Ship: Federal Corvette, then AspX - 526 hrs and 494 hrs seems strange, in particular for the AspX, as my go-to ship is the DBX since long. Exceeds 99% rsp. 99.8% of CMDRs.
First Elite: January 25th, 3303 in Exploration, may be true
Deaths: 221 \o/, most of them on the ground I think
14.555 stars traversed, 972.594 ly covered
First footfalls: 68 planets
Thargoids: first fight July 6, 3304, 812 kills, exceeds 91% of CMDRs and I'm still bad at it!
Combat: 27.613 kills (5 of them in PvP), mostly for the BGS
Trade: 26.615.436.766 profit, exceeds 99.9% of CMDRs. Elite V.
Mining: 612.831.997 profit, definitely not my favorite task. Still exceeding 97% of CMDRs
Black Market: 18.709.092 profit, exceeds 99.5% of CMDRs still. I had to do it for the cause!
Stolen goods: 2.610.569 profit. Must have been a terrible misunderstanding, Sir! 99,4%
Bounties: 21.616 claims, exceeds 99.9% of CMDRs apparently
Most legendary hunt: 29.953.357 profit.Don't remember that.
Service time ~6k hours since March 3302 on main account, mostly in VR.