Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Keeping up with this thread and decided to add my 2 cents. I own both games, I've tried both games.

After finding out Star Citizen only has a half finished star system to play in and the planets them selves aren't even scaled properly, I just can't play it. I play Elite Dangerous for the realism of the milky way galaxy. A scale of 1:1, how can Star Citizen ever compete with the Stellar Forge?
Depends on your priorities man. Did you know that SC vessels have toilets? I can ED EVER compete with that?
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Depends on your priorities man. Did you know that SC vessels have toilets? I can ED EVER compete with that?

I was going to add that SC has the so amazing ability to sit and stand, seamlessly, which means it's the only real simulator, but as far as I know, you cant sit on the toilets, nor flush it, nor... where is this fidelity I keep hearing about? Memo to CR, it's easy, just add a sit button.
BTW, does anyone else find it strange that a game mode that is supposed to be an important factor in testing and balancing the awesome all-out combined arms combat aspect of Star Citizen, is almost completely outsourced to a tiny team?

"But it is only ten people, 1.6% of the budget!".

Maybe that's the problem.
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I play ED for the same reasons. However there are some who want a strong PvP experience, which ED is not designed to do. Of course the hilarious part is that some in SC don't want PvP, and it is forced on them.
When I first started playing ED during the Xbox GPP, the PvP was forced on everyone wasn't until 2.1 and after the launch of Horizons that Xbox players got the option of private groups or solo. It was a deliberate marketing strategy by FDev at that time as they naively assumed that console players were a totally different demographic than PC players... CQC was added specifically to cater toward the presumed preference of console players, all having the attention span of a wasp and all. If you're in any doubt of that being a fact...I once again suggest a look through the AWS video I posted with Dav Stott, it's clearly stated by Dave Colson during the sales pitch...and no, I'm not timestamping it for you :)

...But you're right, Star Citizen is becoming more and more arcade PvP centric with each patch. Probably because besides mining, nothing else works. Not everybody wants to be a miner. I'd take a guess judging by what I see in game that 70% or more of players on a server are doing a mixture of PvE/PvP combat, mainly through bounty missions. Out of the remaining 30%, most are mining since the risk of inevitable 30k server crashes has all but destroyed trade as a realistic gameplay option . :)
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former(?) elite dangerous streamer's thoughts


Both games have their good and bad, i come from a different angle to this guy, a 6 year SC veteran coming to ED and enjoying it. And he's right, he's not alone, i said right at the start of this i'm seeing a lot of ED veterans in SC these days, i'm sure there are a lot of SC veterans in ED now...
I find it stranger that anyone would believe anything CIG says ;)

This entire thing does not make sense when their word is taken for granted. If ToW is a mode that is important for testing and balancing of combined arms combat, it should take more than a small outsourced team to take care of it. It should be one of the priorities. But if it so then it does not require the involvement of "cinematic teams" to add "cinematic feel" to it.

I have no idea what CIG are trying to do here. It looks like a completely botched attempt at additional monetisation through a "quick to implement" BF - like sideshow. Of course they though it would be quick, they had all the assets ready after all, what could go wrong? Apart from the net/server code that is so broken it is a meme by now, and a semi-open world FPS engine butchered so hard it cannot handle semi-open world FPS gameplay anymore.

We cannot even blame it on the Calders because the development started before they invested in CIG. Chris Roberts is literally trying to implement his Dust 514 before even completing 2% of his Eve Online.

