Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12


Volunteer Moderator
You don't need to find EDO bad to find SC good or bad.
But some ED players were convinced that FDEV will add sooner or later all the core features of SC (ship interior, EVA, atmospheric flight model, FPS combat, weather, beautiful planets on land, etc). And they were also convinced that when FDEV do, it would be far superior to what CIG did. They did not feel the need to take a real interest in the work of CIG, everyone on ED forum say it's bad, no need to loose time by checking by themselves, soon FDEV will release the same features but better. So SC was rated as "bad" automatically by them.
So with the disappointing release of EDO, some of those ED player take a real look at SC and found that what they thought was bad was not bad at all.
For those, SC has indeed gone from bad to good not because EDO is bad but because they have finally taken the time to find out by themselves what SC had released.
No, that has nothing to do with the post you responded to. The "ED has issues ergo SC good" rhetoric has been happening since day one, much much earlier than EDO. The "logic" of the argument hasn´t changed a bit since then.

As for the mAsSiVe ED player exodus to SC you seem to alude to, to be fair outside the anecdotal testimonies you can find here or on reddit etc there does not seem to be many figures or metrics that support it including SC´s own funding and citizen number trackers for the past 3 months.

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because they have finally taken the time to find out for themselves what SC had released

It’s funny checking back on that 2018 vid. They’ve been focusing on the day-to-day quality of life of SC so hard from that point.

While simultaneously reducing the launch criteria down to some bare tech bones. (Object state persistence, dynamic NPC universe reacting to player actions, Server Meshing allowing large player numbers). With the advertised gameplay features & content somehow pushed into a post-launch realm.

Nearly 3 years later, and some of the QoL is in, but the key tech pillars are still either decidedly wobbly or absent entirely. The fantastical features doubly so. It is still currently the 'theme park' that Chris doesn’t want it to be.

But at least the theme park doors are open, and tickets are on sale I guess. I’m sure many 'alpha as a service' adventures await ;)
My LEP was fairly inexpensive as I bought it along with the second beta so that's not an issue for me. Going back through those videos though, I never got the feeling from them that anything was to be done quickly and I seem to remember David Braben talking about things being "in the future" or "down the road". Can you remember him giving out any dates?. On the other hand SC and more so SQ42 have had dates thrown at them for years by CIG themselves.
Well it might not be an issue to some it's very normal that it can be to others. So similar to what is happening in this side. Like Roberts promised things also Braben did. Clearly talking about a 10 year plan and at least 1 BIG update every year or two. So it shouldn't be unreasonable that some CMDR's expected more by now or also feel they haven't gotten their moneys worth yet. Since all the SC updates and features are included in the basic package it can be considered also a kind of LEP, which afaik is cheaper than LEP. Frontier also have thrown several dates around that missed, nothing odd in that, specially in the crowdfunded development scenario.

Lol, you just deleted a list from that quote which is entirely demonstrable:
  • It’s a perpetual alpha. (Please see the last 8 years.)
  • Prone to misleading roadmaps. (Please see 3.14 for the most recent examples.)
  • Compromised by fundamental technical travails under its shiny hood. (Please see 3.14 ;))
  • With a habit of drawing money out of players for content which doesn’t exist yet.
Fancy a little example of the last one?

Although I could cite extensive evidence for all of those points until the cows come home ;)

Because those claims, my dear LTNTDan, are true…

You really are peak Star Citizen friend. Extolling the game, and decrying its critics, without ever having played it. Amazing 😁

Clearly ED has let you down so hard that SC stars now twinkle and delight around your head…

Get your kit, play the game, have your fun. But if you could stop burbling bizarre nonsense in the interim that would be wonderful…

Won’t hold my breath.
Well that's because those are non issues to point out since they could very well be applied to Frontier and ED Odyssey. In fact, they could be very well applied to multiple games and companies. It's only the need to parade it and make it seem like a special event that's the oddity.

Have you forgotten that we are still missing interiors in all our ships? We don't even have damage states for anything besides the Conda after 7 years. How do you expect Frontier to implement EVA ship repairing without those for example?

Would that be peak some Elite: Odyssey copium? The case for double standards, glass houses and all.
Wait, what? A maiden so fair and perfect that she has a loyal knight vehemently defend her honour without ever having met her. What a strange scenario.

Even stranger that it's not even a maiden, let alone a person at all, but a game in protracted alpha development o_O

Does anyone know if there's a psychological explanation for this phenomenon? How very, very unusual.
So you find it unusual for someone to discuss about a game who hasn't played yet when that's what seemingly been happening in these threads for years?
Or is it "unusual" because it's not doubling down on bashing the game? Seems like it never really mattered that much before.

While I'm disappointed by how Frontier has progressed Elite's development I'm still reasonable enough to understand that things never go as planed, and while I'm looking forward to actually try sc for myself after watching Kate series and other CMDR's series, even if as just an escape to clear some Odyssey frustration. I can guarantee you won't be seeing me on the SC forums pushing some kind of deceitful negative narrative about the state of Elite for some obscure or vindictive reason.
Surely SC is able to stand on its own, cough, merits rather than have to be discussed as not as bad as something else, whatever that may be.

Good games are played by people passionately even if they are annoying or have issues. Games that don't have much going for them can only point at competitors and go "Hey look! They've done bad things too!"

SC is definitely an advert for how much good art 380M USD can get you. Pretty screenshots, for sure. Gameplay? Better get pledging cause apparently that 380M is no where near enough.
No, that has nothing to do with the post you responded to. The "ED has issues ergo SC good" rhetoric has been happening since day one, much much earlier than EDO. The "logic" of the argument hasn´t changed a bit since then.
Can you point me someone claiming "ED has issues ergo SC good" outside of this thread ? Are you sure this rhetoric exist elsewhere ? For what I've seen of ED refugees testing/playing SC it's more "I enjoy this in SC and I wish I could have it in ED", nothing more.
Can you point me someone claiming "ED has issues ergo SC good" outside of this thread ? Are you sure this rhetoric exist elsewhere ? For what I've seen of ED refugees testing/playing SC it's more "I enjoy this in SC and I wish I could have it in ED", nothing more.
I doubt anyone would go "I have this ship reclaim bug - why can't we have that in ED, too?"


Volunteer Moderator
Can you point me someone claiming "ED has issues ergo SC good" outside of this thread ? Are you sure this rhetoric exist elsewhere ? For what I've seen of ED refugees testing/playing SC it's more "I enjoy this in SC and I wish I could have it in ED", nothing more.
Well, you just did (or allegedly those you described). I just pointed out this is not the first time it happens either in this thread or elsewhere. Happens constantly in one form or another. This has been happening well before EDO.
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Surely SC is able to stand on its own, cough, merits rather than have to be discussed as not as bad as something else, whatever that may be.

Good games are played by people passionately even if they are annoying or have issues. Games that don't have much going for them can only point at competitors and go "Hey look! They've done bad things too!"

SC is definitely an advert for how much good art 380M USD can get you. Pretty screenshots, for sure. Gameplay? Better get pledging cause apparently that 380M is no where near enough.

Backers learned to point at other games from CR himself. He's compared SC/SQ42 to so many games now its ridiculous.

What was the first instance?

Perhaps in 2014 when he said he would put SQ42 up against any AAA game out there. That one was classic. 7 years later and still no SQ42 to put up against any AAA game.

He talks a good game, shame he just has no clue how to deliver one.
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