Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Imagine hating a game but at the same time doing nothing but watching twitch streams of it. boggles the mind.

Imagine hating a game!

Well, except for Dark Souls. I believe its possible to both love and hate that game.

You're sounding like one of the faithful here sovapid and i thought from your time on this thread you would understand this. Its a false accusation. People don't hate the game (well, maybe some wierdos do).

The game itself, in theory, is a nice idea. It also provides plenty of laughs.

The people running the show, ah, well, some of us here have a dislike of the things they have done. How they have lied to and misled backers over the years. Their marketing practices such as FOMO. But you know all this. You've read the posts.

I'll allow a hate excemption for Jared though. His grinning mug and boot licking of Chris is insufferable.
Surely you accept that people have different tastes? For example, a different person might equivalently say...

"Imagine loving a game but at the same time doing nothing but gank new players. Boggles the mind."

See how that works? ;)

Ganking Newbs?

I am a highly trained emergent content delivery specialist. Delivering the highest quality emergent gameplay in the best multiplayer space game out right now.
Imagine hating a game!

Well, except for Dark Souls. I believe its possible to both love and hate that game.

You're sounding like one of the faithful here sovapid and i thought from your time on this thread you would understand this. Its a false accusation. People don't hate the game (well, maybe some wierdos do).

The game itself, in theory, is a nice idea. It also provides plenty of laughs.

The people running the show, ah, well, some of us here have a dislike of the things they have done. How they have lied to and misled backers over the years. Their marketing practices such as FOMO. But you know all this. You've read the posts.

I'll allow a hate excemption for Jared though. His grinning mug and boot licking of Chris is insufferable.

oh come on, several, maybe you, have said you hope it fails. y'all were giddy over the lawsuit. spare me.
Ganking Newbs?

I am a highly trained emergent content delivery specialist. Delivering the highest quality emergent gameplay in the best multiplayer space game out right now.

Lol, nicely put... but you seem to be under the impression I was referring to you? Oh wait... 😃

oh come on, several, maybe you, have said you hope it fails. y'all were giddy over the lawsuit. spare me.

Lol2. Although not directed at me, but for the record anyway, I've never said I hope it fails.
Also, I believe I was the only person here who said most of Crytek's claims in that lawsuit were complete rubbish. I argued with many on this thread, with sound reasoning. The outcome turned out to be exactly as I predicted, much to the disappointment of many here.
oh come on, several, maybe you, have said you hope it fails. y'all were giddy over the lawsuit. spare me.

And how is that connecting with "hate"?

I believe that due to the lies and other things of Chris Roberts and co. I do not believe they deserve to succeed. They deserve to go down in history as failures. However, the game itself is a nice idea and i would feel somewhat sorry for people who got suckered in by the lies to back the game. I have no pity for those who have relentlessly shilled for the game though.

You've probably been spending too much time on forums/discords/chats where you've heard the "hate" mantra and now you believe it as well. Either that or you mistakenly came to the conclusion that we hate the game by yourself. Either way, you are wrong. Hate is a really strong and negative emotion, and i'm not going to hate on a computer game for being what it is.

As for the whole court case, sure was "giddy". It provided lots of comedy moments and it did highlight some of CIG's less savoury practices.

Hopefully you can understand now the difference between hate and not wanting certain people to profit from lying to people. ;)
Can't speak for Skiz, but a lot of FPS players use mousewheel to change weapons.
Well that's only the tip of the iceberg: the problem is not that mouse wheel is not bound to the standard behaviour I expect, it's not that I don't think some way to emulate analog input on a k/b control scheme is a bad thing.

It's that this tiny "feature" is symptomatic of CIG's way of "gamedesigning": show off with an insignificant clunkily implemented "never done before" subtility - that is barely useful (everyone is running) apart from machinima creators or masochists that love commuting like IRL - that has no real meaning from a gameplay perspective, all the while breaking one of the things stock provided by the engine they chose (Crysis still features one of the most satisfying first person locomotion and body awareness).

And this tiny symptom adds to the evergrowing olympic sized pool of perpetually half-baked false-good ideas CIG can't help but pull out of where sun never shines and boast about. CIG looks like they think each of these parts, barely aware of each others, will sum up and magically blend into something cohesive, I don't think so, and the decade old pre-alpha mess is here to hint it's the most inconsistent way of thinking a game development, let alone a massive project like envisioned (a vision from one of the most nearsighted - hence narcissistic - game creators, and his praetorian guard of yes-men).

