COMPLETED CG Seize the Far God Cult Megaship (Combat)

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Volunteer Moderator
System: Popontia
Station: Ryman Market (Orbis starport, large pads available, 76 Ls from main star, 76.56 Ly from Sol)
Objective: Hand in Combat Bonds after fighting for Popontia Incorporated in Conflict Zones
Time limit: 6th October 3308 @ 06:00 UTC

Conflict has erupted in Popontia as the Federation seeks to apprehend True Chapters cultists of the Far God cult.
Federal ships have been deployed in the Popontia system with the intention of detaining all cultists and seizing the Dedicant megaship. Governor Nadia Machado, representing Popontia Incorporated, declared:
By order of President Hudson, all Thargoid worshippers are under suspicion of espionage and abetting our alien enemies. The True Chapters group is ordered to surrender for lawful questioning.
Popontia Incorporated has been tasked with overseeing this mission. Payment has been authorised for Federal auxiliaries and independent pilots willing to pledge their support in subduing True Chapters supporters.
These unprecedented hostilities were commented on by Dr Alfred Ulyanov, an academic authority on the Order of the Far God:
This is the first time that members of this faith have not calmly accepted their own fate. According to my research, the First Apostle preaches that the Far God will transform her followers upon Its manifestation, allowing them to survive while the rest of humanity is extinguished. This has evidently motivated True Chapters adherents to abandon their wholly passive stance.
Both campaigns are being orchestrated by contacts in the system’s primary starport, Ryman Market.
The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end when the top tier is reached by either faction or early on Thursday 6th October 3308.
To be eligible for rewards you must sign up as an active participant before handing in Combat Bonds at Ryman Market in the Popontia system.
Please note that if you have any crew members, a proportion of your combat bonds will be automatically assigned to them. These combat bonds will not count towards your personal contribution total, and your crew will receive the reward for these combat bonds when they are handed in. The proportion of combat bonds assigned to your crew will depend on their rank.
Be aware that faction-state changes and other disruptive events can negatively impact markets and station services, and could prevent the initiative from running smoothly.
  • Competing with True Chapters Cultists CG
  • Ryman Market is at planet 1
  • Station services: Commodities Market, Black Market, Shipyard, Outfitting, Repair, Restock, Refuel, Social Space
Latest status
Last updated: 6 October 07:00 UTC-finished

Current Progress:
Current Participation Rewards:
Global Progress: 46,283,193,855 credits earned
Contributors: 3,529
Reward Tier: 1/6
Global Reward:
None listed
Top 10 CMDRs: 12,000,000 CR
Top 10%: 6,400,000 CR
Top 25%: 4,000,000 CR
Top 50%: 2,400,000 CR
Top 75%: 1,600,000 CR
Top 100%: 400,000 CR

CG threshold tracking
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Journal data (used to track progress) can be submitted via various third party tools or by direct journal imports on Inara. For more details see

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"The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end when the top tier is reached by either faction or early on Thursday the 29th September 3308."

Uhm, should I be looking for CZs where one of the parties is The True Chapters group? Popontia Incorporated and Popontia Patrons of Law are the only parties I see in CZs.
Uhm, should I be looking for CZs where one of the parties is The True Chapters group? Popontia Incorporated and Popontia Patrons of Law are the only parties I see in CZs.
That's probably fine if you want to fight for Incorporated, the bonds should work anyway. Obviously no good for True Chapters supporters

It's a consequence of some BGS oddities with how the system was moved into war ... and will probably work itself out once the current BGS tick has gone through fully. Try closing to desktop and restarting, it might help.
The feds did take time off after EDO released so the CGs were very non fed biased but that changed around march 2022...
Support has remained active on CGs since for fed causes..
As normal this CG has now run away on the fed side again even with no bribe...
The low user count for the cult Wil have to work hard to push back...
As normal this CG has now run away on the fed side again even with no bribe...
The low user count for the cult Wil have to work hard to push back...
Imho in this case it was really fair to put things like this, without fancy modules to push one side. The cause itself should be enough to attract Cmdrs in CZs.
The motivation here is also quite interesting, do Cmdrs fight a) for the Feds, b) against religion cult, c) against Feds... or d) in a way against/for Thargoids?
This is over...

No bribe from the cult did them in... Horizons 3.8 compliance would mean the bribe would have had to be added to the game in August update for CG//
Image changed size to represent how bad the other side is doing...
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Uhm, should I be looking for CZs where one of the parties is The True Chapters group? Popontia Incorporated and Popontia Patrons of Law are the only parties I see in CZs.
Same… although I should admit that I‘m a combat novice, and certainly never partaken in the combat side of CGs before.

Is there a way to know who’s in a CZ from supercruise, or is it a case of dropping in and scanning?
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It is like in the real world!!

Fedneck playing bully. Invading without proof. People supporting the bully. You cannot make this up!
I have been unable to find the Far God CZs, any tips on their locations?First post
Federal ships have been deployed in the Popontia system with the intention of detaining all cultists and seizing the Dedicant megaship.

The Workers of Popontia Free, which is "sympathetic" to the sect's right to practise its religion, was outfitting the Dedicant megaship for the chapter's use. Federal ships have been deployed in the Popontia system with the intention of detaining all cultists and seizing the megaship.

sympathetic = Popontia Incorporated has been tasked with overseeing this mission. Payment has been authorised for Federal auxiliaries and independent pilots willing to pledge their support in subduing True Chapters supporters. = if you help them you die = feds kill you.. Workers of Popontia Free are hidding them... So feds will kill all Workers of Popontia Free ships they see... to get at any true chapters there hidding...

Head to planet 4...
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The Workers of Popontia Free, which is "sympathetic" to the sect's right to practise its religion, was outfitting the Dedicant megaship for the chapter's use. Federal ships have been deployed in the Popontia system with the intention of detaining all cultists and seizing the megaship.
Ok, so that paragraph does not appear in the mission briefing I‘m looking at. There’s no mention of “Propontia Free”, just Propontia Incorporated.

What it says (currently) is: “Conflict has erupted in Propontis as the Federation seeks to apprehend True Chapters cultists of The Far God Cult. Federal ships have been deployed in the Propontis system with the intention of detailing all cultists and seizing the Dedicant megaship.”

There’s a quote from Gv Nadia Machado and then it continues:

”Propontia Incroporated has been tasked with …”

So I was looking for a CZ with some reference to True Chapters or Far God Cultists or something.

Thanks for clearing that up though :)

EDIT: I now see where your text comes from… a Galnet News article I missed. Sheesh!
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Yep its in the "GENERAL" fixes section of those Patches notes... Translation of patch notes may break that title So try the English version first then translate to your first language... after you get to that section...
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