San Tu - ok who ruined my fun?

22 days later, a couple of wars, a new Anarchy outpost, and lots of work by a diverse group of people finally the Dragons are back in a position to challenge the controlling Fed faction and hopefully in a few days San Tu and Chomsky will be back to Anarchy. We need to get that smell out of there it's unbearable.
Tomorrow the CZs are going live and hopefully it will be a short but hard fought war, followed by peace and Anarchy shenanigans. In the last weeks San Tu residents, friends of the cause, friendly pilots, PvPers, PvEers, and a small part of the Anarchist's Shadow Army all worked and fought together to make it happen. Big thanks to everybody and see you in the CZs from tomorrow on.

Nicely done ;)

I hope more players recognise that having a system of preference for PvP training & activities is of more benefit to the playerbase overall than not having one and chip in to help maintain the system in future, and that San Tu and the PvP Hub is for everyone, not just 'baddies'.
You didn't see me, right?

mad kid.jpg
22 days later, a couple of wars, a new Anarchy outpost, and lots of work by a diverse group of people finally the Dragons are back in a position to challenge the controlling Fed faction and hopefully in a few days San Tu and Chomsky will be back to Anarchy. We need to get that smell out of there it's unbearable.
Tomorrow the CZs are going live and hopefully it will be a short but hard fought war, followed by peace and Anarchy shenanigans. In the last weeks San Tu residents, friends of the cause, friendly pilots, PvPers, PvEers, and a small part of the Anarchist's Shadow Army all worked and fought together to make it happen. Big thanks to everybody and see you in the CZs from tomorrow on.
I've got to confess, I've not been pulling my weight for a couple of days. After the initial fight for survival war, I was busy with work, meaning CAD was tying up my GPU... During which time I ended up overhauling my flight sticks and went away and played engineering a clipper build for this coming war.

So, I'm sorry I've not been pulling my weight, but I'm optimistic we should find that clipper beneficial in the CZ's 😈
The twist axis of my stick is repaired
Hooray! for.... Oh wait, its not Flimely!

Congrats on getting your flight-stick sorted, it is easy to underestimate how much a niggle with a controller can get on your nerves. (He says, typing furiously on an ailing keyboard - OK Jay-tard)

I had a couple of days where my graphics card was melting under the load of cad animations for work so I took the opportunity of not being able to fly and operated on the twists in my kosmosima's, and "upgraded" them with homemade Teflon shims as the ultimate solution to the kosmosima's inherently sticky yaw axis. Then when I did get back into the game, I found the new super slick twist too good, so cracked out VKB config and dialed in some S-Curvature on all the axis.
Congrats on getting your flight-stick sorted, it is easy to underestimate how much a niggle with a controller can get on your nerves. (He says, typing furiously on an ailing keyboard - OK Jay-tard)
god, some of the keys on mine are starting to jam too - it's not dirty or anything, it's just wearing out from being used for so long, like I'll press one down and it'll tilt slightly to the side and stick in place instead of actually travelling downwards

I'm wondering if I can drag it out a little longer by spraying WD-40 on it
god, some of the keys on mine are starting to jam too - it's not dirty or anything, it's just wearing out from being used for so long, like I'll press one down and it'll tilt slightly to the side and stick in place instead of actually travelling downwards

I'm wondering if I can drag it out a little longer by spraying WD-40 on it

You probably want to try just cleaning it with some electronic contact cleaner first to see if freeing any debris fixes the issue. For lubrication I'd recommend silicone lubricant spray with PFTE, or if you can spare the time to open it up again some lithium grease as it lasts considerably longer.

