Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Yeah, I mean if you are referring to the geography and surface elements, yes indeed, it require a solid system that can properly scale well to 1:1, similar to the Stellar Forge or better. If you are referring to specific POI or similar such as outposts, bases, caves or abandoned stations etc, you dont particularly need to create more at 1:1 than what you already had at a smaller scale. If that is what the developer wants, all you need to avoid long traverse times to get to POI is to have faster speeds commensurate to the larger size so to maintain the mean time between POIs for players. Faster than ED if that what the dev prefers etc.
That speed is only possible in vehicles. That leaves the leg play kinda in between. Or the vehicle game play. Kinda dependant on what you emphasize, no? Not every walking simulator fan is a fan of MS Flight 2032 or whatever the current release is.
Well, have you ever considered the persistence shizz is just nollocks for the gullible?
I would if CIG were not trying to implement it already. The full persistence thingy is similar to full gfx fidelity in the early development - carts before horses. Without trying to understand whether there is a networking solution solution that can support it, CIG just jumped right in. I think that ultimately it will be sacrificed on the altar of Things Actually Working, but these concessions are showing up only now, when the networking question finally starts getting some kind of an answer.
I would if CIG were not trying to implement it already. The full persistence thingy is similar to full gfx fidelity in the early development - carts before horses. Without trying to understand whether there is a networking solution solution that can support it, CIG just jumped right in. I think that ultimately it will be sacrificed on the altar of Things Actually Working, but these concessions are showing up only now, when the networking question finally starts getting some kind of an answer.
I thought always it was pure nolokius, but such fancy words like you - I could never find such.
Claimed they had working bartenders in 2017
Claimed they had just started R&D on bartenders in 2018

That's pure CIG right there.

Hey... maybe CIG are developing the game backwards in time! That would explain so much.

The kickstarter video wasn't actually a faked demo made by CryTek, it was the released product!

They have already sent the released version backwards in time, all the way to the dinosaurs, building up a pressure front of backwards time ahead of itself.

Once it reaches the big bang it will reconfigure the whole 'verse to be entirely about Star Citizen, and Chris will be reborn as the creator of the whole 'verse.

Its dastardly in its genius!
You have fever and hullocinate.


Volunteer Moderator
That speed is only possible in vehicles. That leaves the leg play kinda in between. Or the vehicle game play. Kinda dependant on what you emphasize, no? Not every walking simulator fan is a fan of MS Flight 2032 or whatever the current release is.
Yeah, but leg play is already an issue even at 1/10th of real scales as it is now in SC or NMS. You need terrestrial or air vehicles of some kind to traverse those in any reasonable times either way to get to POIs or any other location you want, and which is what happens already in those games anyways so 🤷‍♂️

At the end of the day we are talking space sims here. Moving in a space ships at any arbitrary speed you want in low or high orbit to get where you want is possible. Same for land vehicles, even with magical zero gravity bikes that can go at uber speeds if you so desire, as a dev.
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Leg play would also be an issue even at 1/10th of real scales as it is now in SC or NMS. You need terrestrial or air vehicles of some kind to traverse those in any reasonable times either way so 🤷‍♂️ At the end of the day we are talking space sims here. Moving in a space ships at any arbitrary speed you want in low or high orbit is possible. Same for land vehicles, even with zero gravity bikes that can go at uber speeds if you so desire, as a dev.
Yeah, lets think something like Earth, it is somehwhat like 12 700 km in diameter, tenth of that is 1270 km, to circle whole planet is 3.14.... times more. You could easily have distances in surface that are tens or hundreds of kilometers. Happy walking, or even driving.
It is just incompatible on the level of game design. Planetside 2 employs multiple aggressive culling and micro-instancing (so to say) techniques in order to have thousands of players in a single battle. They would be inacceptable in a game with full persistence of every single tiny object, like Star Citizen. Another matter is that these cheats are there on purpose, a necessary concession to allow large scale battles. Without them they would be impossible technically.
Note that it's quite impossible for a twitch FPS shooter (like Planetside 2 or SC) - slowing down the movement, using less physical ammo based weapons (hitscan is easier to track than individual bullets), getting everything down to the speed of a virtual cluster of servers (so accounting for the ping + latency between servers + processing time) so each event can be tracked you can definitely do it. If you think of EvE, it's not the right example now, as there's been a LOT of progress since EvE was coded with an software architecture that's now heavily outdated. Still, it HAS to be a bespoke game engine as the main loop MUST get its events from the server cluster, and of course it has to support the game design itself. Not completely out of the question for a "space game" as realistic ships would not be able to twitch move like SC fighters do.
There are so many rich seams out there…

I didn’t even know what he meant by the 2021 delays. Turns out it’s this:

Shops and Patrons

Vastly expand the interactive usables needed for an assortment of shops and patrons. We will be populating dozens of shops with the ‘vendor’ behavior previously seen in the bartender. This will include the Coffee Stand, Pizza bar, Kiosks, and more

Oct 2021

Shops and Patrons

After its review and extensive testing, the team has made the decision to grant this feature additional time for polish. For this reason, this card is being relocated to the 3.16 column in Q4.

Dec 2021

Shops and Patrons

Following its final review, the AI team has decided to polish this feature further while also waiting for some additional usables to come online. Therefore this card is being removed from Release View temporarily until these schedules are aligned.
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