Though it may not feel it, the biggest concern I have at the moment is exploration, it's the reason why I raised my voice again. It is my life-blood in this game and I have been trying to warn Frontier for a very long time they are backing themselves into a corner with it, however that hasn't had any effect (not that I have even the remotest sway) on them pushing 2 of the big storylines towards Exploration, while still adding nothing to it. All it's had is the Wave Scanner since release and I'm convinced they have no plans to add to it whatsoever until there is a need to have it (walking around outside/atmospheric landings) but the problem as I see it is with a massive influx of new people trying exploration, the moaning changes from Combat/Engineers and focuses on Exploration. The thing I'm worried about most is through this pressure they put in a "quick fix" like the 10% module resell or removing engineer commodities and that would be a very, very bad thing.
I believe we agree about the problems with exploration.
The storylines seem interesting, but I haven't had the time to be involved in them. I am merely a spectator who sees updates every now and then on Twitter. And once they're over, they're over. I would rather see investment in the "tools". The wave scanner stands out as so different to all of the other overly-simplistic exploration tools. I believe even just making some of those tasks a little more interactive would provide a whole new layer to exploration.
I also agree with the comments that what has been added (geysers and the like) are so ridiculously frustrating to find that they may as well not be there. I've spent hours looking myself and have only visited one site thanks to a fellow Commander who provided the location for me. The problem here is partly lack of proper tools, but also I think, Frontier's attitude towards what makes interesting gameplay. (I'm sorry. I really do hate being critical but they have some strange ideas in this area.)
I really hope they make advancements in exploration. And, like you say, I hope those "advancements" aren't just quick-fixes.
Now, back to my app, because that's what this thread is all about. I had grand visions for this thing. Sure, I've demonstrated how easy it is to find locations. But, really, I believe even simple surface bookmarking by coordinates should be added in-game as a matter of priority. I've demonstrated basic racing. I really would love to set up some huge endurance courses and have championships. The other thing I wanted to do was to build a galactic catalogue.
I want to build an integrated system where Commanders can share information about systems and planets they have visited. Share screenshots of awesome hills, canyons, or even just fantastic views. I wanted to build our own little Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Those who chose to participate would have a new reason to go out and explore. To collect information on hidden gems around the galaxy. Maybe I'm dreaming. It seemed like a great idea and I'll try to do what I can.
I'll be glad when Frontier adds more functionality and content themselves (atmospheric planets would sure be nice). But I'm also a believer in user-created "content" (preferrably not just incinerating sitting ducks on their way to a CG). I saw surface navigation as a stepping stone to providing some fun content.
Of course, it would be really cool if Elite had a full-function, client-side API. But it doesn't and I honestly doubt it ever will. Memory reading is generally a painful process. I wouldn't be doing it if I had a better way. But it's a means to an end.
I think for certain the one thing we will agree on, is that this has been handled badly.
Much as I love Elite Dangerous and aspects of Frontier, communication has never been their strong suit.