My hope and wish is to take sandbox mode to the next level and allow us to create our own campaign levels.
To basically be able to incorporate mechanics from the campaign into our sandbox maps somehow.
A sandbox setting that allows us to fly in dinosaurs from a “site B” instead of using the hatchery, the ability to set triggers and objectives like herding a specific number and species of dinosaur into a paddock, make sure they are comfortable, etc.
Also allowing us to have rustlers appear when certain requirements are met (after time limit, number of dinosaurs reached, certain species in an enclosure, etc.) would be amazing.
Another note on the “site B” mechanic would be great to link to another map’s save of which dinosaurs are on it or just being able to create a list of what dinosaurs are available would add a lot to it.
I know it’s a longshot but it’s a suggestion I think that could take this game from being played for five years to being played for decades. A more interactive sandbox where you can set triggers and events, maybe even make our own complete campaigns, would give this game massive longevity.
I don’t know how hard that would be to pull off considering I play on the new gen consoles and not PC but it would be an amazing feature.
I love setting up a map like a campaign level and then turning on the settings and playing it through. So anything that could add to that experience would really make this game a lot more fun for me personally. So that’s my idea and I at least hope it is worth thinking about.
Thank you for your time.
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