Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Its over 20 million now.

But let me ask you, if you asked for 1 million, and some idiots gave you 20, would you complain?

Chris certainly didn't.

But Brandon, can't complain. Guy actually delivers.

There's a bit of a funny story behind this. Basically he started making posts about how he's done something not good. Guy pumps out multiple books per year. He's a writing machine. What could he have done wrong? Are we not getting the 5th Stormlight Archive this year? Or something else?

He finally fesses up... due to covid restrictions he's had more time, and he somehow ended up writing 4-5 more books in his spare time. 3 of which are Cosmere books (if you read Sanderson's books, you know how big this is).

The kickstarter is basically so he can self-publish rather than go through the publishers.
Kickstarter isn't supposed to be a winning ticket in the lottery. Keeping money on what you can't deliver isn't honest business.
You said newbies should stick to safe areas. How can there be safe areas if the devs don't set them up?

They develop organically in games that have mechanisms that allow it. Most of the galaxy in Elite: Dangerous is completely safe, and was long before there was any designated newbie zone, because the galaxy is galaxy sized and most action is concentrated in a small handful of systems. Most of Jumpgate was pretty safe due to the interdependence of players on each other and the ability of players to actually enforce formal and informal rules.
They develop organically in games that have mechanisms that allow it. Most of the galaxy in Elite: Dangerous is completely safe, and was long before there was any designated newbie zone, because the galaxy is galaxy sized and most action is concentrated in a small handful of systems. Most of Jumpgate was pretty safe due to the interdependence of players on each other and the ability of players to actually enforce formal and informal rules.

And, looking at SC, how would that happen? If it has to happen based on the actions of players, then once again, we are back to casual PvEers being dependent on other players.
And, looking at SC, how would that happen? If it has to happen based on the actions of players, then once again, we are back to casual PvEers being dependent on other players.
I suppose, same as Jumpgate, I.E. ship parts and ship being available only if there's a valid production chain to build them, thus enough resources, which means miners and space truckers bringing enough materials and not being constantly preyed upon. I suppose Morbad mentioned SC would rely a bit less on that since NPCs are supposed to do a lot of hauling too (as per the fabled "quanta" system) as opposed to Jumpgate which was 100% player driven.
It's all theory of course since SC economy is still a dreams.txt ;)
Except for one minor problem, I very much suspect it would break immediately every time they turned on the server because lets face it, it's pretty unstable at the moment. Yes there are players who claim they haven't had a crash for a long time, but I think this is because CIG are constraining the players to a few activities that don't break the server. Throw dozens of huge ships in there and I wonder just how long it would last?

Jumptown today. Stolen Idris, 890, and a bunch of smaller fighters whizzing around. Played for a couple hours and witnessed the carnage, server worked fine.
I suppose, same as Jumpgate, I.E. ship parts and ship being available only if there's a valid production chain to build them, thus enough resources, which means miners and space truckers bringing enough materials and not being constantly preyed upon. I suppose Morbad mentioned SC would rely a bit less on that since NPCs are supposed to do a lot of hauling too (as per the fabled "quanta" system) as opposed to Jumpgate which was 100% player driven.
It's all theory of course since SC economy is still a dreams.txt ;)

Yeah, that's definitely dreams.txt territory :D
And, looking at SC, how would that happen? If it has to happen based on the actions of players, then once again, we are back to casual PvEers being dependent on other players.
Jumpgate just worked... 3 main factions, plus the pirates... hundreds if not thousands of player clans and a working, player driven economy. The only Ai were the squids inhabiting unregistered space between the jump gates...occasionally flown by the devs if they were feeling mischievous :D

I miss Jumpgate...I really do. Since those days over 20 years ago, I've been trying to re-create them in some small way with ED and SC...both of which fall far short of the Jumpgate experience by quite a margin. I suspect those of us who regularly played Jumpgate as it was back then would heartily agree...judging by the obvious nostalgia for it written on here.

Back before there were the regular annual game conventions, there was a meeting in London arranged jointly by players and NetDevil where a few hundred of us from all over Europe managed to meet up to celebrate Jumpgate over a weekend. We met the devs...and eachother... long before there was a thing called Facebook or rampant social media outside of gamers with ICQ or bulletin boards and a post internet revolution world where everyone posts pictures of what their cats like for breakfast.

There was much dropping of red, blue and green coloured food dyes in folks beer in the real life game of 'beacon flipping'... where it was discovered that in real life as in Jumpgate game life...Quantar rules ;)

It was also discovered that the war-like Octavians all wore hair gel and eyeliner... and generally didn't look old enough to legally buy their own drinks, Solrains were 30-ish wife plus 2 and had mortgages with the Quantars being bearded long haired Scandinavians who spoke in strange tongues...equally strange, most of the pirate clans were German or French teenagers dressed like Goths :whistle:
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Yep, that's certainly a valid way to test hundreds of large ships running on a server, "hey if it works for 2 ships we can just scale it up to hundreds right?"

Well there's certainly hundreds of NPC ships in the final Battle in the Ninetails Event.
And, looking at SC, how would that happen?

I'm not up to date enough regarding SC's specific mechanisms to answer that.

If it has to happen based on the actions of players, then once again, we are back to casual PvEers being dependent on other players.

One is also dependent on other players to be attacked by other player characters in a PvP encounter. That problem is it's own solution, if the right underlying mechanisms are in place. If the balance of incentives is slanted toward protecting others, that's what will happen, especially if it's also backed up by meaningful consequence mechanisms.
Well there's certainly hundreds of NPC ships in the final Battle in the Ninetails Event.

Is there something wrong? Are you reading stuff different to what I am writing? NPC ships aren't player owned ships. I have seen set battles in LOTRO with thousands of NPC's, in a small place but you would never manage to get thousands of players together the same way before the server collapsed. NPC, don't need to send data back and forth to other players, NPC's don't have stacks of stuff that needs to be kept track of, NPC's are NOT players.
Yeah, but virtual NPCs go on about their lives even without players being there you see. They even p00p in the woods when no one is looking.

Want to bet? :)

That's what players think will happen, it's the silliest thing I have heard about the game really. I mean how would the player even know. If the NPC just vanished once no-one was looking at or interacting with them and the virtual location was just tracked by an algorithm, to the players it would look exactly the same as if the NPC continued to exist when they weren't around, it's the illusion all games generate to create the illusion of persistence.
Is there something wrong? Are you reading stuff different to what I am writing? NPC ships aren't player owned ships. I have seen set battles in LOTRO with thousands of NPC's, in a small place but you would never manage to get thousands of players together the same way before the server collapsed. NPC, don't need to send data back and forth to other players, NPC's don't have stacks of stuff that needs to be kept track of, NPC's are NOT players.
Fidelity Roberts simulates everything! They have to send data back and forth - just because!
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