Shared mission - VERY bad experience :(


Volunteer Moderator
We tested sharing missions today. How to put it lightly... It was very disappointing. Just one big nope :(

Attempt 1 (Open)
4 people, each of us got 1 mission and shared it. Cool. Me and my mate got the same mission, I mean identical - assassinate the same person, in the same settlement, from the same faction, same rewards, apart from the fact that we both had different materials to choose from.
Go to location. I get the message that the target escaped, but another contractor downed his ship and we need to go elsewhere to find him now. But my friend didn't get that message. So now we have Schrodinger's target. He's in 2 places at the same time. We decide to go to the settlement. Killed target, my mate's mission is marked as completed. All of the details at this stage were erased from my mission. I.e. there was literally just the words "Kill so and so" and then just rewards listed. No info whether the mission is completed, or shall we still go to the other planet to kill the same guy again.
2 other friends disconnect (game crashed to desktop for both). Our Team is all of a sudden completely disbanded, including the guy that didn't CTD. The only remaining mission is my own one, which I still don't know if it's completed or not. I decide to head back to the station. I can hand my mission in and get the rewards. The other missions are gone.

Attempt 2 (Open)
Long story short, constant disconnects, team disbanded time and again. Shared missions gone.

To add insult to injury, most of the planetary locations I've had 15-30 FPS on 3080 RTX card.

Worth adding that I don't get this performance drops when playing on my own, regardless if solo or open. Playing with friends is out of question for me for now. Just... sad. And very disappointed. I'm trying, I'm really trying to like EDO and I actually like it A LOT when it works.

But it's rare occurrence and mainly when playing on my own :(
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