Ship transfers to a fleet carrier don't actually deliver ships

When I am in situation where my ship gets destroyed while I am on foot, and I get picked up and dropped off at a friendly fleet carrier, I always have the following issue:
1. I go to shipyard to use terminal to transfer my now rebuild ship from where it respawned to my location at a carrier
2. I wait for the delivery
3. When I get notification that ship has arrived I go to hangar bay door, however the on-screen pop up tells me there are no ships.
4. I go to shipyard terminal again, and I see my ship is again at it's original location.

Sometimes while you wait and it bugs out, if you re-open the shipyard terminal it will already show the ship at its original location, despite "transfer" still happening (but not indicated on terminal UI). After now invisible timer expires, you will get a pop-up saying your ship has arrived, but it will have the same result as step 4. When you reopen the shipyard terminal and this occurs, you can already request "another" transfer, and pay for it, or you can wait till the delivery before requesting it again.
I am not sure what causes the issue, bur maybe some activity - because staring at the transfer screen made it work fine.

I did. I had it bug out twice, and after second "ship delivered" l relogged, but it was still not there. I then stayed on transfer screen and it worked, although maybe it just didn't bug out this time.
What's the "proper" way of raising bugs for this gsme?
I feel like there's a step missing here; if your ship is destroyed, you have to rebuy it. You can't do that from a carrier (if you're on foot you have to do it at an Inter Astra desk at a station with an active shipyard), so where are you doing it and why aren't you boarding the ship there?
That's the thing - if I am dropped off at a carrier rather than a base/station with ship vendor, all I see is terminal, which tells me that my ship is (already) at a given location (where I docked lat time). There is no rebuy, I only have transfer. And it works, just not always and not first time
Dude stop being condescending and listen.
We operate bit outside the bubble and stations are quite away. I get dropped off at random friendly carrier, while my own is bit farther away. I am being rescued and brought to rescuer's carrier, and I just want to be able to retrieve my ship. There are now two bugs.
Main menu->Help->Stuck Recovery will let you rebuy the ship and put you back in it without having to go to any carrier. Otherwise you don't have a ship to be retrieved, it was literally destroyed.
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