So you want to know about the Formidine Rift? (Part 3)

how far around the heart and soul nebula in terms of a expanding bubble has been closely mapped or are most explorers going deeper out ?
I very much like the idea of "it" being a region in the galaxy. My original thought when I read the AMA was that it might be something visible on the galactic screen, such as a nebula expanding (would fit with the "can be seen more and more by the day). In particular because of the comment Drew made that "nebulae are great for hiding stuff".

Now my thoughts run more along the lines of: some systems we will only be able to jump into (and even see) when we are inside (the Heart?) nebula. Since system data in that nebula is unreliable, as long as we are not inside it. Or even better: a system that we don't see on the galactic map, but can only jump to via the navigations tab.

Cheers, CMDR Heisenberg6626

Drew had a couple of interesting comments on "IT" in his recent AMA. These included that i) we are "not looking for a specific POI" and ii) "at this point it's unlikely you would recognize it for what it is, although it is becoming clearer day by day".

To me this suggests that "IT" is actually just a particular region of space. Which happens to be the home of or occupied by...something dangerous (mostly likely, intelligent, space-faring and dangerous, because otherwise it wouldn't be much of a threat). You could jump into the dangerous region, but unless you notice the threat, you aren't know that you've found "IT".
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The logo on top is also the Federation one! I checked and took screens of all the spots where either the number or the logo were. In this shot they were squeezed together nicely so I could get away with posting a single picture ;). Don't have the screens here, so you'll just have to believe me for now or wait until later today.

Oh, I also got docking permission and managed to dock without a problem. Nothing peculiar to see inside the station or on the bulletin board as far as I could tell. (It did take me forever to relog after docking there though, but that doesn't necessarily mean much.)
I very much like the idea of "it" being a region in the galaxy. My original thought when I read the AMA was that it might be something visible on the galactic screen, such as a nebula expanding (would fit with the "can be seen more and more by the day). In particular because of the comment Drew made that "nebulae are great for hiding stuff".

Now my thoughts run more along the lines of: some systems we will only be able to jump into (and even see) when we are inside (the Heart?) nebula. Since system data in that nebula is unreliable, as long as we are not inside it. Or even better: a system that we don't see on the galactic map, but can only jump to via the navigations tab.

Cheers, CMDR Heisenberg6626

well im about 1000ly off the heart and soul nebulas and i think im going to spend some time mapping the nebula before i progress onto the rift or i may even return to sothis and turn in the data once i have 1000 systems or so and then come back for a pass at the rift beyond that, expanding to heart and soul sector systems as well
I would have thought the Heart and Soul nebulas have been fully explored long ago, being pretty obvious landmarks and tourist attraction. Now I am here, I see that's not exactly the case. Plenty of planets and remote secondary stars have not been DSS'ed.
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I would have thought the Heart and Soul nebulas have been fully explored long ago, being pretty obvious landmarks and tourist attraction. Now I am here, I see that's not exactly the case. Plenty of planets and remote secondary stars have not been DSS'ed.

The nebula systems more than likley are fully mapped but like sag A and other locations if u go 50-100ly away in the heart sector and soul sector ( theres a few hundred LY either way in the procedural gen around the nebulas with named systems that more than likley need mapping) who knows they may contain raxxla or other points of interest yet

Or perhaps the system might need to be discovered x times before additional clues are given
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Oh, I also got docking permission and managed to dock without a problem. Nothing peculiar to see inside the station or on the bulletin board as far as I could tell. (It did take me forever to relog after docking there though, but that doesn't necessarily mean much.)

Long relog time might perhaps have been busy servers/slow net or perhaps part of the permit bug you found? Have you raised a bug report?
Really going to be irritated when the "IT" is found in a system that I tagged and I flew right by it without even noticing... :D
I have the same thoughts. I am jumping around like crazy and dont really pay attention to stuff other than the sun so...

other than that I asked drew if it spreads out as soon as we find it. his answer: i hope you can report back. so my guess is that it will definitely spread out as soon as we make first contact and that the first one might be lucky enough to escape unharmed because its in some sort of hibernating status.
The logo on top is also the Federation one! I checked and took screens of all the spots where either the number or the logo were. In this shot they were squeezed together nicely so I could get away with posting a single picture ;). Don't have the screens here, so you'll just have to believe me for now or wait until later today.

Oh, I also got docking permission and managed to dock without a problem. Nothing peculiar to see inside the station or on the bulletin board as far as I could tell. (It did take me forever to relog after docking there though, but that doesn't necessarily mean much.)


That wasn't clear from your first post :)

Also - did this building have one of the "telescopes/radio transmitters/whateveritis" on top like the Dark Wheel base? From the previous screenshots it doesn't look like that's the case.

I'd be more interested in the bases with the same assemblies on top.

All Fdev have to do is permit lock off "IT" until they are ready and slowly drop hints, in the meantime if the alternative is that we can activate it when we find it whenever (if content is ready to go) then we should ramp up our search, recruit in more helpers and see if we can get to the bottom

Barnacle Homeworld Found beyond Formidine rift!

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Been away a while (in beta)
Lucky Luke et al, great work on collating all the main points into the beginning of this new thread!

Now, this logo ...
I think I have a small theory about Genar's image now. ... [snip] ...
Last: it would be super silly that Dark Wheel would stamp some secret information onto their equipment for everyone to see. Also if it really was East or South-East from Cambridge at the sunset on equinox, don't think this asterism would be anywhere near the Rift. I haven't checked, but I think everyone was looking towards North Pole to align with Rift, while that was the fad a while ago.

The tinfoiling on this logo is impressive - Unfortunately, I think it is a dead end:

For those in the bubble a lot since Horizons launched, you might notice this logo appears quite frequently on many planetary installations. They're splashed generously around the circular outer wall of the large planetary ports, for instance. I've seen said star on similar buildings at various surface settlements

As to the directions the telescopes are pointing in the observatory in question, I wouldn't totally rule out some significance in it in this instance, but I certainly wouldn't "bet the farm" on it: I've seen a couple of radio telescope observatories in my 'usual' area of operations [galactic] "south-east" and below Achenar. I think it more likely that this style of installation is to give some 'flavour' to the surface settlements we see, like the industrial/mining, commercial and scientific 'outpost' space stations
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