Great designer.
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Volunteer Moderator
I have no idea what CIG are trying to do here.
It is just another attempt by CR to hide the disastrous development and delays by offering the ilusion of progress with something simpler, a quick win in theory. Same deal with Star Marine which was all but binned until it was resucitated when CR realized 2016 was not going to deliver as much as he thought. Alas, as you pointed out, eventhough CIG has all the ingredients to do ToW in principle, after more than 2 years working on it they do not seem capable to even do that properly. Total waste of backers time and money.
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I'm an xboxer so can't play SC and I have watched with interest what SC is doing or have done with interest .
EDO hasn't wowed me to buy a new Xbox or pc .
SC has wowed me enough to look at buying a PC ( when everything settles down ) . Now I don't understand the dislike between the two games each has their own take on roughly the same genre . But can you imagine the two together ??? Or at least Elite upping its game ? And yes I do think that , taking the EDO and SC on video/ streamers etc SC wins , ships , armour ,srv , caves , mining , Eva , ship modules, even the weekly streams , Elite has stellar forge . Just to say I've been playing Elite on Xbox since 2016 and have over 6 months in game time and speccie and Amiga for that . The two games should be bouncing off each other using each to better their gameplay ?
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Both games have their good and bad, i come from a different angle to this guy, a 6 year SC veteran coming to ED and enjoying it. And he's right, he's not alone, i said right at the start of this i'm seeing a lot of ED veterans in SC these days, i'm sure there are a lot of SC veterans in ED now...
I've always found a good mix of folks who play or have played both at some point. The quick fix PvP crowd don't particularly like ED because of it vastness and private groups...explorers don't like SC due to there being absolutley none. I find something in both of them...based on mining as a go to gameplay favourite, but both have the things they do well that are unique from the other...despite whatever similarities are often mentioned...I don't see the similarities personally having spent a fair time playing both. 🤷‍♂️
I've always found a good mix of folks who play or have played both at some point. The quick fix PvP crowd don't particularly like ED because of it vastness and private groups...explorers don't like SC due to there being absolutley none. I find something in both of them...based on mining as a go to gameplay favourite, but both have the things they do well that are unique from the other...despite whatever similarities are often mentioned...I don't see the similarities personally having spent a fair time playing both. 🤷‍♂️

The no restrictions nature of SC means you can step outside the box invent your own fun, like cramming a bunch of Merlin's into an 890J hanger and go bounty hunting.

SC has wowed me enough to look at buying a PC ( when everything settles down ) .

You may find SC is best enjoyed as a dream ;). But if that's your plan, be aware that SC has a very demanding min spec. Check the telemetry page for the average FPS performance you can expect for your gear. And make sure to buy an SSD ;)

Now I don't understand the dislike between the two games each has their own take on roughly the same genre .

Anyone who dislikes either game simply because they play the other one is being daft.

SC gets criticism for plenty of other reasons than it 'not being ED' though. If you're not aware of those reasons, then maybe you should be before buying in?

Some basics would be:

  • They're charging AAA pricing for a very flaky alpha.
  • They will happily take more of your money (from minor $10 upgrades to $3k at a time) to give you a leg up in that alpha.
  • They have promised far more than they have delivered to date, have continued to add such promises, and have missed delivery deadlines with such regularity that some intended additions are over half a decade late.

That would be the very, very short story.

If you're fine with the extensive bugginess, the seemingly dubious corporate ethics, and the possibility that they won't be able to add or complete the core tech that they're working on, then go for it. Tis an expensive gamble in some ways, if you're buying a new PC primarily for that, but each to their own. Many do have fun with the janky sandbox that SC currently provides.
I have no idea what CIG are trying to do here. It looks like a completely botched attempt at additional monetisation

I think you answered your own question.

Plus they are trying to release something, anything, to make it look like they know what they are doing with the Core tech and actually get there in the end coz CR history is one of incompetence, mismanagement, lying to backers / publishers by showing CGI videos and claiming its gameplay and promising the earth only to hand over to someone else when he fails to do so and the money runs out and the lies catch up with him. Then it takes quite a while to actually get anything deliverable out of the mess he has left behind.

SC as a game could have been brilliant but not with CIG at the helm unfortunately...and I don't think anybody else will buy the IP either now as pretty much none of it is unique anyway and would take too long to bring to market anything that would sell to make it profitable, the only thing worth anything is the customer database and marketing to them with a new space sim, but its cheaper to give freebies to Streamers.
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