News Server Stability Issues: July 3, 2015

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Can we start placing bets on when the next instability will be. It sounds quite immersive (really).

Hah - lets rather place bets on when this game will be stable for a full 24 hours at a time.

PC folks are a lot more used to all kinds of bugs and filing out problems, but I tell you: If they dump this sh...biowaste to the console crowd, who's average attention span is the same as a 6 year old ADHD case high on caffeine, they won't be making money out of that deal for very long.
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"... while we resolve the issue at hand." It is pretty clear why they won't take part in this talk, isn't it?

But tbh at first I thought the same.

What would you suggest? Should they hire a psychologist to help us deal with the issues resulting from this massive catastrophy and keep us company through these difficult times?

Some $30,000,000 in they should just make it work. Seriously.

This is a commercial product (er...) not a glorified hobby project.
"it's also a Social Experiment" said Mr Braben. Yeah, create computer geeks and then unplug the servers on Fri/Sat so that they know they need to get a life.
Been playing (testing) since Alpha and this type of thing along with life admittedly has fragmented my game time so much I frequently open the Galaxy Map and just sit and stare at the dots, lost.

I'm giving up for a month, cya on the flip ;)
Alright. . .Who forgot to feed the hamsters running on the wheels which power the transaction server. . . ;_; "John was it your turn?"
John: "I told Bob to do it!"
Bob: " I told Thomas to do it!"
Thomas: "Oh, I thought that was a snack from the vending machine."

But, really, thank you FD for actively working on this server issue! ^^
Aaah Poo!

I spend all day fixing IT issues at work so I feel for the guys working on this but now I must resort to a line shouted at me every other day by people who have no idea what they are asking------- Fix it, fix it, FIX IT!!! Soz - :eek:

Any body got any other jokes??
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I was going to be a bit rude, but decided this was funnier:

I think this explains it more:
Julie 3, 3001

Thargoid "Death Ray" suspected cause of Galaxy Wide Sunspots.
Widespread computational malfunctioning reported !!

Brett C of the pilots' federation called for calm, while core dynamics engineers attempt to restore Galnet Connectivity as soon as possible. "Without a functioning economy is it unlikely that populated space will be able to gather materiel for defense against the rumoured Thargoid Invasion."

Though there have been no confirmed sightings of Thargoids since FFE, it is well documented just how dangerous (and icky) this particular species has been in the past.

"Basically I wouldn't put anything past them," Commander Winterwalker of the EPF was quoted as saying, "Insectivorous Creatures have no inkling how hard a jobbing pilot works, to outfit his ship!"

"But," he added, "Though they may take our Lave's .. they will never take .. Our Freedom!"
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