BTW, this system was in Splinter Cell and totally fitted the gamedesign.
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Wishing something to fail is rarely connected to love :LOL:

What do you do with backers that enjoy the game ? It's pure love to wish them not beeing able to play what they like anymore ?
I guess it's possible to wish all the backers (and myself too) the best Star Citizen game that is possible,
and yet wishing to get Chris Roberts and all his cronies into jail or at least accountable for getting what? >400 million of backers money?
My opinion is best case the money was spent for 10 years on programmers, coders, and other people's jobs.
Worst case a big part of that went into the pockets of Roberts et all, doing immense damage to crowdfunding games
and really making me loathe the guy I specifically bought my first PC for, to play his amazing Wing Commander.
Wishing something to fail is rarely connected to love :LOL:

Emotions are not binary. I'm fairly neutral emotionally with regards to Star Citizen, i just find it fascinating and love chatting about the development and CIG's mishaps. The main emotion i get from it is fun. I'll say this, i'll be a bit disappointed when it releases or flops, assuming i'm not dead before this time.

What do you do with backers that enjoy the game ? It's pure love to wish them not beeing able to play what they like anymore ?

I don't do anything with backers that enjoy the game. Should I? Perhaps an intervention? :p

But you see, you're confusing matters. I've got nothing against them playing what they enjoy, even if i find it hard to see how someone can enjoy SC based on my own experiences of it and watching people play it. But hey, one man's poison is another man's wine right?

I don't specifically wish they can't play it any more. I believe CR and co do not deserve to succeed.

Let me walk you through some points/questions.

Do you believe someone who has repeatedly lied to people in order to obtain money from them deserves to succeed? I hope you don't find me presumptuous if I assume you agree with me and say, no, they don't deserve to succeed, right?

So, do you believe CR and co have repeatedly lied to backers?

I guess you don't believe this right? Despite all the things we've pointed out to you over your time here, you do not believe CR and co lied? Overly ambitious right? CR absolved himself of that one, so all is good right? Perhaps not so good with estimates right? Changing priorities are fine, even if it means stiffing some of the original backers? Perhaps you don't see that as a bad thing right?

So you continue to support CIG?

But, if one day you changed your mind, you decided that CR and co had indeed lied to backers, I would hope then your feelings about CR' and co would change, and would also hope they fail, because people who lie to obtain money do not deserve to succeed.
We don't know the outcome. We know Crytek got discovery and likely found out SQ42 was nowhere near release. Then SQ42 was delayed until at least 2022 and CIG has taken a Crytek license.

Not what we were talking about. You're talking about the terms of the settlement. We were talking about the lawsuit itself, specifically sovapid saying we were all "giddy about the lawsuit". I quite agree with him. There was a feeding frenzy here, almost everyone agreeing with all of Crytek's claims, despite how absurd some were. It really showed how one-eyed some people were. But the outcomes of the lawsuit are well known. We all read the judge's rulings to dismiss Crytek's main claims and uphold others. And considering how much I was attacked at the time for agreeing with CIG, I have no issue pointing out that those rulings were exactly as I predicted. (Nah, I'm not holding a grudge ;))
You're asserting you're correct about a lawsuit we don't know the outcome of. And what happened afterwards indicates CIGs deep incompetence is what saved them.
I have never played any Chris Roberts game btw. First space opera style game I had was Tie Fighter, skipped x-wing because when it came I only had Amiga, but at time Tie Fighter came around I had IBM 486...never played any of Wing Commanders.

After X-Wing/TIE Fighter, WC1&2 are rough and barely worth playing tbh. The combat really hasn't aged well and there is no sense of scale around big ships compared to skimming above a Nebulon-B Drigate or a Star Destroyer. WC3 went 3d so the combat is better, there are properly big ships, and they went all-in on the cliché cinematic storyline so it's worth playing once if that's your thing. Same for WC4, with the added bonus that unlike its predecessor, it doesn't butcher WC2 characters for the sake of its story.

In the older 2D stuff, Privateer was the apex imho. It still had some storyline, but was mostly Elite in the WC universe, so a few ships to play with, lots of modules to pick and mix, faction rep, missions... Not as awe-inspiring as its contemporary FE2 but a great game nonetheless. The less said about Privateer 2, the better.
Wishing something to fail is rarely connected to love :LOL:

Watching something fail is different from wishing it.

Plenty of people in this thread would be happy for SC to deliver a fun launch title. We like space games. We just don’t think it’s likely ¯\(ツ)

What do you do with backers that enjoy the game ? It's pure love to wish them not beeing able to play what they like anymore ?

We’re not changing anything by criticising and laughing at developments. Just observing. Whether backers get a delivered game or not is on CIG.

You shouldn’t expect us to love a product which most here think is driven by thoroughly dubious management and marketing.

You shouldn’t think most people here ‘hate' the product either. We just disapprove of the above. And enjoy laughing at the more absurd outcomes of their hubris and overt lies, especially when they come back around to bite them ;)
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