Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

I don't see it as a legitimate rule violation either. If anything you're offering to bring official evidence to support your statement. It would be undeniable proof to your claim that the road map meant nothing.
'It is a convention to collect money nothing more' might be the problem though. Their action spoke of itself, by suppressing this kind of thoughts tell you they know there's some truth to it, otherwise they would have let the community shout it down.

It was most likely the part about "convention to collect money" which they probably took as meaning "Scam" and that was the trigger.
Over on SA someone brought up the Jennison letter. 4 years ago now. It was a fascinating read from a number of perspectives, especially the insight into how CIG works, but just reading it again i picked up on something that i think i missed on previous reading.

The Sataball Suit, the last asset we made, was met with satisfaction and praise.

Hey, remember Sataball everyone? That game that totally wasn't a rip off of Ender's Game and CIG released as a... oh, wait, they never actually made it. They actually tasked the team to make the outfits only to never actually do the mode... a mode which they hyped and probably got some extra pledges from. CIG in a nutshell, pump it and dump it.

For anyone who has never read the letter, i suggest you do. Its rather fascinating.
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Volunteer Moderator
Over on SA someone brought up the Jennison letter. 4 years ago now. It was a fascinating read from a number of perspectives, especially the insight into how CIG works, but just reading it again i picked up on something that i think i missed on previous reading.

Hey, remember Sataball everyone? That game that totally wasn't a rip off of Ender's Game and CIG released as a... oh, wait, they never actually made it. They actually tasked the team to make the outfits only to never actually do the mode... a mode which they hyped and probably got some extra pledges from. CIG in a nutshell, pump it and dump it.

For anyone who has never read the letter, i suggest you do. Its rather fascinating.

Can you spoiler stuff that long. It makes reading this thread on a mobile a right pain ☹️
Can you spoiler stuff that long. It makes reading this thread on a mobile a right pain ☹
The short version is:
-The artist didn't get a solid concept to work from. Feedback would lead to changes in concept or CR simply changed his mind.
-A manager taking over the character CG department, coming from ship CG department didn't have the experience for it and demanded details without considering memory requirements or how it'll affect the game. Only concern was how good it looks and wield the power handed down from CR and didn't let anymore correct him.
-Something about good models need, concept budget and time. CIG management is very hit and miss with them.
-CR is a poor manager, micro manage every department "feared but not respected" by the artists who clearly knows more than the man. The man wants to be a visionary but can't communicate his vision so "no one knows what the vision is, including CR".
-Managers could filter down orders from CR but cannt explain the reasoning, there is non, jsut doing it to make CR happy. Team looses motivation, ownership and trust in each other, because CR makes decision but blames artists when it didn't work out like he thought, so peopel throw each other under the bus to save their own ass.

It's a depressing read. I've had a few bosses like that and understand his pain. By the end of the read I feel angry CR could absolve himself from any issue at all, assuming the claim about his micro management is true. Everything decision originated from him.
Is it really funny though?

When I found out there would be a "Wing Commander Reboot" I was honestly excited, and when they showed off "real game assets, rendered in real time, in engine, release 2014" - plonking a few hundred $$$ toward it sounded a great idea!

Here we are in 2020, with next to nothing to show for it all. The entire project has been a comedic tragedy at best.

However, along the way they have provided some of the most glorious lulz of all time.
Is it really funny though?

When I found out there would be a "Wing Commander Reboot" I was honestly excited, and when they showed off "real game assets, rendered in real time, in engine, release 2014" - plonking a few hundred $$$ toward it sounded a great idea!

Here we are in 2020, with next to nothing to show for it all. The entire project has been a comedic tragedy at best.

However, along the way they have provided some of the most glorious lulz of all time.
Feel the same way. The only reason why I backed Star Citizen back in 2012, was because I felt Elite: Dangerous would be too bare-bones for my tastes upon release. I preferred something approaching the gameplay in Frontier: Elite 2 - landing on planets, both atmospheric and airless, so I wanted something similar to play between ED's release, and whenever a sufficient variety of planets to land upon was in the game. That game was Star Citizen

Hear we are, eight years later, and Star Citizen is still no nearer to release than the machinima video Chris Roberts passed off as a pre-alpha build of his game during his Kickstarter pitch. My only consolation is that because I never actually tried to play the game, I successfully got my money out of this disaster.
Is it really funny though?

When I found out there would be a "Wing Commander Reboot" I was honestly excited, and when they showed off "real game assets, rendered in real time, in engine, release 2014" - plonking a few hundred $$$ toward it sounded a great idea!

Here we are in 2020, with next to nothing to show for it all. The entire project has been a comedic tragedy at best.

However, along the way they have provided some of the most glorious lulz of all time.
Same reason I backed and maybe put in more money than I should have along the way. Then it morphed into something else entirely :(
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