So I logged in for the first time in almost a year...

Been awhile, got sucked into DCS. Got the itch to fly in space again for a bit.
In the interim, I also purchased a new throttle (Thrustmaster Warthog) and flight stick, rudder pedals, etc.

Opened game, excited to bind my controls so I don't have to use shift registers for absolutely everything.
Noticed the new menu, quite nice. Quickly bound my controls, hopped in my ship...and "whoops, roll is inverted, let me change that really quickly"...
All my bindings gone. All of them. Right back to square one. (While having a pirate asking for the void opals in my hold, so had to use keyboard to drop a couple to get rid of him since I couldn't even fly my ship now and wasn't going to dogfight in my miner while using mouse and keyboard after a year of not playing).

Did a few test just binding roll and pitch. Every time I applied and exited the settings, it lost the changes, and unbound everything. Didn't even have to close the menu, just exit control settings and go back in.
Now, I could exit the game, open explorer, copy over the custom config file, double check the windows permissions, etc to troubleshoot why controls are not being saved. Probably could do that faster than typing this post. But, honestly, too much time to fix a bug that shouldn't even exist, still no option to name custom control schemes in game so they don't get overridden every update? and just left me feeling like "Wow, this game is more broken than it was a year ago..." All the news about new player experience and fixing bugs just went out the window and completely wiped out my desire to even try to play elite today.

I guess I'm hopping back into my F-18. I'll be back next year sometime (propbably with the super-carrier release) to see if they managed to fix even the most basic of things to make the game playable again.
Very strange. Been playing regularly since... 2.2? 2.3? I don't even remember. Lost keybinds exactly 1 time at the 2.4 update.
Have never had a problem since. I always keep a backup, but I've never needed it. What am I doing so differently?

I know I've heard other people say they've had this same problem too, but I'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around what might be different.
How do you get as far as some void opals without having sorted your controls out ?.

Edit : I lost my controls once since 2014 when I unistalled and reinstalled into a better file location. Took me a good three of four minutes to sort it out.
Here's my "I've been playing all this time but how DARE I get a new controller and my bindings got wiped" experience. Replaced my 360 pad with another. But of course, frontier is storing the specific device ID in case I was using two of them (yeah, I get that, some folks run with two identical joysticks). But--game has no way of updating this manually, and instead of wiping just the gamepad controls, it just fails to load the custom bindings at all because it can't find my broken gamepad.

Had to go find my new pad's device ID and then search/replace the old one in the bindings file. Which is not what I'd expect a typical gamer should have to do imo.

I'd like to think that with the sheer number of controls in this game, that the bindings thing would be a strong point of the game--working really well because it's so critical. Sad that I have to dream it rather than have it with Elite.

Full disclosure--I used to have similar issues with ETS2/ATS, but unlike here, SCS have gotten their bindings to a pretty good place now. I would hope this is one of the areas they put some more work into over the next twelve months.

NB: my binds file is sitting at over 1400 lines today. I have absolutely zero interest in redoing them all just because I got one new controller, for those who were about to suggest that.

Second note: imagine if I had added a new controller, rather than replaced an existing one. That'd be a much harder exercise thanks to their system today.
If I ever feel the need to jiggle with my settings I launch and sit round the back of the station getting it together, then I fly round the station doing daft things till I'm happy with how it moves. Then I dock&relaunch since that tests all the axis plus manouvering thrusters and bob to the nav beacon to test it on a pirate.

Everything else I add in if I need it and just ignore anything I never try to use.
Yeah, I wonder if this will get fixed during the 8 month fix-a-thon?

This bug is such a time waster....and yes I have a back up of my binding and no, I shouldn't have to back up binding files, no other game I own asks me to back up my binding file.
Been awhile, got sucked into DCS. Got the itch to fly in space again for a bit.
In the interim, I also purchased a new throttle (Thrustmaster Warthog) and flight stick, rudder pedals, etc.

Opened game, excited to bind my controls so I don't have to use shift registers for absolutely everything.
Noticed the new menu, quite nice. Quickly bound my controls, hopped in my ship...and "whoops, roll is inverted, let me change that really quickly"...
All my bindings gone. All of them. Right back to square one. (While having a pirate asking for the void opals in my hold, so had to use keyboard to drop a couple to get rid of him since I couldn't even fly my ship now and wasn't going to dogfight in my miner while using mouse and keyboard after a year of not playing).

Did a few test just binding roll and pitch. Every time I applied and exited the settings, it lost the changes, and unbound everything. Didn't even have to close the menu, just exit control settings and go back in.
Now, I could exit the game, open explorer, copy over the custom config file, double check the windows permissions, etc to troubleshoot why controls are not being saved. Probably could do that faster than typing this post. But, honestly, too much time to fix a bug that shouldn't even exist, still no option to name custom control schemes in game so they don't get overridden every update? and just left me feeling like "Wow, this game is more broken than it was a year ago..." All the news about new player experience and fixing bugs just went out the window and completely wiped out my desire to even try to play elite today.

