Newcomer / Intro Short cut to finding mapping and planet discoveries.

Hi all,

I've posted this in the newcomer section as I consider myself a game novice despite dabbling in the game on and off for about four years. In the last week I've come back for the first time since the exploration changes and have headed out from my usual home of Sol to try a little exploration. I've now got to the point that I am mapping a few high metal and water worlds that haven't been done before so have headed into a station and put the data in and have the credits for the discoveries. That's fine but what I'm struggling to see is if there is a log or shortcut in the game that allows me quick and easy access to a list of systems with my discoveries. I can keep a written log and type the system names into the galaxy map search but I find it hard to believe there isn't an in game way.

I've carefully looked at this new Codex Discoveries thingy that has appeared and see where it totals my confirmed discovery count. I also see where it divides that down by planet and star type, the sub-menu where the blue ticks show what I assume are your discoveries and the final list of discoveries including details. The details shown cover a couple of mine but mostly show other commanders and include dates from some time past. I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong or reading it wrong but is there a simple, in game way to see the system information in which you've had discoveries?

Many thanks

There isn't an in-game way of tracking your discoveries. It doesn't even give you a total tally of discoveries or scans (eg. "You have found 56 Earth-like planets"). It counts the first one you find in each Galactic Region, and ignores the rest, unless they enter the "records" section. People were hoping and assuming that the Codex would track all of our dicoveries, but it turns out FD never intended it to do this - it's more a "trainspotter's guide to the galaxy", letting you know what everyone else has seen and automatically checking off whether or not you've seen a similar one too.

So sadly, no, there is no in-game way to get a list of your "first discoveries". There are game journals saved onto our PC (if you play on PC), which you can get third-party programs like EDD or EDMC to read for you and tell you, for example, your previous flightpath through the galaxy. But even EDD doesn't have a "list of all your first discoveries - mainly because, until very recently, whether or not your discovery was a "first" was not entered into the Journal files.

The closest the game comes to it is the "visited systems" map filter, which lets you know which star systems you've visited, and which you haven't. This map does rely on data saved on your computer, so if you've switched machines or done a hard reinstall, that data wlil be lost.
Even the trainspotters guide analogy for the Codex misses the mark, trainspotters guides used to have all the identities of all locomotive types in them for you to cross off when you had seen them. The Codex is more like an I-Spy book which would only have an example of each type of object in it.
You can take a screenshot of every system you visit.Probably quicker than pen or paper,the only downside is storage,but contains a lot more information that may not seem relevant at the time of writing.
While this doesn't list the planets/discoveries per se, it does give you a way to track ALL the systems you have been to, with names of the systems listed, and distance you jumped between each.

This is how I have kept track and created a database of all the systems I have visited on my exploration trip I started on June 10th. It is still on going and I am about 6K lys out of Sag A.

1) Be a registered member of INARA ( ) (NOTE: this is not an advertisement to push joining, just giving the name of the site)
2) Import your "Frontier Data" (not sure if there is another way to get the info there, but this is what I have done - Other Commanders may have other info to add)
3) Once the data is imported, Go to the "COMMANDER" tab at the top of the screen.
4) Now look on the left of the screen, click on "Personal Logs"
5) Go down to "Flight Logs" and click on it.

You will see a list of all the systems you have visited (at least all of the ones since you joined INARA, not sure how far they go back, I haven't investigated that...)

If you are Obsessive Compulsive, you can create an Excel sheet that list all of this data to have off-line if needed. If you are Uber Compulsive, you can take the data, put it in, flip it around so that the oldest systems are at the top and newest at the bottom, and add a column on the side listing the total number of jumps performed and total LY's jumped (577 and 31,722 LYs...not that I am compulsive or anything)

Now if you are looking for something else, then sorry...I am out of ideas.

Take Care and Check Six Commanders!
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