Discussion Some small improvements to the Commanders log

Currently I'm coding an application that analyses the log files and presents all information in diagrams and statistics.
I'm missing some small things in the log files. Would be great if you could add them.

1) Could we get the data of all owned ships with their proper IDs at the beginnig of a new created log file (with login):

{ "timestamp"..."event":"ShipIDs", "Count:"5", "Ships":" Array with all owned ships in order of IDs" } something like that

I know it is possible to track the IDs with the current system but it is very incovenient.

2) The same with stored modules.

{ "timestamp"..."event":"StoredModules", "Count:"23", "Modules":" Array with all stored modules" }

3) Their isn't really much combat data to analyse, besides interdictions, hull damage and pvp kills. I'd like to see my kill statistics... I'm a statistics lover, I know [smile]
Something like:
{ "timestamp"..."event":"PVEKill", "Ship:"Hauler", "CombatRank":"5" ,"Reward:1000"}

You could also improve the "Bounty" event by adding ship and combat rank information.

Damage anaylses would also be possible with you could add something like:

{ "timestamp"..."event":"DamageToTarget", "Ship:"Hauler", "DamageType":"Heat" ,"Damage:12","Weapon:..."}

Or seperate "DamageToTarget" into "DamageToShields" and "DamageToHull". Probably the log files would get really large that way ;)

The same also could be used to log data that is done to your own ship.

{ "timestamp"..."event":"ShieldDamage", "ShipID:"1", "Attacker:Anaconda","DamageType":"Heat" ,"Damage:12","Weapon:..."}
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