Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

I'm going to go back and edit that post actually, I think that was one of the early ones he did and I'm questioning myself over my memory now lol.
Well, regarding Drew's opinion on SC having many undiscovered star systems to explore...

But even when trying to correct misinformation, fanatics then jump in with their own hopium dreams



There are plenty of people on Drew's Discord that do the same: feed him misinformation based on their dreams, and Drew chooses to "believe" said dreams over (10 years of) reality.
Well, regarding Drew's opinion on SC having many undiscovered star systems to explore...

But even when trying to correct misinformation, fanatics then jump in with their own hopium dreams



There are plenty of people on Drew's Discord that do the same: feed him misinformation based on their dreams, and Drew chooses to "believe" said dreams over (10 years of) reality.

Its amazing, and this is how it continues. People feeding each other things they invented themselves, even stuff that directly contradicts statements made by CIG.

I mean, its not like CIG themselves haven't made up enough horse manure to keep backers excited for years!

But you're 100% right Stuart, CIG will add those jump points the moment the systems are added. They have to, backers have waited too long. And yes, the Carrack is useless.

Imagine if CIG did add a new system without any public jump point. What would happen? Salty forums for sure. Until 5 mins later when the first Carrack owner (presuming by this point it actually has the ability to find jump points) announces they found the jump point, then bang, everyone knows how to get there.

And really, CIG will add systems beyond those pledged for? LOL, maybe in 50 years.
OA's latest SC video provided some interesting insight into some (alleged) ongoing labor woes at CI.

At 8:36 in this video showing a forum screenshot, he mentions a recent leak which indicated CI was having trouble in staff management and particularly retention.

Fan base commentary in this screenshot alone was pretty hilarious....

Then was watching an IXION demo playthrough on YT, when this earlier vid of OA roasting CI over it's recent roadmap/PR fallout popped up in my feed:


Which immediately lured my inner troll to the comments section below. And to the typical siege defense commentary from devout SC zealot fan bois. Like Umbongo's (Joe Blobbers?) post. Yiggedy Yomp wasted minutes of real life trying to rationalize with Umbongo about their skewed train of logic:

Several mins later, ran into this recent gamer news article. Thought title was pure comedic satire. Until the realization hit that this gaming journalist was being completely sincere :oops: Just how can the most devout of SC's crusading white knight defenders genuinely look themselves in the eye? Let alone even trying to bother looking at a mirror every morning? o_O

When gaming journalists are now officially reporting news like this to both the gaming industry and Wall Street alike?!?
Last year, CIG announced plans to open a huge new studio in Manchester, making it one of the UK's largest development houses. The new office, set to open in May 2022, will rehouse the company's current 400-person team based nearby in Wilmslow, before quickly and dramatically expanding to house up to 1000 people.

At the rate Roberts is going, he's going to supersede Guinness Book of Record history. For being the sole Fortune 1000 company that's made millions billions in profit---without releasing a single product 😵
Maybe he can switch to writing insufferable fan fiction for Star Citizen and then whining that the dev team doesn't want to hire him?
I too am morbidly fascinated what would happen if Drew wrote another disastrous vapid Twilight classic styled fan fic book on SC lore this time around. And then actually convinced CI to do a lore/plot driven CG event to exploit free marketing promoting sales of said book rally the SC fan base and dispel growing public cynicism about the game.

So I could sit back and witness relativistic hijinks from passionate privateers the likes of SDC (and their over zealous ED Open brethren). Watch them quantumly tunneling into the SC universe on YT. Happily taking up residence there in their shiny new--and most affordable--Aurora/Cutlass/Stalker/Merlin/Gladius starter ships. While they deploy their psychotic Zerg brood/Borg hivemind swarm tactics to entertain all those bored whales....wasting away in their grossly under utilized 890 Jumps....

I'd pay real $$$$ to watch a CI run stream featuring a score++ fleet of SDC Zergling broods. With their $45 paper shield ships swarming the likes of a leviathan behemoth Orion filled to capacity. Very intrigued to see just how many murder hobo Zerg broodling Auroras it would take to reduce a capital class Kraken/Idris leviathan into interstellar dust. ED Open could well become a boring ghost town. Which btw, would be terrific for the ED PvE community if this became a thing :D
Well, regarding Drew's opinion on SC having many undiscovered star systems to explore...

But even when trying to correct misinformation, fanatics then jump in with their own hopium dreams



There are plenty of people on Drew's Discord that do the same: feed him misinformation based on their dreams, and Drew chooses to "believe" said dreams over (10 years of) reality.
I love that
It is the entire reason the carrack exist and it would be pointless if they were there
So close there bud.
What's he doing for a living?
Drew? Not sure, but you made me go and look at his site to find out :)

Having had a successful career in IT, I’m in the position of being able to write for pleasure and create the stories that have been bubbling away in the back of my mind for several years.

I’m working on the assumption that I can create approximately 2 books and 2 audiobooks each year

Good on him tbh, sounds like he's in a position to do what he loves.
Plus his comments during his SC streams, and when he was a guest on Captain's Table SC podcast

Oh no. Drew is part of the cult now? Next he’s going to get groomed by the creepy Montoya and dinosaur guy. He really should have done research before going in.

I’m sure women / people land themselves in all sorts of trouble with rebound relationships space games are no different.

Let’s crowdfund a copy of horizon forbidden west for the poor guy.
Oh no. Drew is part of the cult now? Next he’s going to get groomed by the creepy Montoya and dinosaur guy. He really should have done research before going in.

I’m sure women / people land themselves in all sorts of trouble with rebound relationships space games are no different.

Let’s crowdfund a copy of horizon forbidden west for the poor guy.
Montoya? Likely. I think Saurus flipped off of streaming SC and is back to "boring games"/being a pick up artist. Oh wait. Yeah, I guess grooming would play into that, as well.
Maybe Drew could arrange an in-game event for SC like he did the Salomé event for ED. You know, the one where Drew flew his ship as Salomé and was killed by Harry Potter who had asked to be on his friends list so that he knew exactly where Drew's ship was at all times. Oh, and IIRC, the "Admiral" in charge of the hundreds of ships defending Salomé wasn't on Drew's friends list so he had no idea where Drew/Salomé was.

SC needs this type of thing. :)
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