butthole itself. Felt like a long trip-I came up from the Bubble to Omega Station. Rather than beeline to Sagittarius A, I jagged off to the east, to take the path untaken. A long series of jumps were spent looking for Earth-like worlds, with some success:


In the end, the risk of the Space Madness told me to head to the bright centre, and learn the pleasures of Neutron Stars:

(Seriously, the high-frequency neutron stars scare the crap out of me).
2022-03-10 (3).png
Even in deep space, I discovered I was not always alone:
Damn you, ROCKETBUTTERFLY! Damn you for stealing my discoveries! We hates it! We hates it! We hates it forever!!

Finally, after a series of neutron jumps, and a brief stopover in Explorer's Anchorage, I departed for the Great Black Spot:
I also leveled to Elite Explorer and made some $300 million credits.

Finally I arrived. I discovered a few black holes, and they always freak me out a bit, in how small they are. Not this one.
2022-03-14 (2).png

Now it's time to maybe head over to Colonia, and take a bit of a break from exploration. Until I feel ready to make the trip to Beagle Point.
I'm looking forward to updating the list soon! I got so used to banging in hundreds at a time during the DW expeditions that anything doesn't feel like a worthy challenge :D
Congratulations to everybody herein inducted into the Sagittarius A* Galactic Centre Official Visitors List! Worthy inductees all :D

2797. CMDR MEepANdWumbo - 14th March 3307
2798. CMDR itz_lexiii_ - 17th March 3307
2799. CMDR Huro - 30th March 3307

2800. CMDR Red Vuk - 3rd April 3307
2801. CMDR Jason Trevize - 11th April 3307
2802. CMDR Jason616 - 24th April 3307
2803. CMDR RedMalice - 24th April 3307
2804. CMDR Chillsner - 24th April 3307
2805. CMDR Foonati - 23rd April 3307
2806. CMDR FoolishOwl - 8th May 3307
2807. CMDR Habaki - 8th May 3307
2808. CMDR Leeloo Catfish – 10th May 3307
2809. CMDR J.P.Calvan - 8th May 3307

2810. CMDR Okamiyuki - 25th April 3307
2811. CMDR MGSE – 19th May 3307
2812. CMDR Brenda Zephyr - May 20th 2021
2813. CMDR Atronarch – 23rd May 3307
2814. CMDR Athlon-UK – 25th May 3307
2815. CMDR Xerillo – 25th May 3307
2816. CMDR D Robinson - 5th February 3306
2817. CMDR Steven J Kirk – 29th May 3307
2818. CMDR Joez – 29th May 3307
2819. CMDR Aine – 3rd June 3307

2820. CMDR Martin Speer 2nd February 3307
2821. CMDR IRISH MIST - 12th June 3307
2822. CMDR Alexfighter - 17th February 3304
2823. CMDR Bedeyboy – Date Unknown!
2824. CMDR Moo Guy - 15th June 3307
2825. CMDR Darrack Pendragon – 5th March 3307
2826. CMDR SeveN085 - 6th July 3307
2827. CMDR APSINC – 7th July 3307
2828. CMDR Angelpichu - 11th August 3307
2829. CMDR TheChosen - 20th August 3307

2830. CMDR Sheehy - 29th August 3307
2831. CMDR Quain Marln - 3rd September 3307
2832. CMDR Sayram - 15th September 3307
2833. CMDR HIEN VNAF – 21st September 3307
2834. CMDR hhhawk – 31st October 3307
2835. CMDR Old Nippy -9the December 3307
2836. CMDR Kyzal - 18th December 3307 (DW2)
2837. CMDR Orlygg Jafnakol - 14th November 3307
2838. CMDR Antti Suni - 30th April 3306
2839. CMDR Lex Ninvor — 11th February 3308

2840. CMDR ProsperoFrobozz — 12th February 3308
2841. CMDR Silas Black – 23rd February 3308
2842. CMDR Lilly Roma - 4th March 3308
2843. CMDR Pyrlig – 11th March 3308

Apologies for it taking so long!

I'd also just like to mention that using the correct format for your entry saves me a lot of time and makes the process of keeping this list running so much easier (and more likely), this is how you do it:

2840. CMDR ProsperoFrobozz — 12th February 3308
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CMDR ProsperoFrobozz — 12 February 3308

Over the course of the last few days, flew out from the bubble in my Asp Explorer w/ a ~58 lyr jump range, making a shallow triangle to avoid the most-travelled path so I could explore on the way. Got there last night.

View attachment 291319

Foolishly, I didn't take any screenshots with my commander name on it, but I went to bed after getting there last night, and was still parked at Explorer's Anchorage, so I went back this morning to get that:

View attachment 291323

Thought the black hole looked cool... but inaccurate. It's more of a ... well, I guess a mirrorball with some kind of weird gravitational lensing simulation around it. Bothered, this morning I cracked out the Schwarschild metric and did some numerical integrals of the geodesic equation. Below are the light paths of a bunch of light rays around such a black hole.

View attachment 291320

You are at position (-10, 0) (in units of the event horizon radius). Looking at the lightpaths coming in, for a range of angles the light path terminates on the event horizon, which means you should see nothing (unless there's something in front of the black hole, of course); the black hole should just look like a black circle on the sky (whose radius is larger than the apparent event horizon radius, looking at the paths). At the angle where light from the point directly behind the BH is bent towards you, you should see the "Einstein ring"; inside that angle there's an inversion, where above the black hole you see stuff below it, or, if close enough, stuff on your side!

This page has some nice simulated images:

On my way out there, I honked all the systems along the path, and did FSS on several. (Eventually, wanting to get there, I stopped FSSing everything that I'd be first on, and just took a quick look at the FSS to see if there were any Earthlike or Water worlds, and just did the FSS in those systems.) Ended up being about 250M credits, which was enough to push me over the edge:
View attachment 291322
I'm loving the extra info here, OK if I use some of it in the Thread Header posts?
CMDR Ordinary Man. 14 May. 3308.

Finally, after a one-week journey, the Center was reached. The journey began from the Sol system, about 1000 ly below the galactic plane. First went to Colonia. After visiting various Notable Stellar Phenomena in Colonia and Pergamon, we went straight to the galaxy center from the Pergamon system.

Achieving the goal is not important. The important thing is to be on the road. o7 all!!!

CMDR Lazarus G Kent, arrived 29 May 3308.

I came back this evening to take the official screenshot. Feels great to get here; I went via the Syralou sector in Temple, over 12,000 light years from Sol, before turning inwards towards the Galactic Centre and Sagittarius A*, which was itself 22,789 light years from my chosen system in the Syralou system. I decided to pick a random system from which to turn inwards from to guarantee that every system on the way into the core was previously unexplored, and the trip was a great success.

It may have taken me well over 34,000 light years to arrive there but boy was it worth it! When I arrived I netted the better part of a billion credits in exploration data, ranking up from Elite to Elite II, and have hugely improved my exobiology rank as well. 'Only' another 26,000 light years to go to get home!
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