Shipyard ?

Wil the fleetcarrier have a shipyard or have the option to put one on? Personally I hope so else the carrier becomes more useless to me already . Any thoughts?
I would guess that there is going to be a ship transfer ability in shipyard, but not sure about shiny-new ships
There will, almost certainly, be some mechanism where we can add and subtract ships from or fleet carriers, RIght now, the ship adding-and-subtracting mechanism is done via the Shipyard. Now, FD may implement some shiny new mechanism to move ships on and off fleet carriers, but FD normally don't go around inventing new stuff when there's already a perfectly usable function present in-game, so best-guess would be that yes, fleet carriers will have a Shipyard.

You probably won't be able to buy new ships at one, though.

There's still a lot we don't know about Carriers.

Will you be able to respawn on a Carrier if you explode? Logically "Yes".

If you respawn on a fleet carrier, will you be able to "rebuy" your old ship there, or will you be forced to hop on board one of the other empty ships you've got parked on the Carrier? In other words, will you be forced to choose between:
  • Respawn on the carrier and lose your old ship forever, including all Engineered modules?
  • Respawn at the nearest / last docked starport as we do now, which may be hundreds or thousands of LY away from your carrier?
Logically, if there are no new ships available to purchase at the carrier-based Shipyard, then you shouldn't be able to instantly rebuy your ship there. It should either be completely unavailable (lose your ship), or available only after a delivery/transfer timer, and you are forced to hop into a different ship while you wait.

Each of those three options presented would have a significant impact on exactly how Carriers would be used.
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The real question is if we get shipyards, will we also get module storage? This is still the most important thing to me.
Commanders can choose a number of loadouts for their Fleet Carrier, governing services/module and ship availability to support a number of different activities
I wonder what ship availability means. It's an odd statement. It sounds like it means you can buy different types of ship depending on the support ship you have.

If that's the case, then I really don't like it.

If it means you can only dock certain types of ship, again, I don't like it.
Maybe you can "buy" a ship at your FC, but it's then shipped to you from the nearest Station that sells said ship? Being able to remotely order ships and modules in this way and have them shipped to your location might be quite useful.

Also, I'd hope that any pinned BP's are available when docked at the FC. Time will tell.


Deleted member 110222

The real question is if we get shipyards, will we also get module storage? This is still the most important thing to me.
Ship and module storage are stupidly simple. If it has shipyard, you can store ships. If it has outfitting, You can store modules.

People are displaying a glaringly obvious lack of understanding about game mechanisms as they write ridiculously complicated and nonsensical posts on they (wrongly) believe the mechanics work.
It would be impossible to dock more than one ship without a shipyard, as it is a fleet carrier... urm..

Minimum spec would be..
Shipyard - To choose which ship in your fleet to fly
Outfitting - To loadout your ships from stored modules
Reload - To reload
Repair - To..
Refuel -

The above subject to stock levels, which should mean we can store materials and standard fuel.

Also this would mean a tweak to fuel tanks so that you can unload your fuel ship onto the carrier / support ship

I don't think it should be possible to purchase ANYTHING from your carrier. If you give access to other players then you should be able to set the price they reload etc for
People are displaying a glaringly obvious lack of understanding about game mechanisms as they write ridiculously complicated and nonsensical posts on they (wrongly) believe the mechanics work.
Anyone expecting new mechanics exclusively for carriers, when there are existing mechanics for the exact same thing ingame already, seems intent on thinking up needlessly overcomplicated ideas for no reason.
It would be impossible to dock more than one ship without a shipyard, as it is a fleet carrier... urm..

Minimum spec would be..
Shipyard - To choose which ship in your fleet to fly
Outfitting - To loadout your ships from stored modules
Reload - To reload
Repair - To..
Refuel -
Yep. then presumably we can infer that at the bare minimum support options would add basic stuff like a refinery to sell mined minerals to, cartographics, or a contact for cashing in combat vouchers.
With anything beyond that being entirely speculative.
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