Spire Banshees & Revenants solo for Tactical Core Chips

Hey everyone,

We’ve been farming spire sites for a couple of weeks to help a few players with credits and mats. I saw a couple posts about how to farm Tactical Core Chips solo, so I thought I would do a video. I left the video unedited so you could see the full run, mistakes and all.

To be honest, it is way easier in solo. Unless you are with one of the organized AX groups, Open tends to be tough since there are so many shutdown fields going off at once, people attacking multiple targets, unfocused fire so the Orthrus gets away and so on.

You will get shut down a few times, crash (softly) and have numerous Scouts on you. You can clear all Banshees in about 12 minutes, then you can farm Revenants. Once that’s done, you can farm the Orthrus Thargoids all day long. Just make sure you have a friend to keep the instance open if you leave.

Solo tips.
  • With the Titan farming that began a few weeks ago, you can stock up on mats to synthesize AX Missiles and Multi-Cannon ammo pretty easy. You can also just farm Scouts at a station under attack for mats. Then you don’t need to leave the site once cleared and can make about 800 million an hour solo (if you synthesize), 1 billion+ with 2 or more players. Keep in mind, anyone in multi-crew gets bonds too. If you have family members, an alt or other friends, one ship solo can bring in 2 billion+ an hour with just multi-crew if the crew has a high Combat Rank.
  • Ignore the Scouts. Just let them fire on you while focusing on the Banshees.
  • Clear the Banshees first. Once they’re gone, you can farm Revenants for Tactical Core Chips. Just use Collector Limpets and it will grab them from the ground.
  • If a Banshee starts flying upwards, you are too close. Back away and it will fly back down to the surface.
  • If you get in trouble, fly away 10 km to reset, Scouts stop chasing and you can repair if needed.
  • Start in the back of the largest spire and go to the right. You can get one pretty much by itself. Keep going to the right to get the second one, then you can do what you want.
  • Use your lateral thrusters to circle the site. That seems to keep the shutdown fields mostly out of reach. Or backup slowly.
  • Stay low to the ground if you can. That seems to block most shutdown fields. They’ll hit something low as they try to reach you.
  • Fire missiles as close to the Banshee as you can to get underneath it. Try not to hit the top of the Banshee, but the ground underneath for splash damage on the vulnerable parts.
  • Try to get all the shutdown missiles from the Banshees to fire simultaneously. Then you’ll have about 60 seconds to try and get a Banshee kill. Let them see you, then lateral thrust behind the big spire once the Banshees fire their shutdown missiles. Let them explode, then zoom in to take out a Banshee.
  • Once you get a few Banshees down, it becomes much easier since there are less shutdown missiles flying at you.
  • We ended up with tens of billions in bonds. Make sure to activate the double bond payout with a Galactic Power before turning in that many.
  • If you see a shutdown missile coming at you, thrust or fly up, so when it goes off, you won’t crash and can fly away once you get control again. Try not to be aiming down when the missile goes off.
Good luck. It's a pain at first and feels like constant shutdowns, Scouts killing you, Revenants lasering all over the place. It's just like anything else. Do it a few times and it will become easy.

Hope this helps a few people.
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I understand, of course, to query the player base and see which material they have the least is not difficult. Was there a question why ....
A. Lavigny-Duval


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