Sensor fragments

Any system, anywhere in the galaxy that has a Gas Giant w/Ammonia Based Life and landable planets will spawn Non Human Signal Sources on the planetary surface that you can go down to and collect sensor fragments.

Edit: Doing a simple FSS scan of the system will not reveal the Non Human Signal Sources at the landable planets. The cmdr must travel to each planet or moon to have the POI show up. The first time you visit the planet or moon you must perform a DSS, but when revisiting a system simply proximity to the planet reveals them. These POI are randomly spawned, so if you leave a system and return they will not be at the same locations or planets. If you land beside a Thargoid sensor and log off, when you log back on it might be gone. The probablity of at least one planet out of ten having a POI is very good. Some planets will have two, maybe three POI. A system with +10 landable planets will likely have several POI.

This is awesome, exactly the sort of logic that had to be there somewhere, a gold mine! I'm going to have to do some more exploring, to get just a little of this level of understanding of the system.
Your best bet for fragments is to
  • grab a thargoid sensor/ probe/link
  • go to an active thargoid structure in the Pleiades
  • drive in to each little alcove where Thargoid Links are
  • destroy them instead of scooping them.

Each site has 4 alcoves, each alcove 3 links, each link gives 2 physical fragments, each fragment gives 3 mats... 4 x 3 x 2 x 3 = 72 sensor fragments, no relog.
Your best bet for fragments is to
  • grab a thargoid sensor/ probe/link
  • go to an active thargoid structure in the Pleiades
  • drive in to each little alcove where Thargoid Links are
  • destroy them instead of scooping them.

Each site has 4 alcoves, each alcove 3 links, each link gives 2 physical fragments, each fragment gives 3 mats... 4 x 3 x 2 x 3 = 72 sensor fragments, no relog.
And you get to experience an atmospheric environment as a bonus.

When I went out to get the distance for Palin's unlock with my alt, I also stopped by a system or two with an ammonia-life gas giant to pick up some sensor fragments for him. Kind of went hand in hand.
I started out exploring, and think I would have had this logic in mind, but ended up getting utterly destroyed several times by revers or greifers when sent to Felicity Farceur and from that point on my following of the natural flow of the game was altered to one of trying to learn why I got so utterly destroyed, and with that in consequence, chasing the engineering not the natural flow.

I kind of regret it now, and hate them for doing that, it really breaks the natural progression, which I can feel is there without that interaction.
Your best bet for fragments is to
  • grab a thargoid sensor/ probe/link
  • go to an active thargoid structure in the Pleiades
  • drive in to each little alcove where Thargoid Links are
  • destroy them instead of scooping them.

Each site has 4 alcoves, each alcove 3 links, each link gives 2 physical fragments, each fragment gives 3 mats... 4 x 3 x 2 x 3 = 72 sensor fragments, no relog.
Eh? Links give "Sensor fragments"? Those Thargoids are crazy!
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