Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

You're the Brit here: Isn't ham actually pork?
Fun fact... the largest Hormel processing plant, where Spam is made, is a two hour drive south of where I live. And yes, ham is pork, but it's a lot like saying filet mignon and hamburger are both beef. ;)

The never ending march of technology is great for SC, because it gives them an excuse to always have some new "refactoring" to do, with plenty of prerequisites, before they can get to the part where they have to solve the big problems like figuring out what the scope of the game actually is, never mind the unknown technology required to support it.
They'll have Vulkan support added just in time for the new hotness to arrive in proper AAA games, SC will look outdated yet again, and then it'll be back to the drawing board. And LittleAnt will be back to giving it the "When <new buzzword> support arrives later this year, then you fudsters will see!" for another half a decade.
A march that is always nowhere near where it should be to the point you never release means it is a constant failure. And a constant waste of backers money.

Well that's a good point, every single thing, at the moment of it's release is already outdated. New phone? There's already new and faster chips available coming down stream, new laptop? the same. There's a point you have to say, ok we go with this and we finish and sell it, if we can include new tech later then that's good, but we must release something and stop waiting for the new tech to be available.


Volunteer Moderator
There's a point you have to say, ok we go with this and we finish and sell it, if we can include new tech later then that's good, but we must release something and stop waiting for the new tech to be available.
Indeed. It is not an easy decision and balance. One that CIG seems utterly incapable of committing to. Most likely because they know their product is rubbish.
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CIG on April 20, 2022
Here are more Gen12 Updates:
Major work on the transparent geometry has been started. This is the last big milestone we have to finish. I don't expect this to be ready for 3.18 but hopefully for 3.19. My worst case estimate would be 3.20.

...after Gen12 there are still tons of other improvements planned which will give us even more performance. And of course Vulkan!

They edited that bit out ;)

Now reads:

Major work on the transparent geometry has been started. This is the last big milestone we have to finish. I don't expect this to be ready for 3.18 but hopefully for 3.19. My worst case estimate would be 3.20.






Who knows what 2027 will bring.

Box stacking tech?

Box labelling tech?

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Talking of shiny eyeballs...what was the point in all that nonsense if they didn't make the effort to get rid of the Action man plastic hair-do's first? And those eyebrows...looks like my avatar had a slight accident with the beard trimmer when he was drunk :oops:

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What a great game where the inventory just doesn't work and it will kill you in the process. Imagine that happens even after fix after fix that eradicated some many bugs already! I'm sure the millions of players keep flocking to this sorry excuse of a game where basic stuff doesn't work after 10 years!!!
What a great game where the inventory just doesn't work and it will kill you in the process. Imagine that happens even after fix after fix that eradicated some many bugs already! I'm sure the millions of players keep flocking to this sorry excuse of a game where basic stuff doesn't work after 10 years!!!
If it all worked, we would just think it was all broken anyway...a bit like the shock of seeing NPC's walking around instead of T-posing or standing on chairs, nobody believed it if you told them :D
If it all worked, we would just think it was all broken anyway...a bit like the shock of seeing NPC's walking around instead of T-posing or standing on chairs, nobody believed it if you told them :D
Pointing at tpose NPC is funny but having the inventory not work is fundamental to the gameplay. Would you rather play a game with silly NPCs or where a broken inventory effs your game time up?
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