Ships Should there be a Type 9/10 Explorer?

I've quickly thrown a loadout together:
My own Phantom gets a little further, but also doesn't carry 20t of fighter with it:

My variant on the same concept, obviously if your comfortable doing manual dockings with a few hundred million worth of data on your return you could swap the docking computer for somthing else. Honestly though i'd agree the Krait II isn't the best choice for carrying a fighter hanger on exploration jaunts.

Shields on those Kraits are more than enough for landing bumps. I never use docking computers. I'm even not afraid to get into a fight with an NPC in my Phantom, that's why I carry weapons.
Hey, while it is known, that Lakon’s designers are pretty much communists, at least they got enough sense not to install two shiny fluorescents right in front of your face.
IMO, A jump range over 30-40Ly isn't needed in an explorer ship - An actual explorer will survey each system entered searching for the anomalies hidden there -
Not jump, honk, jump continuously to the chosen destination. -
Before the addition of the FSS in an explorer ship, you would have to actually fly point to point in a system to scan completely -
In my case (I consider myself an explorer predominately), I still use the "old ways" since I am in no hurry to get anywhere - You have to jump, honk, scan, switch to FSS, survey and decide if you want to go there to see what the anomaly is anyway, so why bother.
I have both a T-9 and a T-10 -
The T-9 is outfitted for mining asteroids and rings and has a 30Ly jump range to return to my carrier rapidly when loaded with a maximum of 720t -
The T-10, on the other hand, is equipped as a weaponised courier to return collected products to the bubble with an almost 50Ly range, with the ability to carry 512t of cargo -
Since I am now over 6000Ly from the Bubble - I offer refit and repair to those that are in the range of the Carrier and the ability to buy and sell commodities if so desired which I expect was the intention of a Carrier when introduced.
If you plan on jumping 300Ly or more at a time you will miss the glorious opportunity of discoveries in the systems you bypassed to get somewhere.
There are a few reasons for having best possible range. There's fringe exploration, getting your name onto almost unreachable systems at the very edge of the milky way. But there's also fuel usage. It's not linear, you save a lot by doing shorter jumps or even economy mode. Some ships can go thousands of lightyears that way without refueling. When you plan to explore a specific destination jump range helps getting to the target area fast. Last not least, when space madness finally kicks in and you have to see civilization again, being able to do big strides towards the bubble is nice.
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There are a few reasons for having best possible range. There's fringe exploration, getting your name onto almost unreachable systems at the very edge of the milky way. But there's also fuel usage. It's not linear, you save a lot by doing shorter jumps or even economy mode. Some ships can go thousands of lightyears that way without refueling. When you plan to explore a specific destination jump range helps getting to the target area fast. Last not least, when space madness finally kicks in and you have to see civilization again, being able to do big strides towards the bubble is nice.

This. Jump rnage isn't for when your actually exploring, but for getting to and from the area your exploring. I mean i did my 5k trip for engineer unlocks in a 25ly max jump anaconda, but if i wanted to go out to where i finished up and do some serious exploring around it i'd prefer to do it in somthing that doesn't take 250 odd jumps to get there.
This. Jump rnage isn't for when your actually exploring, but for getting to and from the area your exploring. I mean i did my 5k trip for engineer unlocks in a 25ly max jump anaconda, but if i wanted to go out to where i finished up and do some serious exploring around it i'd prefer to do it in somthing that doesn't take 250 odd jumps to get there.
I think the low-mid 40s range of the T9 hits the sweet spot.
Same can be said for the Anaconda... made the mistake of going to Beagle Point in one... Doubt I'll ever fly one again.
Now use either an iCourier or Beluga, both great ships for Exploration

No idea if it's because i use a joystick but i rarely have issues with the anaconda. It takes a star with a relatively close drop range relative to it's exclusion zone to give it grief.
(...) An actual explorer will survey each system(...)
Cheers! ;)

I think the low-mid 40s range of the T9 hits the sweet spot.
My sweet spot is 62.5ly so I can chain 4 neutron boosts for a Kylie :)

Great view imo (and I include the cockpit, so lakon workbenches are disqualified) , although not down through your feet, offers the Beluga which works pretty well as a large explorer :)
No idea if it's because i use a joystick but i rarely have issues with the anaconda. It takes a star with a relatively close drop range relative to it's exclusion zone to give it grief.

What kills T9/T10 is their abysmal roll and yaw rates . Anaconda is ok-ish, Cutter is even better.
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What kills T9/T10 is their abysmal roll and yaw rates . Anaconda is ok-ish, Cutter is even better.

Whilst i obviously try and do generally use a combination of all 3 the pitch rate on the T9/10 is pretty poor, the anaconda i can get away with just pitching and rolling if i want.
I like the original concept of this thread. I currently explore in either T7, Asp Scout (don't laugh, I just love it!) or Krait Phantom, but none of those really delivers on OP's post. I like a large explorer ship, feels very deep space capable when I have all the toys with me, but just don't get along with the Anaconda. I have actually just bought one again, building it up into an explorer to try to rediscover the love, but it isn't really what I want owing to the view (and the manoeuvrability isn't that great). Maybe this is a moment to use the T8 gap in the range? Use the basic frame of the T9/10, but give it maybe less integrity, less heft, so it handles a bit better but retains most or all of the interior space (and that view!). Maybe limit the cargo racks it can fit or something to make it more specialised? I don't know, but all the ships overlap so much the horse has pretty much bolted on role-specific ships (several ships can do pretty much anything). But the idea of a large explorer with the T9/T10 view (and frame) but a bit more nimble would be lovely.
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