Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12


The problem for me Ant is that you and Ebob, (and many more before you two), seem to inhabit a parallel universe.

In your 'verse....ahem....past failures of delivery, actions, misdirections and flat out lies have zero bearing on current expectations and deliverables. For me at least they do, past actions are a decent indicator of what you can expect in the present and going forward. Can things change? - of course they can but in CIG's case there is zero indication that they ever will. It's like stating proudly that your fiancé who has cheated on every man she's ever been with won't with you because......<reasons> - it's silly frankly.

While I understand there may be a language barrier here as well LittleAnt I personally request that you stop stating FUTURE PLANNED game loops, systems, tech and more in THE PRESENT TEXT as if they exist right now, today....they don't. It is only prudent of me to remind you at this time that SQ42 was meant to be with all of us quite some time ago.

You didn't get 'everything that was pledged for and more by the end of the year' either, now, without trying to sound rude here LittleAnt you are either burying your head in the sand and being wilfully ignorant or just incredibly gullible if you believe a word that comes out of CIG's collective backsides.


The problem for me Ant is that you and Ebob, (and many more before you two), seem to inhabit a parallel universe.

In your 'verse....ahem....past failures of delivery, actions, misdirections and flat out lies have zero bearing on current expectations and deliverables. For me at least they do, past actions are a decent indicator of what you can expect in the present and going forward. Can things change? - of course they can but in CIG's case there is zero indication that they ever will. It's like stating proudly that your fiancé who has cheated on every man she's ever been with won't with you because......<reasons> - it's silly frankly.

While I understand there may be a language barrier here as well LittleAnt I personally request that you stop stating FUTURE PLANNED game loops, systems, tech and more in THE PRESENT TEXT as if they exist right now, today....they don't. It is only prudent of me to remind you at this time that SQ42 was meant to be with all of us quite some time ago.

You didn't get 'everything that was pledged for and more by the end of the year' either, now, without trying to sound rude here LittleAnt you are either burying your head in the sand and being wilfully ignorant or just incredibly gullible if you believe a word that comes out of CIG's collective backsides.


Exploration will mainly consist of discovering permanent or temporary dynamic POIs in known systems.

You will never discover new planets or systems.

Oh ye of little faith...

Blast from the Past: Exploring Undiscovered Star Systems

The plan was to have undiscovered jump points at launch. (According to this old collation of dev posts 'at launch, more jump points will be unknown than known.')

Broadly exploration was supposed to involve the discovery of new jump points, charting them, maintaining them, and cataloguing the contents of the new systems. On top of nosing around the available systems etc.

Oct 2012:

One way he will do that is by allowing players to discover new folds in space and through those folds, sometimes, entirely new quadrants of unexplored galaxies. These new points and geography, Roberts said, will be delivered to the game as micro-updates. When discovered, he said, a player can name the planets, folds and galaxies. Players who discover the fold also have the ability to manually fly through the new course. If they manage to do so without crashing, they'll be given a flight recording of their journey that they can sell on the open market for big money. That recording then opens the undiscovered space to other explorers. The idea doesn't just give players a new way to make money or leave their mark in the game, it also effectively creates a new sort of character class: The navigator.

Nov 2012:

Chris Roberts said:
But I think we'll do the obvious things like the discovery of jump points / systems, but also having hidden locations / items inside systems - maybe in an asteroid field, maybe cloaked in a nebula - that people can search for.

And if and when we add a new alien race beyond the already established ones, we could let first contact go to the person that first arrives in that system

April 2013:

Chris Roberts said:
The universe just moves on. Think of it more like the beta players get to be the first few lucky people in the universe. As we'll be constantly adding new content during Beta and after I wouldn't worry that all the stuff will be discovered during beta leaving no new stuff for people to discover.

Aug 2013:

Q: Can you name systems you discover?

A: When you discover a jump point, you can file a claim, and when you file a claim it can be named after you. But filing a claim makes it public, so you always have this dilemma. Do you want to keep it private, only for you and your friends, but if you keep it private and someone else finds the jump point and files the claim, then it will be named after them instead of you. So it's up to you when you discover things whether you want to share it with the world or not.