A just cause
My carrier is around
My carrier is explicitly NOT 22k LY out
The twist axis of my stick is repaired
I today changed some bindings making FAoff toggle much easier
My two Flurrylances are put back together
I'm not distracted by a very interesting CG

I sense a pattern here :unsure:
A Pattern Of Yaw Testing Flurries from Dairy Queen!
You probably want to try just cleaning it with some electronic contact cleaner first to see if freeing any debris fixes the issue. For lubrication I'd recommend silicone lubricant spray with PFTE, or if you can spare the time to open it up again some lithium grease as it lasts considerably longer.
Flip it over and whack it against a table first
Unfortunately with the recent balance and other changes Anarchies are hard to almost impossible to defend against attacks. They already had less bgs levers to pull as any other government type, now it just went more loop sided to the point to why bother with it at all. Then take on top the misguided goody-good shoes and more and more Anarchies will disappear. The galaxy will be a more boring place with every lost Anarchy system. Btw the notion that people flip systems to Anarchy for ganking is the most bonkers thing I ever heard. Why put all the work in (and it's lots of work) if you can just go to any other system full with cmdrs and shoot everyone there?

Now the question is what do the Anarchist who played the bgs do? Flipping your old system back is almost impossible with the way things are going(1). Some will leave the bgs and use their new found free time for more PvP practice with willing and/or unwilling opponents. Others will form or formed already shadow armies(2) to retaliate against the oppressors or just to cause mayhem. Most players who support Anarchies have different bgs skill sets and knowledge compared to people supporting the "easier" government types due to the nature of the beast. Which means if they band together they are a force not many can stop.
San Tu being Anarchy was a nice thing but with carriers it's not really needed anymore. So it's just another hollow victory to add to all the previous ones.

(1) It's possible to retake the system with enough people and a good strategy, but keeping it Anarchy will be a grindfest that nobody in their right mind will do forever. FDev needs to fix the things they broke and give Anarchies a few extra levers to level the playing field.
(2) Shadow army: a group of individuals who work together on a common goal without public announcements and/or taking credits for their actions, aka working in the shadows. This can be done on any mode/platform or combinations of it.
I ran an international shadow army for two years to take away Wolfberg from Smiling Dog Crew and take away Orrere from CODE. It was great fun! Eventually, CODE stopped playing the BGS war and we got bored and left. For over a year, we stuck CODE to near 1% influence and laughed each time they made pitiful attempts to retake their station.
I ran an international shadow army for two years to take away Wolfberg from Smiling Dog Crew and take away Orrere from CODE. It was great fun! Eventually, CODE stopped playing the BGS war and we got bored and left. For over a year, we stuck CODE to near 1% influence and laughed each time they made pitiful attempts to retake their station.

I've had several interactions with members of the Code over the years, none negative (within the context of the game) although I've certainly heard stories.

Members of the squadron I'm in have been attacked by Code pirates, intimidated with impressive displays of precision manoeuvring & fire control and on one occasion a Code pirate wound up one of us to the point where me squad-mate swore at them & was popped for it. I was sent in to negotiate & the Code pilot was extremely accommodating once I explained what we were doing, I invited them into our wing & the Code pilot cleared a path for us to complete a few wing fetch missions. We shared around 30m of rewards with them for their trouble.

On another occasion I met the then leader of the Code in a nearby system to my home, I maintained a respectful distance for my own safety (I'm no PvPer) and struck up a conversation in supercruise; initially as misdirection so I could complete my missions but to try to gain some intel on what was going on. The guy I spoke to was as enthusiastic about the game as I was, and just wanted reasons to fight, because combat in this game is fun (for them).

When the Code split a few months ago my impression was that it was because while BGS manipulation offered the best kind of PvP (ie actually meaningful) it was so rare it wasn't worth the hassle because they never met their opposition, they were playing in Group, or on another platform, or just in a different timezone or with too high latency for matchmaking to work.

I thought it was a good idea, to become the 'baddie' in the faction sense as well as a direct PvP threat but it's just too easy to switch to group or solo & undermine a faction & that's not why they were playing. I gather many of them just went back to ganking because as any white hat knows it's way easier to just attack anyone you can instance with & maybe get a decent fight than to try to find specific players you want to attack.

The galaxy would be a boring place if everyone got along, but it would be a more entertaining place if more people did play in open & make themselves available to entertain others, as they provide entertainment for you :)

I try to not pick sides myself, I sit somewhere close to the middle & get attacked by everyone ;)

Deleted member 182079

I've had several interactions with members of the Code over the years, none negative (within the context of the game) although I've certainly heard stories.

