I've played a few hours of Shipbreaker...I really need to spend more time with it.
There is demo charges now. Haven't unlocked them yet - for some reason they made the progression longer and reset all our save games. I dunno - if you do that - why not give out some bonus goodies, currency or what so you dont have to do it all over again? Almost as nickel and dime like FD, but this is early access still. Ah well, we get a story. That is: only act 1. It's not very long. The datadrives are still in and I prefer them over the narrated story. It's more the setting that I'm interested in.
It also seems a bit more picky with rusty cutters. The layouts have been reworked quite. Mostly for the better. I was never killed by the sparkylectrics, Now I e-tocute myself regularly. Never generated so many clones. There is also weird mouse acceleration. Keys are gone and class 2 reactors I lost track how they work. Just pull out fast I guess.
There is a new ship class I still cant figure out. Kinda outer shell, inner core and you pull it out like innards.
Cut guards are gonne, too. Not that I bothered much - I got more salty about insta-incinerating class 2s. I filled one third of certification bar and still the Gecko class hasn't unlocked. The Mackerel has got multiple additional variants now though.