Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

I've been thinking about SQ42. Did CIG ever showed the carrier the whole game was based off in detail? If they're working on the game and all the missions were done, once upon a time they should have the whole carrier plus interior done already. They could show their backers that carrier, do a walk around and guided tour or something, not like that would spoil the story.
One of the cooling fans broke on my 1080ti...had to fit my old liquid cooled 1070ti until the new fan gets here :rolleyes:

To be fair to the old 1070ti...not noticing that much of a difference performance wise ... 🤷‍♂️
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Also, am I the only one who thinks that the procedural generation of the SC planets is markedly inferior to ED's?
Personally, I don’t care too much how worlds look, if the gameplay is good. Problem is that hiding ugliness behind a fair facade isn’t unique to Star Citizen...

Dreams.txt with a nice slice of pure fantasy.

What you see in the Alpha PU is a very small fraction of the work they have been doing.

Star Citizen and Squadron 42 Chapter One, Two and Three are all being developed simultaneously. Assets made in camera for Squadron 42 will feed into the MMO once they are released as standalone single player games.

The biggest part of Star Citizen's production is not 'making the game' as with other game developers using established game engines and tool sets. This is no re-skin of a game. Cloud Imperium have built their own tool sets from scratch and all of those are needed for Squadron 42 - All chapters. Technically they are developing 4 games planned for release simultaneously right now, but once the tools and in-lore assets are made there is an endless amount of possibility to produce first person stories quickly, unlike other games they have have no requirement to keep starting again.

All the 'art assets' are not yet shown, but they also mostly feature in all 3 sections of Squadron 42. Chapter 2 and 3 will use those same tools and re-use much of the Chapter One / Star Citizen assets such as ships, flight suits and clothing etc to name but a few things.

This is ignoring the fact that Star Citizen AND Squadron 42 feature in-game games which are playable, so you enter the game and inside the game there are other games. Ironically Chris Roberts decided to call this in-game simulator EA - Electronic Access. Theatres of War, Star Marine, Arena Commander, Murray Cup Racing (this will be in the verse proper and in the EA simulator). When GTA put games like darts and pool in the game people thought it was amazing. Star Citizen will also those 'pastimes' in the game too. Soon the Alpha PU will feature 'in verse' racing at GrimHex (as in... not a separate module). They don't have to stop there, they could have track racing in the game, cross country racing. There will be swimming!

I went to the F42 UK offices and I asked the developers in person, what is it that you like about working here? The main answer that they gave was: In most companies where they make games they are restricted by budget and investor approval. If someone has a great idea, they get told.. great but we could never get it in the game by Christmas release! At Cloud Imperium they are encouraged to let their imaginations go and think about how they can expand on anything, they then discuss it and assess whether it is a reasonable possibility or if it will greatly benefit the game-play experience, if it is they will let them work on it in their own time, to give a proof of concept. That's how we got planets to walk around... because that was never in the original plan

The reason that we had to go the crowdfunding route was not because such as Bethesda, Activision or EA couldn't do it.. it was that they simply wouldn't do it.. because of the immensity of the challenge. Remember this was 2012, if it didn't have medieval clothes and dragons it didn't a look in, now space games are everywhere! I wonder who gave them the idea it might be a popular genre again? They would believe that they would never recoup their costs of production in a time frame that investors would stand for, at the minimum it would have to be cross-platform dumbed-down. We gave Chris Roberts the freedom to not worry about repaying investors... all he had to do to get the opportunity to make his dream game, an updated Wing Commander, was to make our dream game at the same time. This is what the 'standard' gaming press and industry don't get.. it's not HIS game, it's OUR game and we were the ones who demanded of him NOT to go the standard publisher route if he wanted our support.

When people say they are 'making a game and it's taking a long time', it's because they really don't know the true scope of what Cloud Imperium are attempting... or they deliberately try to play it down to suit their own view. Not everyone wants to see a 'non-standard' method of funding games succeed, because there is no profit in it for them. Why do Forbes talk about games? Because they are all avid gamers, or are they talking to investors looking to make a buck at gamers expense? There are huge bonuses to be had in the corporate game making world. Can you imagine EA or Bethesda saying 'OK' to pay $45 only once for lifetime access to a game with all updates for free, forever? Really?

We did that! The Star Citizen Community.

Vertical slice confirmed!
Why does Chris Roberts affect a Bizarro Mid-Atlantic accent that seems to switch from Brit to American?

Asking for the proverbial imaginary friend.
He's Canadian and overemployed in VO
I've been thinking about SQ42. Did CIG ever showed the carrier the whole game was based off in detail? If they're working on the game and all the missions were done, once upon a time they should have the whole carrier plus interior done already. They could show their backers that carrier, do a walk around and guided tour or something, not like that would spoil the story.

Actually, given the fact that they pretended to be very near completion already years ago and the footage we saw from the bridge of that thing, one would expect that the model already exists.
Either they need to visually overhaul it or they tried put it in and their engine let the smoke out in short order.
The latter would be weird, since a carrier should technically be no different than a space station but what do I know.
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