I guess I'm hopping back into my F-18. I'll be back next year sometime (propbably with the super-carrier release) to see if they managed to fix even the most basic of things to make the game playable again.

I literally JUST experienced this.

Remove all your old bindings from the folder and start over. Its a problem related to the binding name within the file vs the filename of the file vs some other space magic I didn't fully test.

But that's what causes the issue. Some conflict with the binding file vs its name.
How do you get as far as some void opals without having sorted your controls out ?.

Edit : I lost my controls once since 2014 when I unistalled and reinstalled into a better file location. Took me a good three of four minutes to sort it out.
I spent a month grinding many billions of credits on my old binding before discovering that version didn't have the SRV controls set.

So after trying to set those bindings, I discovered the same problem OP is having.

Since the backed up bindings didn't include the SRV settings and I had the "bug" related to the binding name I mentioned above, it simply refused to accept any changes I made. I thought it was specific to the SRV at first since my previous binds all worked fine, but it was everything.

The game simply was refusing to overwrite the binding file with the changes I had made, and after returning to the bindings menu it "refreshes" itself from the unchanged binds file rather than what its keeping in memory from your last changes.
Re: How do you get as far as void opals without binding controls? I didn't. I have hundreds of hours in this game. (476 to be exact). I then bought new controllers, rendering my old presets useless.

I spent a month grinding many billions of credits on my old binding before discovering that version didn't have the SRV controls set.

So after trying to set those bindings, I discovered the same problem OP is having.

Since the backed up bindings didn't include the SRV settings and I had the "bug" related to the binding name I mentioned above, it simply refused to accept any changes I made. I thought it was specific to the SRV at first since my previous binds all worked fine, but it was everything.

The game simply was refusing to overwrite the binding file with the changes I had made, and after returning to the bindings menu it "refreshes" itself from the unchanged binds file rather than what its keeping in memory from your last changes.

Thank you, I'll try deleting all of them all and see if that fixes it. Would easily be solved if we could name our profiles in game...
Re: How do you get as far as void opals without binding controls? I didn't. I have hundreds of hours in this game. (476 to be exact). I then bought new controllers, rendering my old presets useless.

Thank you, I'll try deleting all of them all and see if that fixes it. Would easily be solved if we could name our profiles in game...
Report results.
Full disclosure--I used to have similar issues with ETS2/ATS, but unlike here, SCS have gotten their bindings to a pretty good place now. I would hope this is one of the areas they put some more work into over the next twelve months.

NB: my binds file is sitting at over 1400 lines today. I have absolutely zero interest in redoing them all just because I got one new controller, for those who were about to suggest that.

Second note: imagine if I had added a new controller, rather than replaced an existing one. That'd be a much harder exercise thanks to their system today.

Bindings Management needs some love.
Really Brett C and the gang - how often and how long do these threads need to reappear?

In before:
"It works on mine"
"It's easy, you just have to use notepad++ to find and replace all references to USBID123456789 with the other controller# and backup the errorlog.xml file in %appdata%\local-not-roaming\Frontier_Developments\(notFrontier-HYPHEN-Deveklopments_AndAlsoNotFrontier-SPACE-Develoments)\Bindings\Custom\WhatTheActual_WhyDoUsersHaveToGoPokingAroundInThisMess\"
Thank you, I'll try deleting all of them all and see if that fixes it. Would easily be solved if we could name our profiles in game...

Well, you can, relatively easily...

Once you have created your Custom.binds file by assigning controls to actions (it will probably have 3.0 between the file name 'custom' and file denominator '.binds' which is the version number), you can change the name in Windows.

You will find all your .binds files at /Users/yourusername/AppData/Local/Frontier Developments/Elite Dangerous/Options/Bindings

The contents will have a bunch of .binds files. Mine are already saved with a name that makes sense... The one with the arrow is the one we will do the next bit for. In this case I have called my control settings "CustomT16000M.3.0.binds" as that's the controller I use with this profile.

Personally I periodically back up the whole Options folder - just in case. As well as control settings it has audio and graphics settings too.

Once you have renamed the file in Windows, you must now open the .binds file (use Notepad) and change the second line in the file to reflect the name you gave it in Windows.

Here is where you change the name inside the file. You need to modify the three items "PresetName", "MajorVersion" and "MinorVersion" to match the name (and version number) you gave the file in Windows. In my case this was "CustomT16000M.3.0". (In fact you can probably call the file anything you want in Windows, but it makes sense to keep them the same.)

This line is the name the game uses to identify a control setup. It must be unique otherwise the game gets confused, hence why you might set a control binding, and then find that it isn't recognized or remembered if it conflicts with another profile with the same name.

This way, when the game creates a new Custom.binds file, which it will (I think) if you plug in a different controller, your personalized settings won't be overwritten or corrupted.

Hope this helps...
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There are functions bound to a controller the OS no longer can find. Removing those bindings fixed my game once. Now the game even warns you for it... By hey-ho, till next year.
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