Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Has anyone made the point that as of tomorrow SC and Odyssey will be in equivalent states - both limited to one system, both in Alpha.

ofc the week after Odyssey gets multiple system, so they won't be similar for long :)

But interiors!

For what it's worth here (not a dime) having a background in software development I can appreciate that any other games company has to be realistic around fixing the scope somewhere between iterations. You have to go back to the consumer and say "no we're not doing X feature in this release because we've got this bunch of gameplay that needs to be of a fixed quality before we can start adding new things"

If you start adding more stuff you introduce more problems and lower quality at a higher budget and it takes more time.

Not only is that common sense it's also the fundimental principles of lean/agile and most methodologies professional developers work torwards.

There's a fundimental difference in Frontier's aproach of obvioulsy having the team and knowledge experts (programmers, network/cloud engineers, artists, designers etc) direct the scope based on buildling blocks of what needs to be done first in order to open up the next possibility without promising anything until we've done enough work to proove delivery.

I have no idea where the scope of Star Citizen begins and ends, all I hear is that it has "such amazing wide endless scope" and I feel like methodology has gone out of the window in favour of a kind of reality TV aproach to software design where you have people directing the approach based on what they percieve people that pay money for ship assets think will look cool on Twitch. I don't feel like there are any technical/knowledge experts directing the approach of adding "face cam technology" on top of "cool" empty ship designs and "prison break maze" with "cave splunking" and "bartender AI with a message queue (tm). It seems to come at the expense of some very critical path stuff like workable networking and game loops and always has the "alpha" pre-fix which is the internationally recognised symbol of low quality in software.

If the project had taken the aproach of creating a scope refined Wing Commander inspired game with multi-player fights against NPCs and other players using dynamic missions that opened up a background simulation based on the results of those campaigns imagine the game we'd have. Being able to "Command your Wing" in battles that made a small difference to the state of a galaxy, no fancy "planetery landings" or "face tech" but no reason they can't be introduced later, but just in a releasable state.. seems absolutly appropriate given the expectation of the backers... but also playing with your pals. If they had got that into a great place with decent networking and iterated it further then opening up trading and other types of gameplay slowly and getting each iteration right, they'd be in a fantastic place now. Instead they've built a tech debt platform for sailing pretty ship assets around and imagining what it would be like if any of it was release quality.
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I expect every hiccup will ensure ED becomes the new CP2077 though- even when FD are really compressing several SC years worth of fumbling into four weeks because they need Odyssey out the door.
Couple of patches, and major game breaking bugs are out. Minor bugs may linger on for ever though...
In a few hours, SaltEMike has an all-star streamer lineup for his ATC talking about the PvP kerfluffle and brouhaha. Make sure to tune in. :)

Give us a reminder or a link at the time please, I cant even remember to log in on time to get the Twitch Drops that Frontier do, last time I was happily listening to an old LaveRadio stream until 40 minutes too late and they only did 1 hour (so I watched for 20 mins and think the Drops were for 30 minutes viewing :))
Give us a reminder or a link at the time please, I cant even remember to log in on time to get the Twitch Drops that Frontier do, last time I was happily listening to an old LaveRadio stream until 40 minutes too late and they only did 1 hour (so I watched for 20 mins and think the Drops were for 30 minutes viewing :))
Tuned in recently. He said that'll be on "soon," but he's taking a break.


I do wonder how accidental some of it is :) Following weeks you get 20 systems then 50, true trolling would have been to say 100 systems after 4 or 5 weeks but that would be too obvious and 'in your face' for a Brit, we prefer the subtlety of hinting at it. ;)

The more I think about it..... They wouldnt, would they...? 😏
Are the ship pipelines clogged with ambition?

So I went to check, and it turns out that in fact, the production of ships is declining over the years 2019 and 2020 and it seems that 2021 is on the same dynamic.

Not counting land vehicles and variants :

In 2018 we had 15 ships,
In 2019 we had 10 ships,
In 2020 we had 7 ships,

Also note that :

in 2018 we had 1 capital ship and 2 large ships
in 2019 1 capital ship
in 2020 1 large ship
Are the ship pipelines clogged with ambition?

Also not counting the fact that every ship "released" is far from being 100% done and bound to be reworked several times in the future because of many tech and features recently implemented and those to come from next Chris' brainfarts.
Why would they bother: just by releasing Odyssey they're beating the dead horse enough already.

Especially considering they totally copied SC by having metal walls and walkways and glass windows and viewing areas and stairs and lifts and shops and consoles or NPCs where you can get missions and NPCs milling around in the background and a bar and a barman and a social area! None of which has ever appeared in any Star Trek, Galaxy Quest, Alien, Total Recall or any other sci-fi movie at all ever. And certainly not in any other game like GTA or AC....Not Evah!
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