Still lots of time for all that to happen though ;)


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Oh ye of little faith...

Blast from the Past: Exploring Undiscovered Star Systems

The plan was to have undiscovered jump points at launch. (According to this old collation of dev posts 'at launch, more jump points will be unknown than known.')

Broadly exploration was supposed to involve the discovery of new jump points, charting them, maintaining them, and cataloguing the contents of the new systems. On top of nosing around the available systems etc.

Oct 2012:

Nov 2012:

April 2013:

Aug 2013:



Still lots of time for all that to happen though ;)


I swear, the best comments to use against CIG actually come from Chris Roberts.
Hi guys, a long time I went here, I'm a relic from the MTB_fritz era. He also seems to MIA unfortunately. Always a pleasure to read you all, the usual suspects and the new cultists aswell.
This is the best cult i've ever been in. All hail Roberts.
Here is a lengthy post in honour of Fritz...

In as few words as possible, how does Star Citizen and everything involved in its development resemble a cult?
It's the easiest to find any list of typical signs of a cult, and see how eerily they match. Let's pick one by a dude who did a lot of research on cults:
The group is focused on a living leader to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitment.
The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
As far as trying to trick friends into trying SC.
The group is preoccupied with making money.
Pledge-based everything.
Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
The very existence of this subreddit explains this.
Mind-numbing techniques (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, debilitating work routines) are used to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
This one is a miss.
The leadership dictates sometimes in great detail how members should think, act, and feel (for example: members must get permission from leaders to date, change jobs, get married; leaders may prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, how to discipline children, and so forth).
Not to extent of a full cult, but excessive control of feedback and even what is allowed to be written does fit here.
The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and members (for example: the leader is considered the Messiah or an avatar; the group and/or the leader has a special mission to save humanity).
SC being the best game ever, backers being the true enlightened gamers, Chris being the saviour from publishers etc.
The group has a polarized us- versus-them mentality, which causes conflict with the wider society.
This needs no commentary
The group's leader is not accountable to any authorities (as are, for example, military commanders and ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream denominations).
The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify means that members would have considered unethical before joining the group (for example: collecting money for bogus charities).
Chris is absolved of everything.Backers frequently excuse scummy marketing because it is to make SC dream real.
The leadership induces guilt feelings in members in order to control them.
Don't say negative feedback or you will hurt the devs and the game will be delayed.
Members' subservience to the group causes them to cut ties with family and friends, and to give up personal goals and activities that were of interest before joining the group.
Those stories of backers spending stuff saved for other goals just to get more ships ring a bell? Not sure if someone ever actually cut ties with friends over SC opinions.
Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group.
Not quite, but some really do spend time evangelizing.
Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.
Not really, maybe metaphorically in terms of forums.
But read through these points, see how many are somehow covered by SC community, and now tell me that it is not an eerie thing to see.

Could do with a section on 'Hierarchies gated by payment tiers', but otherwise not bad ;)
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Oh ye of little faith...
Blast from the Past: Exploring Undiscovered Star Systems

The plan was to have undiscovered jump points at launch. (According to this old collation of dev posts 'at launch, more jump points will be unknown than known.')
Broadly exploration was supposed to involve the discovery of new jump points, charting them, maintaining them, and cataloguing the contents of the new systems. On top of nosing around the available systems etc.
You are welcome. Jump points are POI.
They want fixed JP and temporary JP you can discover with exploration ships.
Perhaps you will be able to be the first to find a JP for a system newly added, but every system has already a name in the lore, so you will not be able to give it a name. Perhaps giving your name to a fixed JP ?
You are welcome. Jump points are POI.
They want fixed JP and temporary JP you can discover with exploration ships.
Perhaps you will be able to be the first to find a JP for a system newly added, but every system has already a name in the lore, so you will not be able to give it a name. Perhaps giving your name to a fixed JP ?

Please stop arguing with Chris.

One demerit.
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