Members of the squadron I'm in have been attacked by Code pirates, intimidated with impressive displays of precision manoeuvring & fire control and on one occasion a Code pirate wound up one of us to the point where me squad-mate swore at them & was popped for it. I was sent in to negotiate & the Code pilot was extremely accommodating once I explained what we were doing, I invited them into our wing & the Code pilot cleared a path for us to complete a few wing fetch missions. We shared around 30m of rewards with them for their trouble.

On another occasion I met the then leader of the Code in a nearby system to my home, I maintained a respectful distance for my own safety (I'm no PvPer) and struck up a conversation in supercruise; initially as misdirection so I could complete my missions but to try to gain some intel on what was going on. The guy I spoke to was as enthusiastic about the game as I was, and just wanted reasons to fight, because combat in this game is fun (for them).

When the Code split a few months ago my impression was that it was because while BGS manipulation offered the best kind of PvP (ie actually meaningful) it was so rare it wasn't worth the hassle because they never met their opposition, they were playing in Group, or on another platform, or just in a different timezone or with too high latency for matchmaking to work.

I thought it was a good idea, to become the 'baddie' in the faction sense as well as a direct PvP threat but it's just too easy to switch to group or solo & undermine a faction & that's not why they were playing. I gather many of them just went back to ganking because as any white hat knows it's way easier to just attack anyone you can instance with & maybe get a decent fight than to try to find specific players you want to attack.

The galaxy would be a boring place if everyone got along, but it would be a more entertaining place if more people did play in open & make themselves available to entertain others, as they provide entertainment for you :)

I try to not pick sides myself, I sit somewhere close to the middle & get attacked by everyone ;)
I didn't realise the Code split up... that makes me a bit sad as they did a really good job playing the bad guys (I remember they interfered during the Gnosis Incident during our first encounter with a Hydra - a proper 'are you kidding me?' moment, in a good way though).

Agree wholeheartedly with the rest.
I didn't realise the Code split up... that makes me a bit sad as they did a really good job playing the bad guys (I remember they interfered during the Gnosis Incident during our first encounter with a Hydra - a proper 'are you kidding me?' moment, in a good way though).

Agree wholeheartedly with the rest.

The players are (mostly) still around, supporting 'The Code' PMF was largely abandoned (AFAIK). IMO tactical BGS manipulation is great fun & lots of player groups & individuals attack each other already (via the BGS), I'm not sure there is really a need or benefit to acting as a universal enemy to all because you just get flattened (as ocflyer describes) when you are a target for everyone. It does create fleeting alliances & emergent content but not in a long term, sustainable way.

I have tried (with some qualified success) to employ hitmen & other primarily PvP players, in an attempt to blur the divide between direct & indirect PvP playstyles. I have had others intimidate me & my squad-mates too, it is exciting to be hunted (if you commit to staying in open). It is very, very dull to be a guard though, even in Open on PC in a contested system it's still easy to evade (by high waking if nothing else) for guarding or escorting to be effective or an entertaining way to play long term.
I ran an international shadow army for two years to take away Wolfberg from Smiling Dog Crew and take away Orrere from CODE. It was great fun! Eventually, CODE stopped playing the BGS war and we got bored and left. For over a year, we stuck CODE to near 1% influence and laughed each time they made pitiful attempts to retake their station.

Good that you and your group had fun. That's the most important thing, have fun and write a story with your in-game actions. It's a game after all and should be there to escape reality for the time you play. As far as I know nobody from SDC ever set foot into Wolfberg, so no idea who you actually fought there.

The Code has a special place in my heart. From being the first ones to chase me around in open, to my first PvP fight, and lately working together with some of them it always was and is a fun experience. Can't say the same about some of the "lawful" groups around.

Anyways, the Anarchist's Shadow Army's goals are to help Anarchies[1] and work against the spread of imperialistic[2] factions. What puts a big smile on our faces is then our work is called the work of bots.

[1] Anarchies are since always the weakest government to support bgs vise, more so lately with all the balancing
[2] not all are Imperial;)
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