Just answer WHY do we need interiors?
Maybe because of this
97% of Viewers (Players) Want Ship Interiors
And to tell you the truth,
this entire issue of Ship Interiors vs actual atmo. Planets ist just so utterly unneded.
Nobody sais that actual atmo. Planets should NEVER come, but it is simply totally unrealistic to ask for them in the current state of Elite (and FDev).
It is true that actual atmo. Planets can EASILY hold a candle to Ship Interiors,
it is also true that, in THISorTHAT Situation, actual atmo. Planets can do so with even greater ease.
It is just as true, that they'd be SIGNIFICANTLY harder to develop the moment you want ANYTHING even coming CLOSE to ELW.
Anyone that denies this, lives in a dream world.
Ship Interiors on the other hand, could be leagues easier.
Because they could simply be done MUCH simpler, while still being an absolutely awesome feature
Maybe someone wants to poking around in settlements or streaming interiors for their audience. No problem. But ED is primarily about flying around the galaxy.
I mean srsly ... you are actually contradicting yourself here XD
Ship Interiors ARE part of the Ship which you
fly around the galaxy.
If you want to see an ELW, look outside.